Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 392 Xandar

This answer was obviously beyond Skye's expectation. Her big amber eyes were full of confusion, and her small ruddy mouth was slightly opened in surprise, revealing a few white teeth, and her face was full of astonishment.

Before Skye could react, Feeney quickly changed the topic and continued: "Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, go and see the things we bought today!"

Looking at Feeney's appearance, Skye was a little melancholy. This answer and performance clearly proved that the relationship between the two was not as simple as the boss and the employees.

However, Skye didn't continue to stalk her, after all, she and Finny are just siblings, although they are not relatives.

Seeing that Skye didn't go any further, Feeney quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Helen Zhao is a beautiful woman, and he also likes her appearance and personality. It is obviously impossible to say that she doesn't care at all, otherwise she wouldn't have specially given her a precious gift from Asgard.

But to let him and Helen Zhao really be together, Feeney would hesitate again.

He doesn't have the talent of a playboy like Tony. Although he always wanted to have something to do with the young and beautiful female students in school, it's a pity that he hasn't realized it until now.

Moreover, Zhao Hailun is obviously not that kind of casual personality, if they are together and then suddenly separate, it will definitely cause great harm to her.

So about love matters, Feeney doesn't want to think too much now.

With these thoughts in mind, Feeney and Skye came to the research room on the spaceship together.

If he and Skye spent the whole time in the training room during the journey, then Tony and Banner didn't leave the research room very often.

At this moment, the two were getting together to argue about something. On the screen not far away, Jarvis's subroutine was calculating.

Feeney and Skye walked over curiously, and after listening to it for a while, they became confused. Their knowledge level in terms of technology was too far behind.

But Feeney didn't want to be a great scientist anymore, as long as he could use his skills and magic well, that was enough.

Seeing the seriousness of the two, Feeney and Skye glanced at each other and returned to the training room without making a sound.

"Is it okay for us to make such a big commotion there?"

After returning to the training room, Skye recalled what he was doing ignorantly, and asked some worried questions.

"It's fine!"

Even though he said so, Feeney couldn't guarantee it completely, but in general, although the commotion they made was big, it didn't cause much damage to Wucunzhi.

The place bombarded by the explosion magic was originally a barren land that had been mined, and the factory was also abandoned, and the battle with the spaceship ended after a short period of time, and there was no time to destroy the surrounding area.

After thinking about it this way, Feeney really didn't think that the collector would deal with him because of this, and even if he really wanted to deal with him, it probably wouldn't be because of this reason.

While Finny and Skye were discussing this issue, the ignorant Tiwan was also looking at the image of him fighting just now.

When he saw Finny resisting the spaceship attack and creating a dark red shield, Tiwan's expression became a little agitated. After staring carefully for a long time, he whispered:

"Sure really is on him!"

Then he turned off the collected battle images, looked at the maid Serena not far away, and asked, "Where are they now?"

Hearing Tiwan's question, Serena shook her body, and hurriedly approached and replied, "He...they left!"

Tiwan frowned suddenly, and continued to ask, "Where did you go?"

Serena's body trembled even more, and tremblingly replied: "Still... still looking for it!"

Because Finny chose to leave directly after eliminating the enemy, he moved quickly and didn't even go back to the hotel, which caused the followers to fail to keep up.

Tiwan didn't show an angry expression, but his eyes turned cold. He stared at Serena and said, "Go find their location!"


Seeing Serena leaving with a happy expression, Tiwan looked at her back with more indifferent eyes.

Then he opened the video of the previous battle again. When he saw the explosion magic, his eyes were a little cautious. Although Finny had an infinite gem on him, his strength was not easy to mess with.

Moreover, Feeney is still an Earthling, protected by Asgard Odin. If Feeney is allowed to return to Earth, it will be troublesome if he wants to go to Earth to snatch it.

While thinking about how to obtain infinite gems, Tiwan looked at Finny on the influence, and said obsessively to himself:

"It's so beautiful!"



Finny, who was resting in the room, suddenly woke up and took a breath of cool air. He felt a chill when he woke up inexplicably, so much so that his back was still a little hairy.

After picking up the water by the table and taking a sip, Finny calmed down, feeling that he must have had some kind of nightmare just now, but he couldn't remember the content of the dream.

He looked at the vast starry sky outside through the window, and then checked the time.

It has been more than ten hours since they left Wucunzhi, and they should soon arrive at Xandar.

After tidying up briefly, Feeney came to the cockpit. There was no one in front of the console. He looked at the situation in each room of the spaceship. Skye should still be resting, while Tony and Banner were still in the research room. Know if you have rested.

Then Finny sat in his pilot's seat, and the spaceship drove automatically according to the set route without any controls. He looked at the route, and they would reach Xandar in about half an hour.

Thirty minutes passed quickly. After passing around a big fireball that was similar to the sun but much smaller than the sun, Finny finally saw the appearance of Xandar.

Xandar looks smaller than Earth.

After arriving at the destination, Feeney canceled the automatic mode and started to manually drive the spacecraft to land.

Compared with the chaotic and disorderly place of Wucunzhi, where anyone can come in and out at will, Xandar Star is undoubtedly much stricter. Of course, it is not too strict, but like Finny who has no identity certificate but is straightforward Very few flew in.

So before he landed in the spaceship, three small starfish-like fighters flew over and shouted around him:

"We are the Nova Corps, please indicate your identity and purpose!"

Feeney looked at these fighters in surprise, and did not choose to retreat or attack, but cooperated:

"We are from Earth, we have no malicious intentions, we just want to visit Xandar Star!"

Hearing such a big commotion, the other three also rushed to the cab. Tony and Banner were still tired, and it seemed that they hadn't had a good rest.

And Skye seemed to be in good spirits, and was looking at the three fighters outside curiously.

After hearing Feeney's answer, the three fighter planes seemed to report to their superiors, and then notified: "Please land according to the instructions and cooperate with the inspection!"

Feeney didn't resist. According to the other party's guidance, he parked the spaceship in an area, and then walked out of the spaceship. Some people were guarding nearby with weapons.

Seeing Finny's cooperation, the Nova Corps members were also relieved. They looked at the four Finny who got off the spaceship. One of them came over and asked curiously:

"Is this your first time in Xandar?"


Feeney also looked at the Xandar people in front of him. In terms of appearance alone, there was almost no difference from the people on Earth.

"Although I really want to say welcome to Xandar, but before that, I need to check and register you!"


Feeney didn't refuse, and a passport is required to leave a country on Earth, but now he is only required to register.

Afterwards, the members of the Nova Corps did not ridicule or look down on Finey because they came from Earth, and took the four of them to do a very simple inspection and identity registration.

Then I sent him something similar to an ID card, telling him that if he came to Xandar next time, he would not be so troublesome, and Xandars defense system would automatically identify his identity.

"Is that all right?"

The whole process didn't take more than five minutes, so that Feeney was a little surprised. Of course, maybe this had something to do with the lack of weapons on their bodies. As for the weapons in the spaceship, if they were also restricted, then Xandar would be too much.

Seeing Finny's surprised look, the Nova Corps just smiled and said, "Yes, welcome to Xandar!"

Then he took out another thing that was similar to the flyer on the earth but full of technological style, and said, "This is our law, please strictly abide by it!"

Feeney took it over and looked at it. The content on it was actually not much, mainly about some criminal behavior constraints, which was not much different from the feeling on Earth.

Let’s not talk about whether to obey or not when we actually meet, but at this time it is absolutely right to agree first on the surface, so Finny nodded and replied: "Okay, we will remember!"

Looking at Feeney, who was friendly and actively cooperating, the members of the Nova Corps were also very satisfied, so they asked casually:

"Is there anything you need help with?"

"We want to buy something, is there any place to recommend?"

Seeing the enthusiasm of the other party, Feeney also asked politely. Although there are many plots about Xandar in the original plot, it is mainly reflected in the combat power of the Nova Corps.

Hearing Finny's question, the man thought for a while, and then replied: "Nova Square, there is the biggest market there!"

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the "Encyclopedia of Laws" in Feeney's hand and said, "Tap twice on the upper right corner, and it will become a map!"

Feeney clicked twice according to the instructions, and it turned into a map, and he couldn't help saying: "Thank you!"

"It doesn't matter!"

The man smiled again, and said, "Anything else I need help with?"

"I don't think there are any for now!"

Feeney shook his head, but when he was talking, he turned his head and looked at Tony and the others around him. During this period, the three of them hadn't participated much.

Seeing Finny's questioning gaze, Skye and Banner shook their heads, saying that they didn't have any questions, only Tony asked, "What about the spaceship?"

"We'll watch over it for you!"

Although he heard the answer, Tony looked at Finny.

"Stay here for now!"

Feeney pondered for a moment, nodded to Tony and said.

The Xandar star is no different than Wu Cunzhi, and the problem of accidents here is not a big problem. The only thing that may be worried is that Ronan attacked in the original plot.

But it's still early from the original plot, so don't worry too much.

Thinking of Ronan, Finny thought of the Power Gem, and when thinking of the Power Gem, Finny unconsciously thought of Star-Lord, a cheater comparable to Loki.

First to overcome the adoptive father, and then to overcome the biological father.

According to his relationship with Gamora, even the father-in-law Thanos might have been killed by him.

Feeney sighed and bid farewell to the Xandalian, and prepared to go to Nova Square according to the guidance of the map. Fortunately, this place is not far away and can be reached on foot.

Leaving the base of the Nova Corps, looking at the tired faces of Tony and Banner, Feeney couldn't help but ask, "Have you guys been up all this time?"

Tony yawned, nodded and said, "Those things are a bit complicated, I accidentally forgot to pay attention to the time!"

Banner looked at Tony resentfully. He originally planned to go to rest, but because Tony kept pulling him to do this and that, he was so busy that he couldn't stop at all, so he didn't succeed in taking a rest.

"Well, it seems that it is more important to find a place to stay first!"

Feeney looked at the state of the two of them, and sighed helplessly, but fortunately, they didn't have to leave in a hurry this time, and could rest slowly.

Tony and Banner didn't refute. They worked with full concentration for more than ten hours. Once they relaxed, they would be sleepy.

Following the directions on the map, Fini went to Nova Square, observing the buildings and residents of Xandar from time to time along the way.

Compared with the ignorant land, Xandar is simply the difference between hell and heaven.

Fresh air, clean and tidy streets, exquisite buildings and stable citizens all show the beauty of this place.

"People here look very happy!"

When he came to Nova Square, Banner looked at everything around him and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"After all, it is the capital of the Nova Empire!"

Hearing Banner's words, Feeney said something, but he was thinking about the Nova Corps stationed in Xandar. Those tens of thousands of fighters are not a small force in the universe.

So all these good things are built on strength.

Feeney also felt emotional in his heart, then shook his head and put aside his thoughts and continued: "I inquired, there is a hotel in front, let's go there first!"

Afterwards, Fini and the others came to the hotel. With a huge sum of nearly 100 million yuan and a certificate issued by the Nova Corps, they had no trouble checking in.

However, when Finny was staying on Xandar, Gamora, who followed the order of Thanos, also came to the land of no knowledge.

As the number one female killer in the galaxy and the most powerful daughter of Thanos, Gamora is also very confident in her own strength.

So in order to hurry up and perform multiple space jumps, she didn't bring any soldiers, but came to Wucunzhi alone.

Gamora also knew the name of the collector, so she did not act rashly here, but first inquired about the information.

Although more than a day has passed, Gamora has already learned about the matter from many people's discussions before he deliberately inquired about it because of the great commotion caused by Feeney.

"Huge red magic circle!? Explosion!?"

Gamora frowned slightly as she listened to the discussions of the brawny men next to her. She always had an inexplicably familiar feeling.

As the daughter of Thanos, she is qualified to know about Finny's information.


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