Hearing Frigga's words, Finny sighed and said, "Maybe it likes me better!"

In fact, when Tony and Helen Zhao were asked to help on the earth, Feeney felt that the process of taking out the ether particles seemed to be getting more and more difficult.

On the contrary, in terms of manipulation, it is getting easier and easier, which makes Finny feel that the ether particles are unwilling to leave his body.

Thinking of how the ether particles were casually taken out of Jian's body in the original plot, Feeney sighed melancholy in his heart.

He felt that the reason why the ether particles could be taken out so easily in the original plot may be that the ether particles did not want to stay in Jane's body, so they were taken out without resistance.

And his body is very different from Jane's, the ether particle doesn't want to leave, that's why he still can't take it out after using so many methods.

Looking at the worried expression on Finny's face, Frigg comforted: "Don't worry, we will definitely find a way to help you take it out!"

Feeney nodded and didn't say much. Although he failed to take out the ether particles this time, it was the closest to success in this period of time.

Leaving the hospital, Finny saw Skye who was waiting with worry on his face outside.

Seeing him coming out, Skye immediately ran over and asked nervously, "How is it, did you succeed?"

Feeney shook his head, looked at Skye who looked disappointed and worried, and comforted him with a smile: "It's okay, there was an accident this time, and it should work next time."

Seeing Finny's indifferent expression, Skye was a little relieved, but still couldn't help asking: "What if I can't take it out?"

"Don't worry, it will be taken out!"

Feeney didn't answer Skye, but he had actually thought about this problem. If the ether particles couldn't be taken out, he also had several plans.

First of all, he wants to discuss with Ether Particles the issue of being haunted by evil spirits. Secondly, he needs to consider obtaining a large amount of time value. Finally, it is about the space-time travel in the quantum realm.

If he couldn't take it out after trying all the methods, he planned to use time and space to teleport back to the time when he didn't kill Malekith, and ask him to help him take it out.

Of course, there is also a tenth skill in the system, but there is too much uncertainty in this aspect.

Using the space-time teleportation in the quantum realm to find Malekith is only the last resort, and Feeney still feels that there should be many ways to take out ether particles in the universe.

However, regarding the issue of obtaining the time value, Feeney felt that it should be considered in advance now.

At night, after Skye rested, Finny went to see Odin. In the past few days, he has learned that Odin has handed over many things to Frigga to help because of his physical problems.

When he came to Odin's study, looking at the old and weak Odin in front of him, Finny was suddenly very glad that he had drawn Kekedi.

"What's the matter, Mage Hailsaid!"

Looking at Odin who was still dignified and asking him, Finny withdrew his thoughts and said the purpose of the trip: "I hope to borrow the prisoners of Asgard!"

"Borrow prisoners!?"

Odin was slightly taken aback, doubts flashed in his eyes.

Looking at Odin's appearance, Feeney didn't hide anything, and explained: "I want their time!"

Odin frowned slightly, but asked in his mouth, "I don't understand what you mean!"

Finny guessed from Odin's expression that he must know his purpose. After all, Odin has seen him use the power of Kekedi, but he continued to explain:

"I won't kill them, I only absorb them for a certain period of time, and in return, I will go back to your body!"

Hearing this, Odin became slightly silent. His current body is approaching the end of its lifespan, which is difficult to treat with any medicine or spell.

But Finny's "Fourth Bullet" is different, because he has personally experienced it, and he understands that it is the power of time. Although it cannot increase his lifespan, it can reverse his lifespan, which is no different from increasing it.

Selfishness is something that all intelligent creatures share, even gods are no exception. Facing the reward proposed by Finney, Odin hesitated.

Because Frigga was not killed by the dark elves, so Odin's heart is not dead, he wants to continue to live with his wife and family.

But what made him hesitate was that Finny's ability was to plunder other people's time, even prisoners, which made him feel uncomfortable as he had abandoned the past and was being a wise king, so he frowned and asked:

"This should not be the power of Karma Taj!"

"This is my unique power!"

Finny nodded, thinking of the Eye of Agamotto in his mind, he didn't know if the Time Stone could be used to restore Odin's lifespan, but it was obviously impossible for Gu Yi to do so.

And judging from Gu Yi's own situation, even if it could be done, there would probably be some price.

Odin stared at Fini tightly with one eye, and said, "What will happen to you if I don't agree?"

Odin's words made Finny think of his conversation with Frigga a few days ago, and he couldn't help but want to laugh, but he didn't laugh, but shook his head and replied:

"It's not good, I can only find other enemies to absorb time, and it doesn't make any difference!"

Odin frowned again and asked, "Then why did you choose the prisoners of Asgard?"

"Because it's convenient and safe!"

Feeney shrugged, and said calmly: "Next, I have to find a way to take out the ether particles. I don't have so much time to find the enemy."

Regarding this point, Finny did not deceive Odin. He was too lazy to find enemies everywhere by himself, and the quality of the enemies he found was not necessarily better than the prisoners in the dungeon.

Listening to Finny's answer, Odin remained silent. He was really moved by Finny's reward, but on the other hand, he felt that a king should not agree to such a thing.

Fenny felt Odin's hesitation and entanglement, and felt a little emotional. Although he didn't know how Odin and Hela fought in the Nine Realms back then, he definitely wouldn't be as charitable as he is now.

"If it doesn't work, forget it!"

Feeney didn't have the necessary thoughts either. He actually had a lot of time left. If it wasn't for the ether particles being consumed too much during this period, he wouldn't be so anxious to make up for it.

Just when Finny was about to leave, Odin suddenly said: "You are not allowed to kill them, and this matter cannot be told to others."

Feeney looked at Odin, and although he didn't think it was something shameful, he nodded and agreed.

Afterwards, Odin asked about the method and requirements of absorbing time. Of course, Feeney would not foolishly fully expose the full effect of the "City of Time", but just indicated that it is enough to prepare a few prisoners first.

On the second night, Finny went to the dungeon under Odin's arrangement, and when he passed Loki's cell on the way, he stopped.

"wait a second!"

After speaking to the soldiers arranged by Odin, Finny went directly to Loki's cell.


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