Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 385 Purchase

Led by Serena, the maid with two ponytails, Finny took the remaining one million. This time it was not a golden card, but something similar to a tablet computer, but very small.

Although a million is not much compared to the 100 million in his hand, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and Feeney happily accepted it.

Then Fini found Pastokas who was waiting nervously, and asked:

"Are you in a hurry?"

He spent a lot of time in it because he was looking at Tiwan's collection.

"No no!"

Pastokas immediately got up nervously and shook his head.

"Help me see if there is anything wrong with this card?"

Finny handed the golden card that he had been holding all the time to Pastokas, planning to use him as an experiment.

And Pastokas didn't doubt that he was there, so he directly took the card from Finny, checked it carefully, and saw that Pastokas was holding it without any problem, Fei Ni felt a little relieved.

"One... one... one... one hundred million!?"

When he saw the amount in the card, Pastokas's face was full of disbelief. The greed in his heart almost made him lose his mind, and he wanted to run out with the card.

However, Finny's calm expression made him calm down. Thinking of the subordinate who turned into ashes, he was in great pain, and he was very reluctant to return the card to Finny, saying:

"No... no problem!"


Seeing Pastokas's appearance, Finny wanted to laugh a little, and took the golden card. This time he took it with his fingers, but luckily nothing happened.

"Get out of here first!"

Because the smell around him made people feel uncomfortable, Finny didn't want to stay here any longer, and turned around to leave.

Pastokas hurriedly followed, because they were in a corner, and their behavior did not attract much attention from the people around them, except for the small group of people who knew Pastokas.

They were the only ones who saw Finny handing the golden card to Pastokas. Although they couldn't hear what Pastokas said because they were too far away, they could see something unusual from their expressions.

In fact, they came to inquire about the situation when Feeney and Tiwan traded before, but Pastokas didn't know Feeney's attitude, so he didn't dare to say anything.

Since they saw Finny leaving with the red skin and bald head before, coupled with the gold card and expression, these people looked at each other and seemed to understand something.

After watching Finny and Pastokas leave, they discussed in a low voice.

"Pass probably got something valuable again!"

"But he looks a little strange?"

"And it feels like he's afraid of that kid?"

Of course, some of them expressed strangeness about Pastokas' abnormal state.

"Forget about that, I think there must be a lot of money in that card!"

As soon as this sentence came out, greedy expressions appeared on the faces of the people around.

Who is Pastokas, the captain of the thieves group who does all kinds of evil, and of course those who are willing to contact him are not good guys. In the eyes of these people, it is commonplace to add insult to injury and take advantage of the fire.

"Let someone investigate what happened to Paz first!"

However, they did not act rashly, and were going to investigate the situation first.

On the other side, after Fini and Pastokas left, they were walking back.

There is no difference between day and night in Wucunzhidi, and there are factories and industrial-grade spaceships for excavation everywhere. Perhaps it is the reason why collectors are here. This is the most prosperous place in Wucunzhidi.

Because the transaction was successful, Feeney was in a good mood. Seeing Pastokas looking over with nervous and fearful eyes from time to time, and wanted to say something several times, but when he hesitated to speak, he couldn't help laughing:

"Don't worry, I'll take out your body in a while!"

"Okay, okay!"

Pastokas showed an excited expression on his face. From the 100 million just now, he understood even more that Finny is an existence that must not be provoked.

Although he didn't know what the deal between Finny and Tiwan was, the person who could take 100 million from Tiwan was not something he, the captain of a small band of thieves, could afford to provoke.

So now he only hopes that Feeney can keep his promise. At least from the current point of view, Feeney has no intention of killing him.

There is no difference between day and night in Wucunzhidi, and there are factories and industrial spaceships for excavation everywhere. Perhaps it is the reason why collectors live here. This is the most prosperous place in Wucunzhidi.

After leaving the bar, Feeney took out the communicator and talked to Tony about it.

"The transaction is completed, and there seems to be no problem for the time being!"

Hearing Finny's words, the few people who had been worried were immediately relieved.

Tony asked even more curiously, "How much did you sell for?"

"One hundred million!"

Feeney didn't make too much of a fuss, and told them in a good mood.

Hearing this number, all three of them looked surprised, and Banner couldn't help asking again: "How much!?"

"One hundred million, well, let's talk about it later when we go back!"

As he said that, Finny ended the call. Because it was a busy area, there were people coming and going around him at this time, and no one who could come to this place was kind-hearted, and being overheard would only cause trouble.

Pastokas couldn't help but show a jealous and greedy expression on the side. He has robbed for so many years, and all the money did not add up to more than 10 million.

He couldn't help but have the idea of ​​snatching Finny again, but when he thought of Finny waving his hand and turning his subordinates and a dozen spaceships into ashes, the thought faded away in an instant.

The land of no knowledge is a place of chaos, where there is no legal constraint, so the strong survive more easily, and the weak are also vulnerable to bullying.

Along the way, Feeney saw fights taking place in many hidden corners.

In fact, Finny also felt that he had been scrutinized by many people, but perhaps because he was accompanied by a vicious-looking Patokas who didn't seem to be easy to mess with, no one came to trouble him until now.

This made Finny inexplicably pleasing to Pastokas's ugly face. Although he likes to gain experience in fighting, he doesn't want to be provoked by this kind of street gangster.

In addition, although Pastokas said that there is no problem with the gold card, of course Feeney would not completely believe him, so he had to do another test.

The inspection is also very simple, just buying things, so he didn't rush back too anxiously, but looked at the stalls and shops around him while walking.

In this kind of place, the most open shops are related to spaceships and weapons, because these two things are necessary for interstellar travel.

He didn't think about the spacecraft for the time being. It was Tony's business to modify it. As for the weapons, he looked at them and asked about them before giving up.

Although there are many types of weapons, they are all average in power, and none of them are comparable to those he obtained from the dark elves, and he is not very used to using these weapons.

So after shopping around for a while, Feeney couldn't find anything he wanted to buy.

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