Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 359: The End

Although Finney knew that Nick Fury had arranged for the reporter, he didn't know who the arrangement was, so when Hill called a man to the stage, he didn't pay much attention.

"Excuse me……"

But when he was waiting to ask a question, he suddenly saw the photographer of the other party pull out a pistol from the camera, and his expression became surprised.


As the deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Hill reacted very quickly. When the opponent took out a pistol, he reminded Feeney, and then raised his arm to shoot.

Although there were no evil spirits haunting him, Feeney's reaction was not slower than Hill's. In fact, he noticed it the first time the man pulled out his gun.

But Feeney didn't expect that someone would want to assassinate him on such an occasion, so he was so surprised that he was a little taken aback.


But even so, before Hill reminded him, Feeney used the 'Golden Great Expansion Technique' to stop the other party's movements. After all, the evil ghosts on his body are disguised by magic and have no protective effect.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is worried that this bullet will stir up a riot of ether particles. In that case, he will have to waste time to recover.

And having experienced the lessons of Algolim and Malekith, he has decided that he will never use his body to resist damage casually in the future.

If what this guy pulls out is not a pistol, but a special weapon that looks like a pistol but is very powerful, then he will be the one who is unlucky.

Just as these thoughts flashed through Finny's mind, a gunshot brought him back to his senses.


Hill raised his pistol and fired without hesitation.

Because of the effect of Finny's golden expansion technique, the photographer couldn't move, so he was killed by Hill's bullet, which hit the center of the eyebrow.

At the same time, under the effect of the golden expansion technique, even if the killer died, his body remained immobile, so that Hill fired two more shots and blocked in front of Feeney.

When Feeney saw it, he quickly removed the effect, and the killer fell to the ground.

These things happened in a short moment, not only did the surrounding crowd not react, but even the excitement on the face of the reporter who was waiting to ask questions did not fade away.


Facing Hill who was pointing the pistol at him, the expression on the reporter's face changed from excitement to astonishment, and he looked back at the cameraman unconsciously, and when he found the pistol in his hand that fell to the ground, he immediately panicked.

"I...I don't know..."

But Hill didn't listen to his explanation, and directly let the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who had already rushed to the stage take him down while they were dealing with the corpse.

When the amazingly efficient S.H.I.E.L.D. agents finished handling the scene, the people at the scene realized what had happened.

Discussions arose all of a sudden, and the reporters who could enter here basically had seen big scenes, so they wouldn't panic if they died alone.

Fortunately, Nick Fury controlled the delay of the live broadcast signal from the very beginning in order to prevent Feeney from saying something bad without authorization, and cut off the content in time.

So apart from the crowd at the scene, the audience on the Internet and on TV did not see this scene.

Although it did not cause harm to Feeney, after this incident, Hill was still a little worried about security issues, so he suggested to Nick Fury to end the reception early.

"Ask his opinion!"

Nick Fury didn't expect that someone would want to assassinate Feeney on the spot, and it was still in the form of a pistol. Didn't this person consider using the power of a pistol to break through the defense of that armor! ?

After hearing Hill's question, Feeney thought for a while and replied, "Ask a few more questions. After all, this may be my last press conference."


Hill nodded. Although she didn't know that Finny's haunted body was a disguise, she also understood that if Finny was successfully assassinated by someone casually, he would not be called the strongest person on earth.

But after this incident, Hill also changed the way of asking questions, preventing reporters from getting close to Feeney on stage.

Instead, draw numbers and ask them to keep a certain distance from the audience to ask questions.

Although there was a little mistake, the security work of S.H.I.E.L.D. was generally very strong, and there were no more accidents in the future.

After answering questions from another seven or eight people, Feeney also prepared to end the press conference.

On the podium, Feeney looked at everyone at the scene and the audience that may be all over the world, and concluded: "I think you should know something about me after these questions."

"At the end, I want to say the last sentence. You can feel that this is a warning, or even a threat!"

"Don't pursue who I am anymore, even if you do find out my identity, the best choice is to hide this secret, otherwise..."

"At your own peril!"

After leaving the last four words, Finny opened the portal and disappeared at the reception.

Back at Nick Fury's office, just after closing the portal, Finny staggered and almost fell to the ground. After seeing the sofa next to him, he sat down weakly and rubbed his head that seemed to be splitting.

In fact, what he said just now was not just a simple threat, when he spoke, he also used the power of the 'Golden Great Expansion Technique'.

Feeney can't be sure how many people have been affected, but those who have been affected will have a thought in their hearts that they don't want to pursue his identity anymore, and at the same time, there will be a feeling that terrible things will happen if they know Feeney's identity illusion.

However, with his current ability, he couldn't maintain this effect permanently, not even for a few seconds.

But after all, there was this hint, and Feeney felt that it would definitely have a certain effect. After all, for the vast majority of people in the world, the exploration of his identity is actually just a kind of curiosity and following the crowd.

Seeing Finny's weak appearance, Nick Fury was shocked, hurried to his side, and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you?"

"It's that person?"

Nick Fury couldn't help thinking of the man who was killed by Hill before, thinking that he used some means to hurt Feeney.


Finny waved his hand, and didn't tell Nick Fury that he accidentally consumed too much, but made an excuse: "The ether particles have been absorbing my vitality, and it's just a little uncomfortable."

Nick Fury frowned worriedly when he heard it. Although he was extremely wary of Feeney, he didn't want Feeney to die.

He just hopes that there is a means to restrict Fini. For the earth, Fini's power is very important.

Seeing Finny's indifferent expression before, Nick Fury thought it would not be difficult to take out the ether particles, but now, he suddenly felt that the matter seemed a little serious.

So he immediately asked with a serious face: "What's the situation with you now?"

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