Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 311 The Hydra's Rout

Of course, Feeney knew this well. In fact, Asgard's side was okay, but the Dark Elf's side was a little bit more difficult.

The ether particles at this time are not reality gems, just like the Eye of Agamotto is not equivalent to the time gems, but their essence is still infinite gems.

The reason for this is mainly because the cost of using gems is too high, which can reduce the requirements for using gems.

The reality gem transformed into ether particles by the dark elves has added various functions of tracking and positioning. From the original plot, it seems that as soon as they leave the sealed place, the dark elves can receive the signal immediately.

So if he gets the ether particles, unless he is sure to solve all the dark elves on the earth, otherwise, his return to the earth will only cause trouble.

Although there were only a small number of dark elves left, those who survived the war were either greedy for life and afraid of death, or extremely powerful. Feeney felt that the latter should be the majority.

Moreover, in the original plot, they also had a means of transforming themselves to greatly increase their strength at the cost of sacrificing their lifespan. He didn't know to what extent this method could increase their strength.

While thinking about the situation of the reality gem and the dark elves in his mind, Finny replied to Gu Yi: "I know, but if the dark elves find the gem, it will be a disaster for the Nine Realms."

Gu took a look at Finny and didn't say anything more. She could see that Finny had a certain attitude towards the Reality Gem, and she also understood why Finny wanted the Reality Gem so much.

The Golden Diffusion Technique is a magic that modifies the rules of reality. It can be said that Fini itself has the ability of the Reality Gem. If he gets the blessing of the Reality Gem, it is estimated that the temple will no longer be able to suppress the effect of the Golden Dimension Technique.

It's not that Gu Yi doesn't want Feeney to improve his strength, she's just worried that Feeney's growth will be too fast and he will accidentally lose himself.

After silently sighing, Gu Yi felt that it would not be easy for her to retire safely. The appearance of Feeney made her completely lose control of the future.

And Feeney also saw that Gu Yi seemed a little unwilling to find the Reality Gem by himself, so he didn't talk further on this issue, and changed the topic to continue asking about Bast.

Although it is dangerous to go to her dimension, he can wait for the other party to come over.

Because he strayed into the dimension, Bast asked to go back to Earth. Before, he was worried about how to solve this matter, but now he wished that the other party would come over soon.

It's a pity that Gu didn't know much about Bast, and only told some simple things.


After the matter of the temple came to an end for the time being, Finny had time to pay attention to the situation of S.H.I.E.L.D.

In the beginning, the battles between them were all carried out in secret, which had little effect on ordinary people.

But as time went on, because of Feeney's help, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s advantage grew, and Hydra began to feel overwhelmed.

Therefore, the battle began to expand further, and now it has begun to affect ordinary people. For example, using the resources in their hands, they began to issue arrests all over the world in despair.

Because he has been doing research in Karma Taj and Ancient One during this period of time, and he didn't pay much attention to this matter, so he didn't know until now.

"Captain America is still alive!"

"My God, I can't believe it, he's almost ninety now!?"

"I didn't expect him to be treasonous. I grew up listening to his stories. Is there any misunderstanding?"

"Me too, I still have a full set of his cartoons at home. He was my idol when I was a child!"

"He defeated Hitler. Without him, World War II would not have been won. How could such a person be treasonous?"

On the streets of New York, one thing is being discussed everywhere, and that is about Captain America's arrest.

In fact, it is not just the US team that is wanted, Nick Fury, Hill, Black Widow, etc., as long as they are important figures of S.H.I.E.L.D., they are all wanted now.

It’s just that about Nick Fury and the others, how would ordinary people know what they are, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., elite agents, etc., only the US team, who has been a legend all his life, is the most familiar and shocking to them.

The US team obviously didn't expect him to officially announce his "resurrection" to the world in this way.

Looking at the wanted reports played on the street screens in a loop, Feeney can clearly feel the disadvantage of Hydra. After all, if they are sure to deal with S.H.I.E.L.D., they will not adopt this method at all.

What Feeney didn't know was that the main reason why Hydra suddenly began to fail so quickly was because he brought Sitwell to S.H.I.E.L.D.

As Alexander Pierce's confidant, Sitwell has too much important information.

However, Hydra has been able to hide and grow in S.H.I.E.L.D. for so many years, and it cannot be defeated casually. Although he was caught off guard by Sitwell's betrayal, Pierce also reacted quickly. A countermeasure was found.

At the same time, he was ready to die, and even if he really failed, he would not let the S.H.I.E.L.D.

In fact, the situation of losing both sides is a result that Feeney is happy to see.

Although he has helped Nick Fury many times, this person cannot be judged by common sense. As long as he feels that you have a problem, he may abandon all his previous affection in a blink of an eye, and then deal with you.

So if both sides suffer, Nick Fury will have to find a way to restore the strength of S.H.I.E.L.D., and he won't have so much time to think about how to deal with others.

After learning about the information available on the market, Feeney planned to ask someone who knew more about the situation. After making a phone call, Feeney opened the portal and came to Tony's villa.

"Good afternoon, Finny!"

When he stepped through the portal, he found that Pepper was here too.

"good afternoon!"

Finny nodded and greeted back with a smile.

But after saying hello, Pepper suddenly came over and hugged him, looked at him gratefully and said, "Thank you for saving Tony again!"

Feeney was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that Pepper was talking about the shrapnel in his chest. He couldn't help but smiled and shook his head and said, "Tony also helped me a lot."

For Tony Stark, Finney doesn't hold the same great vigilance as he does for Nick Fury.

Some aspects of Tony's personality are actually very similar to him, that is, he doesn't like to owe others things, or if others treat him well, he will always find a way or find an opportunity to return it.

And in the near future, he might need Tony's help on an extremely important matter.

On the entire earth, it is estimated that only Tony can research how to enter the timeline of other worlds through the quantum realm and return safely.

Sorry, sorry, it's a little late. . .

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