"Boy, who are you?"

"What did you do to our captain!"

"He actually told us to surrender!? Hahaha!"

"Boss, hold on, we'll save you!"

Immediately there were reprimands, cursing and threats in the channel, but in general, they all revealed one meaning, even if the hostages were taken, they would never surrender!

Feeney looked back at the bearded face full of anger.

The members of these thieves groups are all extremely evil, there is no brotherhood at all, and they gather together only because of money. The bearded man can be the captain only because he is the strongest among these people and has the most subordinates.

As for prestige...

Feeney thought of the three people who stood up to grab the captain's identity before.

Just as Finny sighed, the restless members outside had already begun to hold back. One of the spaceships made a threat, and launched an attack without waiting for Finny's reply.

This attack was like a signal. The spaceships next to him saw someone take the lead, and followed closely behind.

The golden energy beam hit the spacecraft in the blink of an eye, causing the entire hull to shake.

Fortunately, this ship is the Captain, which is much better prepared than other spaceships. It did not crash directly after being attacked by these attacks, but it just caused the motionless members of the bandit group who were kneeling on the ground to fall to one side.

Feeney didn't expect these guys to sneak attack, and felt a little annoyed.

He originally thought that if these thieves were willing to cooperate obediently, he would spare their lives, but now that the other party chooses to fight directly, there is nothing to say.

Because Finny communicated through the internal channel, Tony and the others didn't know the situation, and suddenly launched an attack when they saw the other party. Although the target was not him, Skye couldn't help but worry.

"Is Finny going to be okay?"

Tony was currently studying the destructive power of the opponent's weapon. After hearing Skye's words, he turned his head and comforted him: "Don't worry, these guys are far worse than the dark elves!"

As soon as Tony finished speaking, the spaceship where Feeney was located also started to move. While it dodged the attack, a red mysterious and complicated magic circle suddenly appeared in the space.

Then a pillar of fire emerged from the magic circle, directly hitting an attacking spaceship.


Accompanied by the explosion, the scorching flames engulfed the entire spacecraft, and in the empty space, it exploded like fireworks.

On the Captain, everyone looked at Finny's outstretched palm with horror on their faces. At this time, Finny had lifted their movement restrictions, but none of them dared to move.

Because just now, there was a guy who pulled out a gun and wanted to sneak attack. After Feeney stretched out his palm, he has now turned into a pile of ashes, floating all over the room.

Not to mention that they saw with their own eyes just now that a spaceship was blown up after Finny waved his hand.

No one in the room felt that their bodies would be harder than the spaceship that exploded just now.

After destroying a spaceship with explosion magic, Finny suddenly thought of something, turned to the bearded man and asked, "Is there anything valuable on those spaceships?"


The bearded man is extremely regretful now, regretting why he didn't stay in the place of no knowledge, drinking wine and hugging beautiful women, why he insisted on coming out today, so as to provoke such a terrifying person.


Feeney looked suspiciously at the bearded man.

The bearded man nodded nervously, staring at Finny's palm, for fear that Finny would suddenly reach out and aim at him.

Feeney turned his head and looked outside at several spaceships that temporarily stopped attacking due to the explosion of the spaceship. After knowing that the other party had nothing of value, he didn't have to worry too much.


Even the Chitauri battleship and the spaceship of the dark elves couldn't withstand the attack of the explosion magic, not to mention the spaceships of these little thieves, Fini didn't even need to chant to face them.

The magic circle reappeared, and under the crimson flames of death, another spaceship turned into bright fireworks, blooming in space.

The inexplicable destruction of the two spaceships also made the remaining members of the attacking bandits panic.

"What happened? What happened to the flame just now?"

"Who is attacking us?"

"Trash, a bunch of trash, quickly find the enemy!"

In a panic, these bandits also began to attack Tony's spaceship.

However, with the existence of the shield, even if Tony stopped in place, it would take a while for them to break the energy shield.

But Feeney didn't give them this chance, and when the bearded crewman manipulated the spaceship to dodge, he launched a counterattack in the spaceship.


The strength of the bandit group is not strong, if they were strong, they would not hang around here, only dare to hunt newcomers and the weak.

So Finny almost never needs a second shot when attacking.

In just a few minutes, Finny used explosion magic to reduce the original dozen spaceships to only three, and one of them was the captain he was staying at.

Facing Feeney, who was beyond the norm, the last two spaceships had no chance of a comeback.

In the two roars, except for the captain, this small group of thieves was completely wiped out.

At this time on the Captain, there was no sound in the cabin, and everyone was secretly looking at Feeney in horror. Up to now, many of them don't understand how Feeney did it.

After eliminating the enemies, Finny clapped his palms and looked back at the remaining members of the bandit group in the cabin.

Seeing Finny's eyes looking over, a guy couldn't hold on to the pressure, and knelt down on the ground with a slap, and begged for mercy in fear: "No...don't kill me!"

Under his influence, many people also knelt down and begged for mercy.

Only the bearded captain and a few others did not kneel down, but they looked at Feeney with fear in their eyes.

Feeney ignored them, and after a thought made these noisy people shut up, he turned to look at the bearded man, and asked, "I've been forgetting to ask, what's your name?"

"Pa... Patoka... Cas Fergles!"

As the captain, Pastokas tried his best to keep himself calm, but seeing that Finny wiped out all the spaceships in an understatement, and also used unknown means to control his men, he was still a little flustered.

"Papas...Forget it!"

Feeney gave up the idea of ​​repeating it, then walked up to him, patted his shoulder and said, "Papa, I don't really like killing!"

"So if you can come up with some rewards worth your lives, and do me a favor by the way, I'll consider letting you go, how about it?

Hearing that he had a chance to survive, Pastokas immediately nodded his head and agreed, "I agree, I agree!"

"very good!"

Feeney nodded in satisfaction. Although he was a little unhappy to encounter a battle before the first stop of the target, it was a good thing to get a guide, and it would be more convenient to go to Wucunzhi next.

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