Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 416 Surrounded (Happy New Year's Day!)

It was for this reason that Feeney tolerated the arrogance of the Sovereigns.

However, this tolerance also has a bottom line, and the Sovereigns haven't touched that bottom line yet.

"Why is he asking me?"

Banner, who had been holding back for a long time, finally couldn't help asking at this time, he could also sense Ayesha's attitude when they met before, and the audience seemed to only care about him and Feeney.


Feeney looked at Banner and knew in his heart that he had guessed the answer, but he just didn't confirm it, so he explained: "The Sovelins have done very good research on genes and energy."

"It should be Hulk's question that caught their attention."

Banner remained silent. On the one hand, he was a little worried, but on the other hand, he also had hope, hoping that the Sovereigns could help him solve the Hulk's problem.

Feeney knew what was going on in Banner's mind, so he didn't say much. If the Sovereigns could really help Banner solve Hulk's problem, he wouldn't stop him.

Of course, the premise of the solution is not elimination, but he doesn't think the Sowerins can destroy Hulk.

Feeney didn't go any further on this topic. After checking the room, he began to ask Tony about the instruments needed to open the universe spirit ball.

The reason why I proposed to take a break first is to consider whether I can open the universe spirit ball during this period of time.

If you can get the power gem, you will be more secure no matter what happens.


In space, Peter, who was listening to music in the spaceship, shook his head and listened to the new copy of the song, humming a few words from time to time.

The day before, he was still worried, wondering if Finny would lie to him, but after feeling that his body was fine from the beginning to the end, he was completely relieved.

Listening to the passionate music, a large spaceship appeared in Peter's vision.

Seeing this spaceship, Peter's expression was a bit complicated, some were happy, some were disgusted, and some were nostalgic.

After verifying his identity, he drove his Mirano into the large spaceship. As soon as it came to a complete stop, before the cockpit was opened, a large group of people gathered around noisily.

"The kid Quill is back!"

"When did he sneak out?"

"The captain will not continue to let him go this time!?"

"This kid stole my wine before he slipped out..."

During their quarrel, Yondu with blue skin came over, looked at Peter who came out of the spaceship, raised his hand and slapped him on the head, cursing:

"Brat, how dare you disobey orders and sneak out!"

Peter shrank his head, although he could feel that Yondu didn't exert much force at all, but what made him uncomfortable was this attitude, he felt that Yondu had been treating him like a child.

"I'm looking for a job by myself!"

Because of the 500,000 yuan, Peter didn't have patience this time, but refuted once in a while.

"Still talking back!"

Yondu slapped him on the head again, cursing while beating: "How dare you not answer my phone, brat, next time I do this again, I'll let them taste what your meat tastes like!"

The crew members on the side started making noises and cooperated one by one, but some of them were cooperative, while some were real.

Hearing this threat, Peter became even more upset, and muttered in a low voice, "You can eat, anyway, I haven't showered in months!"

Yondu was close, so when he heard this, he unconsciously wanted to rub Peter's big head with his palm again, but he was afraid that he would accidentally knock this stupid boy stupid, so he finally held back his movement.

"Where did you go a few days ago?"

Yondu stared at Peter and asked, thinking of someone investigating Peter's information these days, he couldn't help showing a bit of worry in his eyes.

He knew the situation of Peter's father. He was an extremely terrifying guy. Although he lied and kept Peter, the people on board knew the real situation, so he was most worried that the man was looking for Peter.

"I went to do a big business of half a million!"

Hearing Yondu's question, Peter showed a proud expression.

"Five hundred thousand!?"


"Fifty bucks!?"

"Quiel, you're getting better at bragging!"

Yondu didn't say a word, and the other crew members started to laugh one by one.

Peter stared at them without talking nonsense, and directly revealed the money, which shocked everyone.

"Is it really half a million?"

"This is impossible!"

"Wow, Peter, what did you do?"

"Peter, you haven't paid back the money you owed me last time!"

"And my wine!"

Seeing Peter showing the money, the surrounding crew members were a little shocked. They were predators, and as long as they got the money, the method didn't matter at all.

Yondu was also a little surprised. He thought Peter was just looking for a reason before, but after seeing the money, he suddenly felt that things might not be that simple.

"follow me!"

Yondu stopped the bragging and billing crew, and called Peter to the captain's cabin alone.

"Where have you been these few days?"

Yondu sat on the chair, looked at the smug Peter and asked.

While asking the question, he was also considering whether to tell Peter the truth of the year, but he was also worried that Peter would not be able to resist looking for Egg, after all, he was his biological father.

Thinking of the fate of those children that Egg asked him to search for back then, he hesitated a little and decided to keep this secret.

"Someone specifically found me, please help me find something!"

Peter embellishes Finny's threatening process a little.

"Looking for something?"

With a trace of doubt in Yondu's eyes, he continued to ask: "What are you looking for? Why are you looking for you?"

Peter thought of what Finny said before, and replied casually: "The universe spirit ball, I didn't expect it, I found it first!"

"Cosmic spirit ball!?"

Yondu was stunned for a moment, and asked in surprise, "What is that?"

"you do not know?"

Looking at the confused Yondu, Peter was a little surprised. He remembered that what Finney said at the beginning was that he 'threatened' him when he heard that Yondu knew the location of the cosmic spirit ball.

"Tell me about the past few days!"

Yondu said in a deep voice, he felt something was wrong.

Peter didn't hide much, after all, he still wanted Yondu to help check his body and whether there was any problem with the chicken nugget roll.

But when Yondu listened carefully to Peter's story, suddenly a crew member ran in in a panic and shouted:

"Captain, captain, this is bad!"

Seeing the panicked look of his subordinates, Yondu frowned, stood up from the chair, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"We are surrounded by a group of fleets!"


Yondu froze for a moment, his brows furrowed deeper, and he walked towards the spaceship control room, asking, "Who is the enemy?"

"It seems to be Ronan the Accuser of the Kerry Empire!"

"It's him!"

Hearing this answer, Peter couldn't help but exclaimed, because he had focused on describing Finny's 'threat' just now, so he hadn't talked about the Xandar outpost yet.

Yondu, who was walking out, paused, looked back at the surprised Peter, and asked, "What's going on?"

happy New Year!

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