“Boom! That’s it, that’s it, I’ve been waiting for it for a long time, and finally see you again! Tony was incoherent with excitement after seeing the Gundam.

The hand stroked the metal of Gundam’s exterior, and then tapped again and asked, “What kind of metal is this?” ”

“You let Jarvis scan it yourself!” Jiang Haochuan sat on the side, full of care.

“Is that really okay? This is your core secret. Tony was a little surprised.

Tony understood the value of this machine better than anyone, and that technology could not be measured by money.

“Brother Haochuan! Thank you, I am my best brother! He was also not polite and immediately ordered Jarvis to scan it.

Because of its high confidentiality and complexity, Jarvis took a lot of time to scan.

Tony sat next to Jiang Haochuan and poured a glass of wine for the two.

“How did you know about my palladium poisoning, no one should know about this!” Tony took the red wine and drank it, pulling the clothes on his chest away, revealing traces of palladium poisoning.

This is the first time Tony has exposed his situation in front of outsiders.

“The source of the information is the highest level of confidentiality, this is not convenient to disclose, but I can give you a little hint, look at the mecha I use, and then think about the materials used in your own ark reactor, you should understand.” Of course, Jiang Haochuan couldn’t say that because he was a traverser, he knew about him.

Now the excuse is just right, any technological advance is to go the way that others have walked, and then forge new paths forward.

Using his more developed technology, he mistakenly thought that he had encountered the same thing before.

“Sir! Data scanned! Jarvis’s voice came just in time.

“Jarvis, open the data analysis table!”

“Yes, sir, according to the test, this metal belongs to a peculiar alloy, according to the test, it has a fairly high defense power, as well as radiation resistance, it is a perfect alloy, or called Edman alloy!”

“What!” Tony’s whole body was completely shocked.

Jiang Haochuan also stood up from his chair in surprise.

The original alloy of Gundam should be Luna titanium, why did it become Edman alloy here?

Is it because of the system, after all, this world is the Marvel world?

Jiang Haochuan immediately thought of this possibility, and now it is the only possibility.

“Jarvis, keep talking!” Tony took a deep breath.

“Sir, with my current ability, I can only scan the outermost metal structure, and the precision of the equipment inside has exceeded my level, and it is impossible to scan.”

“Yes?” Tony was a little disappointed.

“But sir, according to the scan just now, a new possibility has been discovered, that is, the possibility of creating new elements, although the internal structure cannot be scanned, but there are some substances that do not exist in the current element table! If you copy it, you may create new elements! Jarvis’s words directly gave Tony hope.

“Thank you, because you let me have more possibilities, Jiang Haochuan, you are my brother forever!” There was a raging fire in Tony’s eyes, a desire that came after seeing hope.

“Well… Come on, I’ll take a break over here. Jiang Haochuan nodded.

He really didn’t know how to express it, originally his idea was to ask Tony to let him do it according to his father’s method, but he didn’t expect Gundam to directly help him solve this problem.

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