Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 252 Hiding Art

Fortunately, Odin was not as miserable as Finney thought. When he returned to the palace, no one cleaned up his things.

After finding the star map and storing it in his body, Feeney began to think about how to tell Odin about going to Muspelheim next.

But before he could figure out what to say, Frigga found him first.

"I heard you just made a big fuss in Jotunheim!?"

Frigga didn't look like accusing, but showed a touch of sadness, and said, "Thor and Loki did this too!"

"May I know why you did this?"

Feeney is a soft-hearted person, if Odin had kindly persuaded him to go back at that time, he might not have listened.

But who is Odin, the king of Asgard, the father of the gods, who is used to being superior, and there were frost giants present at the time, so it was basically impossible to treat Finny like that.

But Frigga is different. Although she is a queen, she is also a woman. This kind of gentle and kind tone will not make people feel surprised. Coupled with the meticulous care in life during this period, and those gold coins, It made Finny very fond of her.

"I just want to find someone to fight!"

Feeney looked at her calmly, and replied, "And I didn't want to kill those frost giants either. I have control over the power of magic, and it won't cause casualties."

Hearing Finny's words, Frigga showed surprise on his face.

She is a witch, and she is a very smart and powerful witch. She has her own way of seeing people and believes in her own judgment. She feels that Finny is not lying, so she is surprised by this answer.

"Just looking for someone to fight!?"

Frigga asked again unconsciously, the reason was really unexpected to her.

When Thor and Loki went to make trouble in Jotunheim, it was because of Loki's design that the Frost Giant interrupted Thor's coronation, and the Frost Giant and Asgard were basically feuds.


Fini nodded. Odin trusted Frigga very much. It would be a good way to convey his thoughts to Odin through her.

Frigga looked at Fini with some incomprehension, and asked, "Then why do you have to go to Jotunheim to find the Frost Giant?"

"Not just Jotunheim!"

Feeney looked at Frigga and explained: "Actually, I plan to go to Muspelheim next, and I will also go to Alfheim and Svartefheim."

Frigga was stunned again, and asked, "You're also looking for someone to fight?"


Although Frigga believed that Feeney hadn't lied to her, she didn't quite understand why Feeney did this. In fact, she had a very good impression of Feeney.

Because she also likes to read books, when she learned that Finny had to stay in the library for a long time every day, she still thought that Finny and Thor could be friends because of such a big difference in personality.

But now it seems that there is no reason.

"Isn't it possible in Asgard? We also have many powerful warriors. If it is impossible, I will be your opponent. To be honest, I have always wanted to see your fire magic!"

Frigga looked at Feeney, but she also knew that Feeney had almost no opponents in Asgard, including Thor, who was defeated by Feeney.

However, this does not mean that Asgard is weak, it just means that Fini is very strong. No one in Asgard can defeat Fini, and it is even more difficult for people in other realms to defeat Fini.

Hearing Frigg's words, Feeney showed a hint of helplessness. Although he was looking forward to the experience that Frigg could bring, he still said:

"This is not a problem with the opponent. Asgard is very good, but I also want to go to other worlds to see different races and abilities."

Hearing this, Frigga couldn't keep persuading Finny to stay in Asgard.

"All right!"

Frigga sighed, looked at Finny seriously, and said, "Mr. Helsandz, Asgard has paid a lot for the peace of the Nine Realms. I hope you can understand this."

"I see!"

Feeney nodded. After such a long time, his anger was almost gone, so he took advantage of the situation and said: "Next time I go to other realms, I will find someone to challenge in the name of Master Kama Taj, and I won't start casually again. Fighting."

Frigga's eyes suddenly softened a lot. She knew that Odin was worried that Fini would cause turmoil in the Nine Realms, but after learning about Fini's thoughts, she felt that this possibility was not great.

After that, Frigga didn't leave either, but instead discussed magic with Finny.

During this period of time, Finny has also read a lot of Asgard's magic in the library, and there are many things that I don't understand. Now there is a first witch in the Nine Realms who can ask for advice, and of course she immediately asked.

He even accidentally learned a little magic that is very useful to him.

Hidden objects.

As the name suggests, it is a kind of magic that hides treasures, and it is a combination of space magic and hidden magic.

Feeney's space talent is not bad after being strengthened by space gems. Although he is not good at concealment, he has the master Frigg in front of him, and he quickly mastered the skills.

So in just a few hours, he learned the magic.

Hiding is a kind of small-scale magic. At the beginning, this magic was only used to carry specific food during wars, but it was later improved by Frigg, and it became the current magic that can store items.

However, the storage space is very limited, at most it can be used to store weapons and some small items, and it cannot be stored for too long, otherwise there may be a risk of loss.

But even so, Feeney was very happy.

Before that, he had been worrying about how to take the spiritual scepter out. Although he thought of a solution at the time, he never had time to implement it because he was too busy.

Now I have the "Breath of the White Dragon". Although it is cool to hold a magic wand every day, it is sometimes a little inconvenient.

After learning this magic, he finally didn't have to worry about how to carry the weapon anymore.

"thank you very much!"

When the magic was finished, the sky was completely dark, and Finny thanked Frigga seriously. Although the magic was not powerful, it was really useful to him.

"It's okay, I didn't expect your talent to be so good. It took Loki two days to learn this!"

Frigga smiled softly and didn't care, but when Loki was mentioned, a trace of sadness flashed across her face involuntarily.

Seeing this, Finny couldn't be comforted, anyway, he felt in his heart that it was impossible for Asgard to keep Loki locked up forever, even if there was no attack by the dark elves.

Thinking of the dark elves that might appear in the future, Feeney looked at Frigg again.

For the sake of this magic, Finny felt that he should save her, and he was bound to get the Reality Gem, and it was hard to say whether he could still enter Thor's girlfriend's body.


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