Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 372 Careless, no flash!

After learning that Finny planned to go to other civilizations in the universe to find solutions, Frigga didn't stop her. In addition to the Sovereigns, she also suggested several civilizations, which made the clueless Finny very grateful.

After having a goal, Feeney didn't want to procrastinate any longer, and after staying in Asgard for so long, it was time to go back.

Asgard, Martial Arts Arena.

Skye, who seemed to be wearing a pair of silver gloves and holding a long sword, was fighting Sif.

In terms of single-round skill, Skye is far from being Sif's opponent, but relying on the bonus of Shockwave's ability, the two can fight back and forth.

When Finny came, the two were fighting fiercely, and he didn't bother, watching with interest.

Although Skye has a great advantage in attack by relying on shock waves, but in terms of combat experience, combat skills and physical fitness, he is far inferior to Sif.

In addition, because it was a duel, some deadly attacks could not be used, so in the end Skye lost the battle.

However, Skye didn't care too much. She and Sif have fought many times these days, and the two have long become good friends.

"It's made great progress!"

Seeing the end of the battle, Feeney stepped forward and praised, Skye's talent in combat is indeed amazing. In just half a month in Asgard, her growth is almost like flying a plane.

Even without the ability of shock waves, Skye's current fighting skills alone are very powerful on Earth.

"Finny, when did you come!?"

Seeing Feeney, Skye was stunned for a moment, her sweaty face was a little depressed, if she knew that Feeney was watching, she should have been more serious just now.

During these battles, when Sif was careless, she also won by virtue of her shock wave ability.

"It's not long since I came here!"

Feeney didn't know what Skye was thinking, and after seeing the unhappy expression on her face, he smiled and comforted him: "Sif is one of the strongest fighters in Asgard, it's not bad that you can fight her like this. "

"Skye is also very powerful. If she uses her abilities to the fullest, it's hard to say who will win!"

Sif also said on the sidelines that in the past few days, she had seen Skye's serious use of shock waves because of curiosity, so she also understood the terrifying destructive power, and knew in her heart that if Skye really exerted his full power, the battle would be impossible. It will never be like this.

Skye felt a little embarrassed about the compliments from the two, and after a few words of humility, he looked at Finny and asked, "By the way, what's the matter with you coming here?"

Hearing Skye's words, Finny glanced at her, turned to Sif and said, "Actually, I'm here to say goodbye!"

"bid farewell!?"

Both women were taken aback.

Feeney nodded and said, "After staying for so long, it's time to go back."

"Your health is better?"

Hearing what Finey said, Skye immediately asked with a look of joy.

Sif also looked over with congratulatory eyes. Just as she was about to say congratulations, Finny shook her head and said, "It's not all right, but Queen Frigg is still helping to find a way."

Hearing Finny's words, the joy on Skye's face immediately faded, replaced by a worried expression.

And Sif said: "Then you don't have to go back in such a hurry, Your Majesty and the Queen welcome you to stay in Asgard!"

Finny knew that Frigga should welcome him, but Odin was hard to say. During this period of time, he felt Odin's surveillance almost all the time, and his wanting to go back had a lot to do with this reason.

But this reason is obviously not easy to explain to Sif, so he explained with a smile: "It's not good to wait like this, and I want to go to other planets in the universe to find a way, so go back and prepare."

Hearing that Finny planned to go to other civilizations to find a solution, Sif didn't say anything to persuade him to stay. After looking at Skye reluctantly, he said: "Then be careful, and hope to find a solution as soon as possible."

Although Skye liked Asgard very much, Finny's physical condition was obviously more important, so she didn't say much, and said goodbye to Sif with a hug.

Because Thor and Fandral were not in Asgard, Finny didn't say goodbye to others, and after Skye packed up, he came to the Rainbow Bridge.

After telling Heimdall, who has always been dedicated to his duty, the location of the teleportation, the two returned to Earth under the beam of the Rainbow Bridge.

When Finny returned to Earth, various things were happening in the universe.


Xandar is the capital of the Nova Empire.

This is a very beautiful planet. The highly developed civilization allows urban planning to perfectly combine greenery and high-tech buildings.

And the strong inclusiveness makes this city full of various races, including a certain earthling who was taken away by the plunderers since childhood.

As a child who grew up intimidated by predators, Peter Quill's values ​​were taught well, steal everything that can be stolen, and grab everything that can be robbed.

So Peter Quill aspired to become an interstellar robber very early on, for which he also gave himself a famous nickname.

Star Lord!

Walking on the streets of Xandar, his excellent professional ethics made him look at every valuable thing on the people passing by.

Soon, Quill found the target, a man with a strong figure and a fierce face.

Although the other party didn't seem easy to mess with, the valuable items on his body made him quite moved. Considering that his Milano hadn't been updated and repaired for a long time, he decided to make this vote.

And the more powerful the target, the more powerful it can prove itself.

With this in mind, Quill started a series of preparatory work such as tracking, stepping on the spot, and approaching.

But because of the other party's vigilance, Quill has never been able to find a chance to do it. When he saw that the other party seemed to be planning to leave Xandar, he finally couldn't help it, and planned to take a risk when he was riding with the other party.

But what he never expected was that he was arrested by the police of Nova Empire just halfway through the success.

"Dare to steal things under my nose, how brave you are!"

It never occurred to Peter Quill that on the other side beside him, this fat, bald, middle-aged old man turned out to be a policeman.

Because the body was hit by the beam weapon of the Nova Empire, Peter Quill's body became rigid, and only one mouth could speak: "Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding!"

Although Peter Quill wanted to try his best to save it, but unfortunately his stiff movements at this time and the things he had already stolen half of his body undoubtedly made this explanation a bit pale.

At this time, the vicious man also discovered Peter Quill's behavior, and he was furious: "How dare you steal my things!"

"Misunderstanding, it's really..."

Peter Quill shouted loudly, wanting to buy time, he could already feel his body gradually recovering, as long as his body returned to normal, he was still sure to make a strategic retreat.

But just when he was delighted to find that he could control his body, a fist the size of a sandbag appeared in front of him.

Along with a sharp pain, a final thought lingered in Peter's mind:

Careless, no flash!


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