Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 412 Ronan and Thanos (Merry Christmas!)

It's just that he maintained this movement and shouted "Ollie" for half an hour, but in the end he still didn't come up with anything.


Peter yelled the last time with a full and confident voice, then looked at his still empty palm, and gave up the idea of ​​success today.

After practicing the 'magic', Peter sighed and controlled the spaceship to go back. Only then did he remember that he didn't know the location of Yondu.

Although Yondu contacted him a few days ago, he didn't dare to get through because he was afraid of Feeney.

Now out of danger, can finally contact.

The call was dialed, and within a few seconds, Yondu connected.

"You brat, where are you now?"

Although Yondu on the screen cursed loudly, Peter didn't notice a trace of relief that flashed quickly in Yondu's eyes after seeing him.

In the past few days, Yondu also secretly investigated Peter's whereabouts, but found that other people seemed to be looking for Peter, which made him think that Peter had caused some serious trouble again.

Originally, he was considering whether to let go of the task first, and go to Peter first, but now that the kid is fine, he finally relaxed a lot.

Seeing the cursing Yondu, Peter stopped when he wanted to show off that he had earned 500,000 yuan, and replied sullenly, "It's near a planet called Morag."


Yondu thought about it for a while, he had no memory of this planet, and asked with a frown, "Where are you going?"

"Accepted a job, just finished!"

Peter was already unhappy because he didn't rub the ball, and he was scolded again, and his mood was even worse, so he directly asked, "Where are you now?"

Whether he is unhappy or not, he still has to go back to check his body, and ask Yongdu to help see if there is any problem with the fried chicken nugget roll.

Yondu wanted to ask about the job, but when he heard Peter asking about the location, he sent the coordinates first, and then asked, "What are you doing these days?"

"Help someone find something!"

Peter replied unhappily, he actually knew that Yondu sometimes cared about him, but this way did not move him.

So when he saw that Yondu was about to open his mouth to ask carefully, he said directly first: "I'll go back later, let's talk about it then!"

Without waiting for Yondu to answer, he hung up the phone.

"This bastard boy!"

Looking at the pitch-black screen, Yondu cursed again, but there was care and reassurance in his eyes.

When Peter was talking to Yondu and Finny was going to Sovereign, a space battleship was searching not far from them.

If Gamora saw it, he would recognize it as Ronan's Dark Star.

"Did you find it?"

In the main cabin, Ronan sat on a chair and asked, his voice was cold and without any emotion.

"Still...still looking!"

The subordinates lowered their heads and replied tremblingly that Ronan's usual cruelty made them feel a little scared.

Hearing this answer, Ronan frowned, which made the subordinates who secretly looked up even more frightened, and their bodies trembled.

"Send all the Necromancer fleet, they must be found today!"


Hearing the order, his subordinates hurriedly responded, heaved a sigh of relief, and then became nervous again. He knew that if he couldn't find it today, the consequences would be serious.

So without wasting time, I hurriedly started to give orders.

After his subordinates left, Ronan stood up, went to the console, opened a video and thought about it while watching.

The video shows the battle at the Xandar Outpost the other day.

Although Finny helped drive away the Necromancer fleet at the time, it was a pity that Ronan's main ship arrived and the outpost was eventually destroyed.

The destruction of the outpost allowed Ronan to calm down a lot of anger, but the subsequent investigation of Finny took him by surprise.

He found that Finny was actually an earthling, which reminded him of the woman who could shine.

So he launched a track on Feeney.

"Phini Halsetts..."

Ronan chanted Finny's name. With the help of the Kree Empire's intelligence network, he had obtained quite a lot of information. After learning about it, he couldn't help coveting Finny's power.

He also plotted the woman's power back then, but unfortunately failed, so this time he set his sights on Feeney.

It was for this reason that he put down his attack on Xandar and tracked it here. If he got these powers, he could destroy Xandar's civilization by himself without resorting to Thanos.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly a subordinate came over to report.

"Master, Thanos sent a message saying that he wants to see you."

Ronan turned off the video, turned around, his eyes were a little puzzled, he knew that Thanos was not easy to mess with, so he didn't miss him, and after a reply, he came to the communication room.

In the spacious room, an image of Thanos is displayed on one wall.


Seeing Ronan appear, Thanos was the first to say hello, but he didn't call Ronan by name, but called the Cree.

This made Ronan feel a little angry.

But he knows that there is a gap in strength between himself and Thanos. If it is the power of the entire Cree Empire, there may be an army against Thanos, but he alone is not the opponent of Thanos.

And Thanos is notoriously crazy. Although he is called a madman and a lunatic, it is aimed at the Xandars, so he didn't say anything to the arrogant Thanos in the end, but asked in a deep voice:

"What's the matter?"

"Are you looking for them?"

Thanos wasn't in the mood for chatting either, so he said something, and then images of Feeney and Tony wearing battle armor appeared on the screen.

Ronan was taken aback, he didn't expect Thanos to ask this matter, he looked at Thanos expressionless, nodded and admitted: "They attacked my fleet!"

While answering, Ronan was also thinking. According to the investigation information, Finney destroyed Thanos' Chitauri fleet by himself. Could it be that he was asked to help revenge! ?

"Don't meddle in this matter!"

Ronan was taken aback again, then frowned, and replied, "Why?"

Although he wanted to use the power of Thanos to destroy Xandar, it was cooperation. He only needed to help find the universe spirit ball. He didn't feel that he was under Thanos, and Thanos had no right to order him to do anything.

"I'm notifying you!"

But Thanos didn't explain, just said something lightly, and then ended the communication directly.

Ronan clenched the weapon in his hand, with resentment in his eyes, staring at the disappearing screen.

Although angry, Ronan did not lose his mind. He began to think about whether to offend Thanos for this matter.

After standing there for a few minutes, Ronan made a decision that it was not suitable to break with Thanos now, at least not before Thanos helped him destroy Xandar.

But just when he returned to the cockpit and was about to give the order to leave, the subordinates who left not long ago hurried back and reported excitedly:

"Master, I found it!"

Adjust it, update normally tomorrow, and Merry Christmas!

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