Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 348 The Consequences of Not Wearing Armor

Fortunately, Finny didn't cheat Thor, and he really opened the door to go home.

After seeing his movements, Finny sighed helplessly, and followed closely through the portal.

Thor first looked at the room, and when he saw Finny coming to close the portal, he immediately explained with a sad face: "I want you to help me find the reason first, why did she break up!"

"Aren't you going to ask yourself?"

Feeney said angrily, he hasn't really ensured the safety of his own life yet, so how can he care about Thor's love.

"I asked, and she said it wasn't appropriate!"

Thor's face became even more sad, then he shook his head confidently and continued: "But I can see from her eyes that she still loves me!"

Feeney looked at Thor speechlessly, then sat down on the sofa, and replied, "Will I get a different answer if I ask?"

"You are friends, maybe she will tell you the real reason!"

Finny couldn't help but rolled his eyes immediately, shook his head and refused, "I only met her a few times, and our relationship is not as good as you think."

"And I still have to find a way to get the ether particles out, so I really don't have time to help you."

Hearing that Finny refused using ether particles as a reason, Thor couldn't say anything more, and after sighing sadly, he had to say, "Then can I stay here for a few days first?"

"There is a room on the right upstairs, and everything in it is new!"

Finney didn't drive Thor away, after all, when he was in Asgard, Asgard entertained him with the best treatment.

From following Jane to the battle with the dark elves, Finny hasn't had a good rest so far, so he plans to go to sleep and rest first.

Looking at Thor who was worrying on the sofa, he thought for a while, took out some money and keys and put them on the table, and said: "If you want to go out for a stroll, be careful when you go out and come back, you are a celebrity now, don't let Someone found you living here."

Hearing Finny's words, Thor nodded absently.

Feeney didn't care either, and went back to the upstairs room to rest. When he was at the Avengers base, he had already called Skye, because he was worried about the escaped dark elves, so he planned to let them stay in the card again. Ma Taj stayed for a day and came back after the celestial body convergence passed.

While Finny was sleeping, the whole world was alive again because of him.

For him and the Avengers, the events of the Dark Elves were pretty much over, but for the world as a whole, it was just beginning.

"God's Punishment Knight is exposed!"

"Who is he!?"

"Is God's Punishment Knight the messenger of God, or a human being!"

"Where did his armor go?"

"Under the mask, what does he look like?"

At this time, the entire earth, whether it is the media, the Internet, newspapers, or the streets, wherever there are people, almost everyone is discussing about Finey.

Because of the ether particles, Finny couldn't equip the haunted ghosts, so he made a mask out of ether particles to slightly conceal his identity.

Since the war with Hydra, SHIELD has been severely understaffed and its power has dropped drastically.

In addition, the information on the Battle of New York was just released under pressure, so now it is even more powerless to prevent the spread and dissemination of information on the Battle of the Dark Elves.

As a result, his appearance was seen by many people. Although there was still a mask to cover it, it was a big surprise for people who had always been curious about Fenny's identity.

As early as the first time Feeney and Tony appeared in New York, people began to wonder what Feeney looked like under his armor.

Whether it is male or female, fat or thin, beautiful or ugly, or even human.

The heat of the Battle of New York hadn't passed yet. People were already shocked by Feeney's strength and curious about Feeney's identity.

And this battle with the dark elves was like adding fuel to the fire, pushing the topic of Finny to the peak in history, especially this time Finny was so 'exposed'.

Compared with previous discussions, this time people are more around the identity of Feeney.

For a long time, because Finny was too mysterious, many people suspected that Finny was not human, and even the armor could not be removed, but today's battle broke this suspicion.

Because Feeney flies in the sky most of the time, the photos taken by the group of reporters are not very clear, but it can be clearly seen that it is a human body.

While this surprised people, it also made them more curious about what Finny looked like under the mask.

Human beings are like this. When you don’t know something at all, you may be able to ignore it, but when you know it, but there is still a part of it that you don’t know, your heart will be like a cat scratching. Itching to know everything.

Therefore, in less than an hour after Feeney's appearance was exposed, the underground reward for Feeney's identity not only did not decrease, but increased to a terrifying new number.

Even if Feeney saw it himself, he would probably be moved a little bit.

Except for those who didn't know, even those who knew Finny's identity were discussing the battle.

Karma Taj.

Jonathan looked at the report on the tablet, and couldn't help but said to Modu beside him: "Finny is really amazing!"

Modu nodded and didn't say a word. He watched Finny grow step by step to where he is now, but he still didn't understand how Finny became so strong.

"Will he be the Supreme Mage of the next generation?"

Seeing Modu thinking about it, Jonathan couldn't help but ask, with a curious expression on his face.

Hearing this, Modu was slightly taken aback, then looked at Jonathan, shook his head and replied, "This can only be decided by the Ancient One Saint Master."

Modu had actually thought about this question too, but he felt that Finny was not suitable to become a supreme mage. Although Finny was strong, his strength was not due to Kama Taj's spells.

In addition to protecting the earth's dimension, the supreme mage also needs to guide other mages to make progress together. If Finny becomes the supreme mage, then when other mages encounter difficult problems, they will have to ask for blessings.

In the compound base.

After Finny and everyone in the Avengers left, Nick Fury also immediately paid attention to the follow-up impact of today's battle with the dark elves.

"Shouldn't you send someone to stop their reports?"

Looking at various reports on the Internet, Hill asked Nick Fury from the side.

"No need!"

Nick Fury shook his head, but when he saw that the reports were almost all discussing Feeney, he still frowned unconsciously, and said, "Go ask someone to play some videos that we shot without him, and then turn the topic to revenge." guide them."

Hill understood what Nick Fury meant, which was to use the Avengers to reduce Finny's influence.

But she still couldn't help shrugging and said, "I don't think you can stop people from being curious about him, especially since he hasn't worn armor today!"

Nick Fury kept a dark face and didn't speak. He didn't know this, but he had nothing to do. If he hadn't fought Hydra before, he could have used the power of S.H.I.E.L.D. to hide this incident directly stand up.

Fortunately, although S.H.I.E.L.D. was seriously injured, its foundation was still there after all. Under the secret control, the reports were finally no longer the same about Feeney, and there were more discussions about the Avengers.

But the most talked about is still Feeney.

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