Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 299 Darren Cross

Hearing the name, Feeney was a little taken aback. He didn't expect to reach the goal of this trip so easily.

In fact, it's normal to think about it. At such a young age, he is still a director. Apart from Hank Pym's daughter, there should be no one else.


Finny reached out and shook her hand.

With Hope as the director leading, of course the guard dared not stop him, and Feeney successfully entered the interior of Pym Technology Company.

Compared with Stark Enterprises, the headquarters building of Pym Technology is undoubtedly much smaller, but there are few companies in the whole world that can match Stark's building.

In the process of moving forward, Hope was also secretly looking at Feeney. She didn't believe in Feeney's identity just based on a business card, but because Feeney pushed everything to Helen Zhao, almost no one knew about the experiment. Who is the owner of the room.

So she had to take it seriously before confirming it was fake.

When he came to the reception room, Hope smiled at Feeney and said, "Please take a rest here first, and I'll inform Dr. Claus right away."

Although Finny's purpose was to meet Hope, but because he didn't want to be too conspicuous, he nodded and sat quietly on the sofa.

After Hope left, he did not immediately go to the current company CEO Darren Krauss, but instead had someone contact the laboratory to confirm Feeney's identity.

Helen Zhao received the news very quickly. Although she was very surprised, she went to Fei Ni to confirm it immediately.

After receiving Fenny's reply, she didn't ask much, but only admitted Fenny's identity in front of Hope, which made Hope find Darren Krause in a hurry.

"The boss of the silver laboratory? The laboratory that is currently cooperating with Stark Enterprises?"

Hearing Hope's report, Darren Klaus looked surprised and couldn't help but ask, "What is he doing here?"

"I don't know, but I think you can go and meet him!"

Hope shook his head, expressing that he couldn't guess the purpose of Finny's visit.


Darren Cross nodded, and when he walked to the door, he suddenly paused, looked back at Hope beside him, and asked with a smile, "I don't seem to have any problems!?"


Hope smiled and stretched out his hand to straighten Darren Krause's tie and replied.

The two came to the reception room together. Although they had heard Hope's description on the way, he still couldn't help being a little taken aback when he really saw Feeney.

"I didn't expect the mysterious boss of Silver Lab to be so young and handsome!"

Darren Cross walked to Feeney's side, and introduced himself enthusiastically: "Darren Cross, welcome to Cross Technology, Mr. Halsides!"


Feeney was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Hope beside him with interest, and asked, "Isn't it Pym Technology?"

Darren Krause's expression didn't change much, and he explained with a smile: "This company is now in a transformation stage, and it's related to our new research project, so please forgive me for not explaining too much, but I believe you will soon You can see the day it changes."

"It's okay, I'm looking forward to that day!"

Of course, Feeney knew what Darren Krause meant, and he was just waiting for the day when the Pym particles were successfully cracked.

"You will never be disappointed!"

Darren Cross saw Feeney's cooperation, and he immediately liked Feeney, but he was even more curious about the purpose of Feeney's visit, so he couldn't help asking: "I don't know why Mr. Halsaces is here this time?" Is there a problem?"

Hearing what Darren Krause said, Feeney put on a helpless look, and replied: "Actually, I am an investor, and what I like to do most is investing."

"I got some news. I heard that you are researching a new technology that can change the world. I just happen to have some spare funds in my hand, so I couldn't help but want to come over to see the situation."

"Mr. Halsaid's information is very good!"

Darren Krause glanced at Feeney in surprise. The research on cracking Pym particles is extremely secretive, and only core personnel in the entire company know about it.

Feeney immediately shook his head, and replied with a sigh: "No, I still can't find out what heart technology you are researching!"

Hearing this, Darren Cross glanced at Feeney. He couldn't tell whether the words were true or not, but he could see that Feeney seemed to be here this time to take a share.

"I can only say that the news you got is very accurate. If this technology is successful, the whole world will change!"

Darren Krause said with a proud face that he has great confidence in the research of Pym particles.


Feeney pretended to be interested and asked, "Can't you reveal a little bit?"

"This is the company's top secret!"

Darren Cross shook his head.

"All right!"

Feeney didn't care too much, but in order to match his reason just now, he pretended to be rich and powerful, and asked directly: "Then do you lack investment?"

"Currently, our research funds are still sufficient, but if necessary, I will contact Mr. Halsides as soon as possible!"

Darren Cross certainly didn't want Feeney to share his money, but considering that Feeney might be one of his buyers in the future, he didn't intend to offend him.

"Okay, let me know if you need it."

Feeney went on acting, pretending to be disappointed.


Knowing the 'purpose' of Feeney's visit, Darren Klaus let go of his wariness and lost interest in Feeney, so he looked at Hope next to him and said:

"If you don't mind, let the most beautiful and outstanding employees of our company show you around. I still have some experiments to complete."

Feeney wanted Darren Krause to leave quickly. This suggestion couldn't be more considerate, so he kept a disappointed expression on his face, but he nodded directly, looked at Hope and said, "That's troublesome!"

Hope kept smiling and said a few polite words. After Darren Krauss left, he took Finny for a stroll around the company.

When he came to the company lobby, he saw the photo of Hank Pym hanging on the wall, and Feeney took the opportunity to ask: "This should be the founder of this company, Hank Pym, right?"

Looking at the photo in front of his face, Hope showed a complex look in his eyes, and unconsciously put away his smiling expression, nodded and replied: "Yes!"

"How is he now?"

Hearing Finny's question, Hope's expression became more and more complicated. He shook his head and replied, "He's getting old, so he left the company. He should be enjoying life now!"

"That's it!"

Feeney looked at Hope beside him with a complicated expression. Considering that there were surveillance around here, he didn't say much.

It wasn't until after visiting the whole company and coming outside that he was about to leave that Feeney took the opportunity to invite Hope and said, "Do you mind having lunch together?"

"Sorry, I still have a lot of work to do!"

Hope shook her head. Although Finny was handsome and rich, she didn't care about that, so she didn't accept the invitation.

And Feeney didn't really want to develop something with Hope, he just wanted to find an opportunity to chat with her alone, seeing this, he could only confess helplessly: "Actually, I want to get to know your father, would you mind doing me a favor? "

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