Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 292 Unexpected

Five days later, Pietro and Wanda's progress made him a little surprised again, after all, it was only a dozen days since they acquired the ability.

"Not bad, not bad, it seems that I haven't been lazy these days!"

Unlocking the mirror space, looking at Wanda and Pietro in front of him, Feeney couldn't help but praise twice. According to this situation, they will be able to move freely for another week at most.

Pietro and Wanda, who were too tired to move, did not speak. Although they could feel their progress, they still had no hope of winning when facing Finny.

This inevitably creates a lot of frustration in their hearts.

Looking at their expressions, Feeney knew what they were thinking after a little thought, and said in a speechless voice: "Okay, okay, don't be so depressed, it's not shameful to lose to me, even if the entire Nine Realms can beat me There are only three or four people at most."

Hearing Finny's words, Pietro and Wanda looked at each other. Although they were in a slightly better mood, they were still very frustrated. After all, the opponent's strength is the opponent's business, and their weakness is their business.

Feeney is not a person who likes to comfort, and making them feel shocked can also motivate them to improve, so he didn't say anything more, but prepared to leave:

"That's it for today. Next time, come five days later. Get ready!"

After finishing speaking, Feeney left the ward, went to inform Zhao Helen again, and opened the portal to return home.

But just as he stepped out of the portal, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, because he smelled a strong smell of blood.

"Haunted by evil spirits!"

Feeney didn't hesitate, and immediately summoned the 'ghost haunted' equipment, and then followed the smell to the living room, only to find a person lying in a pool of blood on the ground.

"spiced corned egg!?"

Looking at the figure that dyed the ground red, the expression under Finny's mask was extremely surprised. He never expected such a situation.

Not surprised for too long, Feeney immediately came to Nick Fury, checked his injuries, and found that he had several fist-sized holes on his body, and he was slowly recovering.

Seemingly feeling Finny's movements, Nick Fury came to his senses. Seeing that it was Finny who was wearing 'ghost haunting', his eyes instantly relaxed.

"That potion is really effective, is there any more?"

Hearing Nick Fury's words, Finny couldn't help but rolled his eyes, but still took out a bottle of healing potion from the space, opened it and poured it into his mouth, and said:

"That bottle is a gift, but this bottle will cost you."

"Can I buy it!?"

Looking at Nick Fury who was still in the mood to chat, Feeney felt that the injury was obviously not serious enough.

After feeding the medicine, Finny helped him to sit on the sofa, and asked while looking for the medical kit, "What's going on with you?"

Hearing what Finey said, Nick Fury's face turned livid, and he replied, "I was assassinated!"


Feeney was stunned for a moment, obviously did not expect that things would develop according to the original plot, and asked again: "By a guy with a metal arm?"

This time, it was Nick Fury who was taken aback, looked at Finny with some surprise, and replied: "No, she is a woman who can pass through walls, become invisible, and can put her hand into your stomach and grab your intestines! "

"It turned out to be her!"

According to Nick Fury's description, Feeney instantly knew who the other party was.

The girl's father was once one of the colleagues of the first Ant-Man Hank Pym, and a top talent in the field of quantum research, but failed in the experiment and blew up his family to death.

The only remaining daughter, Ava Starr, also had some physical problems because of the explosion in the experiment. She was later taken in by S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra and trained as an agent.

But Finny obviously didn't expect that Ghost Woman would come to assassinate Nick Fury, this development was really beyond his expectation.

Nick Fury has already gotten used to Finny's source of information. Looking at Finny who has lifted the 'ghost haunting' and came over with a medical kit, he reminded:

"She knows I'm not dead, she might find me here, be careful!"

"So you exposed me like this!?"

Hearing this, Feeney glared at Nick Fury angrily. Although he didn't care much about his identity being exposed, it would be better if he could have less trouble.

With Asgard's magic potion, even such a serious injury did not kill Nick Fury. After Finny simply bandaged him, he began to drive people away:

"Okay, where do you want to go next? I can give you a ride for free."


Nick Fury, who was covered in blood, heard what Finey said, and just wanted to say a mantra, but under the threatening gaze, he held back abruptly, and then asked with a face full of disbelief: "I am in this situation, You want to drive me away!?"

"How can you say rush, I just want you to hurry back and get revenge!"

Feeney corrected solemnly.

"SHIELD was almost infiltrated!"

Nick Fury obviously wanted to hang on, and sat on the sofa with his buttocks firmly, and said, "I don't know who to trust except you now."

"It's okay, I'll recommend a few people for you to trust!"

Feeney didn't accept his tricks, and immediately said: "Your deputy Hill can be trusted, and Hawkeye Barton and Natasha can also be trusted. By the way, there is also Coulson. He can also be trusted."

"Look, there are not many people here. Tell me, whose house do you want to go to?"

Regarding the few people that Feeney mentioned, Nick Fury first kept it in his heart, and then refused again: "They are all on missions, I don't know their positions!"


Feeney looked at Nick Fury, who was about to hang on, speechless, sighed with a headache, and asked, "So, what exactly do you want?"

Hearing Finny's words, Nick Fury's face became serious, and he said seriously: "They have already made a move, I don't have time, come and help me!"


Feeney sighed. In fact, he didn't expect that Hydra would attack first. Now it is different from the original plot. At that time, Hydra was planning to go to the front of the stage, so it was against Nick Fury. moving hands.

But what's the situation now, Zora is gone, the Winter Soldier is almost gone, White Hall's faction is gone, it stands to reason that they have no time to hide, how dare they be so arrogant! ?

Thinking of this, Feeney couldn't help but look at Nick Fury.

If he guessed correctly, some of Nick Fury's actions must have stimulated Hydra, so they had to take action, otherwise, in their current situation, they would not have exposed themselves at such a big risk.

Just when Finny had a headache about Nick Fury.

Hydra, who failed in the assassination on the other side, is also mobilizing all its forces to frantically search for Nick Fury's location. Just as Feeney thought, their operation is extremely risky, so they must succeed.

"found it!"

In the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., the effect of using all resources and power is extremely terrifying. Even though Nick Fury has tried his best to hide it, some traces were still found.

"Go to this location immediately!"

After confirming the location, Sitwell sent the location to Ava Starr immediately, for fear that Nick Fury would escape again, but when he finished sending the message and checked the information of the house, he couldn't help but I was stunned for a moment.

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