Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 325 Then why did you hug her?

But if things were as he imagined, then he needed Finny's explanation.

Looking at Odin with a serious face, Heimdall walked towards the activation device of the Rainbow Bridge with his long sword slightly worried.

Finny, who had been waiting in Svartefheim, had not waited for the dark elves who came to find him, but instead waited for a rainbow bridge that fell from the sky.

Feeney never thought that things would develop like this. If he knew that Jane would choose to enter the sealed land again, and he happened to be discovered by Heimdall again, he would ask Jane to be in a coma for a while longer.

Because he focused all his attention on controlling the ether particles, and because Finny didn't expect Asgard to find him so quickly before the dark elves, he didn't avoid the teleportation of the Rainbow Bridge. .

Because of this, when he came to Asgard and saw Odin and Heimdall in front of him, his face was full of astonishment.

"Hey, what, long time no see!"

Seeing Odin with stern eyes, Feeney already understood that there must be something wrong, and he couldn't help feeling a little regretful about his carelessness.

In fact, less than six hours have passed since he got the ether particles. Feeney felt that no matter how fast the dark elves moved, they would still have to drive the spaceship for a while, so he presumptuously controlled the ether particles there.

As for Heimdall, he has also considered it, thinking that as long as he feels his gaze, he will cover it up in time. With the relationship between the two, although Heimdall will be puzzled for a while, he will definitely not hold him accountable for his sudden arrival in Svatev. Heim.

It's just that he overestimated his perception without the presence of evil spirits and under the interference of ether particles, not to mention his eyes, he didn't even avoid the teleportation rainbow bridge.

In fact, he also knew that it was unrealistic to hide it from Asgard.

But he thought that Asgard would find out at least until the dark elf showed up, but he didn't expect Asgard to find him before the shadow of the dark elf was seen.

Seeing Finny with an embarrassed face, Odin approached and observed Finny's body carefully, his face became more and more cautious, and said coldly: "You have a powerful energy in your body, and you really stole the ether particles!"

Now that it has been discovered, Feeney also began to face it calmly, so he said: "Don't say it so harshly, this is an accident!"

At this moment, Thor's surprised voice suddenly came from a distance:


It turned out that when Thor wanted to take Jane to visit the scenery of Asgard, he suddenly met his mother Frigga, this woman who single-handedly raised Gofini's favorability for Asgard, and Jane's love for her. The attitude is not as disgusting and repulsive as Odin.

On the contrary, she welcomed Jane so much that she immediately took over from Thor the care and introduction of Asgard.

And Thor knew that what his mother said was very important to Odin, so he wanted to take this opportunity to let his girlfriend get in touch with his mother more, first to stabilize the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and he believed that Jane would definitely gain the favor of his mother.

So regardless of the hints in Jane's eyes, he smiled and handed her over to his mother. At the same time, he was also worried about the seal and wanted to find out about it from Odin.

But when he found that Odin was not in the palace, he wanted to come to Heimdall to ask about the situation, but he didn't expect to see Finny.

At the same time, Thor also found that the father he wanted to find was also here. Looking at the three with serious faces, he couldn't help being a little puzzled, but he still asked Finny first: "Why are you here?"

Feeney shrugged, looked at Odin, and replied, "This is up to His Majesty the King!"


Thor looked at Odin suspiciously.

But Odin didn't answer Thor, but stared at Finny and asked, "Why do you want to touch the seal of the ether particle, you already have enough fetishes on you."

Let’s not talk about how Loki got the Soul Gem, but in order to befriend Kama Taj, Odin has already given the Space Gem to Finny.

And he was also a little shocked that Finny could collect so many infinite gems without incident, which made him wonder if this had something to do with Finny's unforeseen peculiarity.

"Aether particles!?"

Thor first asked with a confused face, then frowned in response, and said, "Seal..."

Although Heimdall didn't know, but he understood his identity, so he just listened silently without saying a word.

"I said, this is an accident, it entered my body by itself!"

Feeney can frankly tell Gu Yi and Tony that he is looking for the Reality Gem, but he doesn't have this level of trust for others, especially Odin, who is biased.

Although Thor looks stupid, he is not really stupid. According to Odin's words, and he also knows Finney's ability very well, he quickly guessed a possibility: "Hold Jane and send her back to the Are you from Earth?"

Although he didn't understand why Thor had a weird expression when he said the previous sentence, he still replied with a reason he had already thought about:

"I was studying the boundary point of celestial body convergence in London before. Jane and her friend just came over. I didn't want to be exposed, so I became invisible, but found that she was sucked by a space, so I quickly followed."

"Then it got into her body, because she didn't want her to know too much, so she was put into a coma for a while and sent back to Earth."

This is the wording that Finny had thought up from the beginning. He was wearing a haunted man and was very sure that Heimdall was not watching, so there was almost no loophole in this reason.

"Then why are you hugging her?"

But Thor's question made Finny couldn't help being stunned, and then he rolled his eyes speechlessly and replied: "Don't hold her, why don't you just watch her fall to the ground?"

Thor was a little speechless. Although he understood a little, judging from his expression, he still seemed a little tangled.

Odin didn't care if Finny hugged Jane or not. He stared at Finny closely and asked, "You mean, the ether particles entered your body on their own initiative, rather than you opening the seal?"

"That should be your Asgard's seal, I haven't touched it at all, you can go and see for yourself!"

Feeney said this with confidence, he didn't know how the ether particles came out, but he didn't destroy the seal at all.

Odin had checked the seal and knew that the seal was loose due to the age, so although he had some confidence in what Finny said, he didn't fully believe it.

Because he inexplicably felt that this was too much of a coincidence.

But he couldn't give a reason at this time, and Feeney is not an ordinary earthling like Jane who can handle it casually, so he can only say:

"Aether particles are a very dangerous weapon. Its huge energy will destroy your body, and if you want to use it, it will continuously absorb your vitality!"

"I know!"

Feeney nodded. Although it was only a short time later, he also studied these things, so he asked, "So, do you have any way to take it out?"

After Thor, who was on the side, struggled with the problem of hugging and falling, he heard the conversation between the two, and couldn't help asking: "Wait, what are the ether particles you are talking about, father?"

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