Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 301 It may be better, or it may be worse

"Hi, Dr. Hank Pym, I'm Finny Helsandz!"

Noticing Hank Pym's gaze, Feeney stepped forward and introduced himself.

But Hope beside him added helplessly: "He said he was the Silver Knight!"

Hearing Hope's words, Hank Pym was taken aback for a moment, and blurted out: "That armored man who got mixed up with Stark!?"

Feeney instantly reduced his affection for the old guy in front of him, stared at him and said, "First of all, I am a mage, and besides, I am not mixed with Stark. Finally, the armor is just to protect my equipment. .”

Looking at Finny in front of him, Hank Pym immediately raised his vigilance to the highest level, quietly controlled the ants in the house with the device on his ears, then came to Hope, pulled her over and asked:

"How did you get involved with him?"

"He found me, and he told me about my mother, and he said that my mother is not dead yet!"

Hope looked at Hank Pym excitedly and said that the conflict between the two was mainly about her mother. Now that the facts have been confirmed, the top priority should be to find a way to save people first.

"Janet is not dead!?"

Hank Pym was also taken aback, then immediately turned his head to stare at Feeney, and asked excitedly, "Have you seen her? Have you been to the Quantum Realm?"

"Sorry, I haven't seen her, nor have I been to the Quantum Realm!"

Finny shook his head.

This answer made Hank Pym calm down immediately, he frowned and looked at Feeney, and said, "Then why did you say that?"

"Do you believe in the future?"

Feeney looked at Hank Pym and asked back.

"What's the meaning?"

Both Hope and Hank Pym looked at Feeney with puzzled expressions.

Feeney waved his hand, and the orange energy scattered, and under the effect of the spell, it transformed into a scene in Feeney's mind.

"In the not-too-distant future, Darren Krause will crack your Pym particles, research his wasp suit, and try to use it to change the pattern of the world!"

Surrounded by Finny's fantasy of Darren Krause wearing a Hornets suit, Hank Pym and Hope stood side by side, watching the scene with his mouth wide open.

"And you also learned of his plan, want to stop him, destroy the Hornets suit and research data, for this, you found an heir."

The energy scattered and changed, and Scott Lang's face suddenly appeared.

Seeing Scott Lang, Hope's expression was surprised and confused, but Hank Pym's expression was extremely shocked. He was really scared at this moment.

He's never told a single person about Scott Lang, and he's not really sure about making him the successor to Ant-Man.

"A series of tortuous things happened in the middle, so I won't say much. In short, in order to defeat the opponent, this guy made the same decision as you did at the beginning, shrunk down to the smallest state, and entered the quantum realm!"

Finny waved his hand, and the energy scattered, so he didn't bother to explain the original plot of Ant-Man carefully. After a brief fool, he continued: "Then this guy came back from the Quantum Realm, and he will prove that your wife is still alive. .”

"I'm going to get this kid out now!"

At the moment Feeney used the spell, Hank Pym actually didn't care about Feeney's identity anymore, he just wanted to reproduce the process and save him.

Hank Pym also wondered if it was Finny who was lying to him, but he was willing to take the risk even if there was only a slight possibility of such a thing.

Seeing that Hank Pym was in a hurry to call the prison to find someone, Feeney hurriedly stopped him and explained: "This is your original future trajectory, but from the moment I told you, it has changed It has changed."

Hank Pym stopped his movements, looked up at Feeney suspiciously and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It means that even if you rescue Stoke Lang from prison now, he won't help you, or after entering the quantum realm, he may not be able to come back safely like in the future!"

Hearing what Finey said, Hank Pym put down the phone and fell silent.

But Hope asked eagerly: "Then what should we do?"

Feeney spread out his hands and replied: "My suggestion is that you should study the quantum realm first and make preparations first. As for entering the quantum realm, you can take your time. Your mother will be fine in a short time."

At this moment, Hank Pym suddenly asked, "Why did you tell us this?"

He couldn't believe that Finny would come over out of nowhere and tell him about the future, and all that stuff.

"There are things I need in the Quantum Realm, and if you want to enter it, your Pym particles and battle suit protection may be necessary. I don't want to feel guilty if I snatch it if you don't agree to borrow it, so these news are considered A reward or an investment!"

To deal with bad guys, Feeney can do whatever he wants, but to heroes, Feeney also maintains a certain amount of respect. Although Hank Pym is old, the couple used to be considered superheroes, so he chose this way.

After hearing Finny's explanation, the expressions of Hank Pym and Hope both changed slightly.

Especially Hank Pym, although the room is full of his ants now, but he has no certainty in his heart that he can solve Feeney, especially after he has just experienced something unimaginable like the "future".

So he didn't know how to answer Feeney's 'honesty'.

Hope asked curiously, "Is there anything you want in the quantum realm?"

"personal privacy!"

Feeney shook his head, traveling through time is not an easy task, especially how to come back after going is the most troublesome thing, just like now, it is actually very simple to enter the quantum realm, the difficulty is how to do it safely return.

"By the way, there may be another person who will also enter the quantum realm after a while. You should also know this person."

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Feeney also briefly explained the situation of Ava Starr:

"She is the daughter of your former colleague Elihays Starr. That guy accidentally had a quantum explosion while doing research, which caused problems in his daughter's body. She must need quantum energy to survive."

"It's him!"

For this colleague who wanted to steal his technology at the beginning, Hank Pym still remembered very clearly, as soon as Feeney said he remembered who it was.

But Hank Pym doesn't care whose daughter she is, or what's wrong with her body. What he cares most about now is how to save his wife from the quantum realm.

Thinking of his wife being trapped inside for thirty years, the guilt in his heart could not be expressed in words, so he directly asked, "Can you come back if you send her to the Quantum Realm?"

"have no idea!"

Feeney shook his head and replied: "I only know the future that I don't participate in. Once I get in touch with you, the future will change. It may be better or worse. In short, be prepared."

Hearing this, Hank Pym's expression changed, and he looked at Feeney and suddenly asked seriously: "Then in the original future, did we rescue her?"


Finey didn't lie to Hank Pym either, but added one more sentence: "But then your whole family was affected by another disaster throughout the universe."

I went to see Jiang Ziya today~ so it’s a bit late~ cough cough cough ~

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