Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 254 Water Comes!

In the scorching temperature, every breath of air Finny breathed was hot.

Because of the limited range of vision, Fenifei was not fast. It took him half a day to reach the volcano that Heimdall mentioned, but he searched around the volcano, but he couldn't find a fire demon that the other party mentioned.

"Shouldn't you cheat me again!?"

Finny couldn't help a moment of doubt, but it immediately seemed unlikely.

Thinking back to Heimdall's words again, Finny suddenly raised his head and looked at the crater that was emitting black smoke.

"Is it inside?"

Feeney felt that there should be no other possibility except this.

Feeney flew to the crater using the air dance technique and looked inside, but was blocked by the thick black smoke and couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.


Feeney calmly used the 'Golden Great Expansion Technique' to summon a gust of wind, blowing away some smoke and dust, and thus saw the situation inside the volcano.

In addition to the flowing fiery red hot magma, there are also some living things densely hanging on the volcano wall.

With double horns, a black-brown body made of magma ash, and a pair of red eyes are somewhat similar to his 'ghost-ridden' state.

"so much!?"

Feeney was taken aback by the terrifying number of fire demons. From this glance alone, it seemed that there were more than a thousand of them.

Because they were in an invisible state, the fire demons didn't notice Finny. Although they were puzzled by the strong wind just now, they didn't think too much about it because of their limited intelligence, and continued to hang on the wall to sleep.

Feeling the hot temperature of the crater, Finny hesitated for a while, but still didn't go in, but showed his figure at the entrance, and shouted inside:

"I am the mage of Karma Taj, and I want to learn spells with you!"

Muspelheim is one of the Nine Realms. With the existence of a translator, communication is not a problem, so after hearing Finny's voice, the fire demons in the volcano became agitated, looked at each other, and started to go out along the wall climb.

Looking at the ants-like piles of fire demons coming out of the crater, Finny thought about how to talk to them for a while.

It's just that before he could think about it, the sharp hearing aided by the 'breathing method' allowed him to hear some unfriendly conversations of the fire demons.

"What is this?"

"Looks like a man in armor."

"Can I eat it?"

"have no idea!"

Feeney frowned tightly. The conversations of the fire demons almost revolved around the topic of whether he could eat, which made him inexplicably worried.

Suppressing this worry, Fini looked at the fire demon still emerging from the crater, and said in a deep voice: "I am the mage of Kama Taj, Fini Helsaid, and I want to learn spells with you !"

"What is he saying?"

"don't know!"

"Do you want to capture him to the king?"

"The king is resting, and he said not to disturb him casually!"

"That ate him?"

"Okay, eat him!"

Feeney suddenly realized that he had made a deep mistake. He shouldn't have gone to Jotunheim first. If Muspelheim had come first, the situation might have been different.

Looking at the fire demons who suddenly decided to eat him, he somewhat understood why Heimdall had specially instructed him that the other party had limited wisdom.

After sighing deeply, Feeney amplified his voice, overwhelmed the fire demons, and said again in a deep voice: "I don't mean any harm, I just want to find someone to discuss!"

But the fire demons don't care so much. In their limited brain cells, they only sleep, eat and fight under the orders of the king.

"Eat him!"

I don't know which fire demon yelled, and the fire demons immediately rushed towards Fini together.

In order to show politeness, Finny landed on the ground of the crater when he shouted before. Looking at the thousands of fire demons in front of him, he couldn't understand how things would develop like this.

However, Feeney was not too entangled. Although the development process of the matter was a bit unexpected, the result did not change. Anyway, his purpose was to gain experience in combat.

"Since you are in such a hurry, then I am not polite!"

Under the visor, Finny sighed, summoned the 'Breath of the White Dragon' in the space of the Hidden Object Art, and threw a stick at him, hitting the fire demon that rushed in front of him first.


But what Fei Ni didn't expect was that this stick directly smashed the fire demon's head, which made him unable to bear it.

Although he couldn't help using a little more force, and the hardness of the 'White Dragon's Breath' was also very high, the physical defenses of these fire demons were unexpectedly fragile.

The fire demon didn't care about the death of his companions, and all of them opened their mouths and rushed towards Fei Ni frantically.

"Water mode!"

Feeney injected the energy of water and used the newly developed "water mode" in Jotunheim.

The silver-white armor changed into sky blue in the blink of an eye, and a thin layer of light blue water cover also covered his whole body, and then he expanded the size of the water cover to the maximum, and those fire demons who had just approached him immediately was squeezed out.

While Finny was testing the defense of the water shield under the 'Water Mode', he also began to test the power and effect of the 'Explosion Magic'.


Because he killed a fire demon with a single stick, Feeney didn't dare to use too powerful 'explosion magic', but just used it in a normal way.

However, the fire demon, which was extremely weak in physical defense, performed extremely well in the defense of 'explosion magic'.

Although it was just an ordinary instant cast, and although it hadn't been buffed or chanted, it was still the 'explosion magic' with the strongest attack attribute, and it seemed to be nothing when it hit the fire demon.

Seeing this scene, Feeney wasn't too surprised, and this situation was within his expectations, which was the main reason why he didn't take Muspelheim as his first goal.

The damage of 'Explosion Magic' mainly focuses on two points, one is the terrifying high temperature, and the other is the explosion.

The fire demon is a creature that can live inside a volcano, and even its body composition seems to be made of substances that are not afraid of heat, so the high temperature of the 'explosion magic' basically has no effect on them.

Seeing the impenetrable fire demon surrounded by water soon, Feeney frowned. Fortunately, the 'Golden Diffusion Technique' was very effective here.


Feeney was highly concentrated, and then used the 'Golden Diffusion Technique' to summon a small waterfall around him.

The turbulent water flowed out of the sky like this!

If Jotunheim's Frost Giant's weakness is fire, then Muspelheim's Fire Demon's weakness is undoubtedly water.

The scorching flames do little harm to them, but the clear and cold water can make them feel extremely painful. A little bit is fine, but such a large amount of water is something that all fire demons have never seen in their entire lives. .

The screams erupted instantly.

Out of fear of the water, the fire demons near Feeney rushed to get out one by one, away from Feeney's water shield, but there were too many of them, and it was difficult to get out.

Come! ! !

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