Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 398 Reminder


Xandar Star is militarized management, Nova Supreme is the supreme leader, so after seeing her, these people immediately stood up and greeted her.

But then he began to say with panic on his face:

"Sir, this man is dangerous!"

"Yes, very dangerous!"

"Please expel him from Xandar immediately!"

"Send him to the black hole!"

Although Finny was sitting in the laboratory, with the blessing of the breathing method and the golden Da Yan technique, he could vaguely hear the voices of these people.

Hearing the words of these people, Feeney was a little speechless, but at the same time, he also felt a little disappointed in his heart, because he didn't feel that this was the reaction of being able to take out ether particles.

"what happened?"

Nova Supreme frowned and interrupted, his eyes full of doubts.

Then one of the staff stood up and began to explain: "There is a special substance in this person's body, which contains very terrifying energy!"

"And this energy keeps growing all the time. With his body, he can't last for a few days. If this energy bursts out completely, it will be enough to destroy the entire Xandar star!"

Hearing this, Nova Supreme couldn't help being startled, glanced at Feeney who was still calm, and asked in a deep voice, "Are you sure?"

Several staff members nodded neatly, unanimously affirming.

A cautious expression appeared on Nova Supreme's face. Even if Finny wasn't the rumored silver knight, she didn't dare to underestimate Finny.

"What it is?"

Hearing such terrifying destructive power, Nova Supreme couldn't help asking.

"I don't know, it's a substance I've never seen before!"

Although the Infinity Stones are not top secret, they are not known to just any individual, so these scientists do not know the origin of the ether particles.

And Nova Supreme didn't expect it to be an infinite gem, and frowned when he heard it.

"Can you take it out for him?"

Thinking of the purpose of Finny's visit, Nova Supreme continued to ask.


The people doing the inspection looked at each other, all showing hesitant expressions, and then one of them said: "This is too dangerous, we are not sure!"

"Yes, if these energies are allowed to erupt again, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Sir, please let him go!"

Several other people added suggestions on the side.

In their eyes, Finny is simply a time bomb, and its power is still the most terrifying. If it is not handled properly, the entire Xandar planet will suffer.

Hearing this, Nova Supreme showed a hesitant expression. She didn't want all the people to be in such danger, so after careful questioning, she was going to talk to Finny.

Entering the laboratory, looking at the thin figure of Feeney, Nova Supreme was a little hard to believe that this body contained such terrifying energy.

"Your situation is dire!"

Looking at Feeney in front of him, Nova Supreme sighed, and then said slowly: "We may not be able to help you!"

Feeney had overheard the conversation between her and those people just now, so she also showed too many surprised expressions, and just asked, "Why don't you give it a try?"

"Feel sorry!"

Nova Supreme showed an apologetic expression. Although, as the supreme leader of Xandar, she shouldn't have such a low profile, she was worried that she would offend Finny and die together with Xandar.

According to the explanations of her subordinates, the reason why Finny looks normal now seems to be some method to control the energy in her body, but after a few days, this energy will exceed the limit that Finny's body can bear, so she still has to stay within these few days. In the sky, let Finny leave Xandar as soon as possible.

No, it's far away from Xandar!

Finny actually knew that taking out the ether particles would be risky, but the risk was definitely not as scary as those people said, at least he knew very well that the Reality Gem didn't want to destroy his body.

Therefore, the possibility of causing an energy explosion to destroy the entire planet is very small, unless he wants to die himself, and it is only possible if he is ready to die with someone.

But this is less likely to happen.

Looking at Nova Supreme in front of him, Feeney guessed the reason for her attitude, so he said flatly: "Don't worry, if it really doesn't work, I will leave as soon as possible!"

Nova Supreme breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Feeney and felt a little guilty for no reason, because she felt that Feeney's life might only have the last few days left.

But she can't put the entire Xandar planet in danger, and she can't even introduce Finny to other planets, so in the end she can only say sincerely:

"I'm really sorry!"

Looking at Nova Supreme who bowed his head and apologized, Feeney was a little surprised, and then he understood after a little thought based on what he had just eavesdropped.

He knew his situation, and with the presence of Emperor Keke, it was impossible for the energy of ether particles to erupt, but Nova Supreme and others didn't know, so he probably thought that he only had a few days left to live.

But Feeney didn't mean to explain, just shook his head calmly and said, "It's nothing!"

This attitude of Nova Supreme has won him a lot of goodwill, and based on the appearance of the previous few people, the hope that Xandar Star can help him take out the ether particles is not too great.

It's just that Feeney still has some regrets in his heart. He originally had a lot of hope for Xandar.

In the original plot, Shandar star was introduced a lot, and after visiting, he also liked this city very much.

"Speaking of which, you seem to be planning to sign a peace agreement with the Kerry Empire, right?"

Finny asked casually when he got up, this is the news he heard when he was shopping with Skye, and now the entire Xandar planet is discussing this matter.

Nova Supreme was stunned for a moment, and seemed to be a little surprised why Feeney suddenly asked this, but he nodded and replied: "Yes!"

"Ronan, the accuser of the Kerry Empire, should strongly oppose this agreement, you better pay more attention!"

Feeney reminded me.

Even though he said that, he thought of the situation in the original plot. Facing Ronan's massacre, Nova Supreme could only reprimand the leaders of the Kree Empire. It can be seen that the strength of Xandar is weaker than Ronan. At least not completely stopping Ronan.

Hearing Finny's words, Nova Supreme's expression changed, of course she knew who Ronan was.

The extremists of the Kerry Empire hate Xandar and wish to completely destroy their civilization.

"what do you know?"

Nova Supreme frowned and looked at Feeney and asked, she was puzzled that Feeney brought up this topic for no reason.

"Nothing, just a reminder to remind you, this guy is very cruel, he will definitely be angry about this agreement!"

Feeney shrugged, and said with a frank look: "Although I haven't been here for a long time, I still like Xandar, so I don't want it to be destroyed!"

Hearing this, Nova Supreme took a deep look at Feeney, and then thought of Feeney's life of only "a few days" left, sighed faintly:

"Thank you, I'll draw attention to him!"'s still just one chapter, tomorrow will be absolutely normal! ! ! I am very sorry, I am on the recommendation today, and I will try to return a few chapters this week. . Too much owed. .

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