Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 278 Research Results

But Feeney still saw puzzlement, doubt and confusion on Helen Zhao's face, so he sighed and said, "You just think I took them to another place."


Zhao Hailun was also a little embarrassed at once, she suddenly felt that these doctoral degrees were for nothing.

"They'll leave it to you first. If you have any questions, call me in time to let me know."

Feeney asked, and then asked, "Where is the scepter now?"

"Still in the lab!"

When mentioning the spiritual scepter, Zhao Hailun became a little interested, and immediately kept talking about how she and Su Rui had researched many new technologies based on the scepter during this time.

Seeing Zhao Helen's excited and excited look, Feeney wanted to laugh but also was a little surprised.

According to her, these technologies can already apply for many awards in the world, and if they are published, they will also cause a sensation in the industry.

That is to say, the lab is now able to make money, but they don't know about Feeney's attitude, so these technologies have been concealed, making some ordinary staff members who are also involved in the research very baffled.

Now that Finny is finally back, she doesn't have to worry about this problem anymore.

Hearing Zhao Hailun's words, Feeney became thoughtful. The two girls, Su Rui and Zhao Hailun, one is a princess of a country with the most advanced technology in the world, and the other is a beautiful doctor with great talent in biomedicine.

Moreover, what they were studying was one of the six most powerful and terrifying infinite gemstones in the entire universe. He would be surprised if there was no research result.

"what you think?"

Feeney didn't make a hasty decision, but asked Helen Zhao's opinion.

Helen Zhao was taken aback, as if she didn't expect that Feeney would ask her. After hesitating for a while, she said hesitantly, "The lab is still well funded, and I don't really need these technologies to make money, and publishing it may cause a lot of trouble."

"But these technologies could potentially save a lot of people...I don't know what to do!"

Looking at Zhao Helen who was struggling endlessly, Feeney was a little surprised. After thinking for a while, he made a decision: "Let's talk about it later, and I will give you some funds in a few days. You just need to do your research! "

Feeney doesn't care much about how many people these technologies can save. He has never been a compassionate character. If so, he wouldn't have killed so many aliens without hesitation with a "explosion magic" in Vanaheim. .

He was more afraid of trouble than saving people, and he still had a lot of things to solve, so there was no need to find other things for himself.

Hearing what Finey said, Helen Zhao nodded, but her eyes showed a trace of disappointment unconsciously. As a doctor and researcher, she actually hoped that her achievements could help and save others.

Feeney had been looking at Zhao Helen all the time. After noticing her gaze, he thought for a while and said again:

"Well, I'll introduce you to the boss of Stark Enterprises in a few days. It's not Tony Stark, but his girlfriend. Then you can discuss how to solve this matter."

Feeney felt that with the help of Stark Enterprises and Pepper, even if there were troubles, it should be less, and even if there were troubles that they couldn't solve, at worst, he would just take action.

The strong men of the Nine Realms are almost finished beating up, and he can still let his own people be bullied on his own territory! ?

"At that time, you can handle everything by yourself. You don't need to ask me anymore. I will take the scepter away. It is actually very dangerous for you to stay here!"

In fact, if it wasn't for Sitwell, a double-faced undercover agent, who was helping to operate secretly, it would have been difficult for Feeney to keep the spiritual scepter safely hidden for so long.

A trace of pity appeared on Zhao Hailun's face, but after studying for a period of time, she also understood the gems on the scepter, and knew how much energy it contained.

When he came to the experimental platform, Feeney put away the scepter of the mind with the technique of hiding objects. Zhao Hailun opened his mouth wide in surprise and asked curiously, "Where did you put it?"

"Another dimension, the magic of Asgard."

Feeney explained, and then looked through the glass at the already dark sky outside. There is a big time difference between Seoul and New York, so it is almost late at night.

"Go and rest early, I'm leaving first, and you can contact me if you encounter any problems!"

After instructing Helen Zhao again, Feeney returned to the office, opened the portal and left the laboratory.

Back home, Skye still didn't come back. Feeney took out her mobile phone and made a call, only to find out that she was not in New York at all, but was with his parents.

When he got the news of his return, Skye immediately wanted to come back excitedly, but because he was worried that Nick Fury would launch an operation against Hydra and there might be some chaos around the world, he persuaded her to let her Protect your parents there.

After hanging up the phone, Feeney calculated the time for Kama Taj, and it should be late at night, so he decided to go to Tony first to see how the spaceship research was going, and hand him the star map by the way.

After calling and asking for Tony's address, Feeney directly opened a portal to his home in Los Angeles.

Of course, when Finny came out of the portal, what he saw was not the sloppy and hard-working Tony Stark, but the Tony who was drinking a drink and watching TV.

"The spaceship is ready?"

Seeing Tony's comfortable look, Feeney couldn't help asking curiously.

"You don't think I can build a spaceship at home!"

Tony looked at Feeney with an idiotic look, and said, "The design is almost complete. I have asked Pepper to acquire several factories a while ago, and I am now purchasing materials."

"What about you? Have you got the things? If there are no coordinates and space jump points, I don't plan to drift slowly with you in the universe!"

Although Tony seized the opportunity to despise him and was very upset, Finny still took out the star map collected by Asgard from the Hidden Art, threw it over and replied:

"Asgard took a lot of effort to find this, and it should be able to meet your requirements."

As a bigwig on the technology side, Tony researched how to use the star map by himself without Finny's guidance, and was surprised by many of the technologies in it.

"not bad!"

Being able to make such an answer from Tony shows that he is extremely satisfied with this star map of Asgard.

After studying for a while, Tony put away the star map, looked at Finny and asked curiously: "How is Asgard? You have been there all this time?"

"No, I also went to other worlds to have a look!"

Feeney took out his mobile phone and sent some photos he took to Tony, allowing him to see the scenery of the other nine worlds.

"The design of this palace really has no aesthetics..."

When he saw the golden palace in Asgard, Tony couldn't help complaining, but Finny still saw a bit of curiosity and yearning in his eyes.

After all, knowing about alien civilizations is an irresistible temptation for scientists.


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