"Mr. En!"

Detecting Mu En's extreme mood swings, Kurim wanted to speak to comfort him.

However, Mu En suddenly raised his head.

"Izzy, analyze the signal source given by Stark. I want his precise positioning."

Izzy's robotic voice sounded among the ruins of the base.

"The signal source has been received, the signal source has been parsed successfully, and it has been successfully synchronized to the main server."

Without saying a word, Mu En turned over and walked out of the base, heading straight towards Doletron.

"Mr. En!"

When Stark saw Mu En's abnormal behavior, he immediately felt something was wrong.

"Calm down, we need to make a plan."

But Mu En started the engine directly.

“The best plan is action!”

After saying that, he stepped on the accelerator, causing a cloud of smoke and dust to rush off in pursuit of the source of the signal.

Stark looked at Mu En disappearing at the end of the street and shook his head helplessly.

"This guy, his mind is already messed up."

After saying that, he took out his belt and immediately transformed and chased after him.


In a dirty alley somewhere in the city, Fangire, a seriously injured chameleon, was limping away. With his ability to simulate the environment and be invisible, he was very confident that he could escape easily.

After passing through a series of alleys, a simple church appeared in front of him. The chameleon Fangire walked directly into the church without saying a word.

The church is not big, with only a few rows of wooden seats, a pulpit, and a huge cross.

A man in black robes and a white scarf, who looked like a priest, stood on the pulpit, looking up at the cross devoutly. The sun shone through the window on the pulpit, adding color to the simple lecture hall. Somewhat solemn and solemn.

The appearance of the chameleon Fangire broke this solemnity and solemnity.


Fangire the chameleon knelt on one knee in front of the pulpit.

"Sir, we have completed the task you gave us, but the rhinoceros died."

Bishop slowly turned his head, a pair of gold-rimmed round glasses shining in the sunlight.

"Really, just finish it. For our supreme glory, even sacrifice is extremely glorious."

"Yes, Lord Bishop, for the highest honor."

Looking at the extremely pious chameleon weirdo, Bishop smiled.

"So, for the sake of this honor, please disappear."

The bishop's voice was unusually calm, as if he was saying something insignificant.


The chameleon Fangire suddenly looked up at the bishop. His eyes were full of fear, and the next moment he found that his body could no longer move.

The bishop slowly raised his hand, a mark appeared, and the chameleon's body collapsed into colorful pieces of cellophane.

A locator fell out.

The bishop looked at the locator and smiled. He squinted his eyes slightly and looked outside the church. Three familiar figures were coming towards this direction.

"Okay, all the supporting characters have appeared, and the protagonist is on the way. Now let's get ready to kick off this gorgeous show!"

After that, his figure disappeared into the church.

Chapter 151, Three Idiots VS Bishop

In the church, three sudden figures walked in, a muscular man nearly two meters tall, a handsome man in jeans, and a man with soft eyes. These three people didn't look like they were here. Confessing believers in church.

"Bishop! We are here as promised!"

Bashar walked into the simple church and yelled at the bishop on the pulpit.

The bishop slowly turned around, looked at the three people and smiled.

"Ala ala, you are really honest and trustworthy."

Garuru snorted coldly.

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense and hand over the antidote quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

As he spoke, his right hand turned into a sharp claw, which glowed coldly under the sunlight.

"That's right! You're welcome."

The honest Dejia repeated Garuru's words, and even moved his neck as he spoke. The bones made a cracking collision, which sounded particularly penetrating.

The bishop smiled and adjusted his glasses.

"Oh my, you guys are really cute and silly. You just believe what I say."

"Bishop, what do you mean? Didn't you just give us the antidote after we agreed that we would help you break through that guy's base? Could it be that you are deceiving us?"

Bashar stared at the bishop coldly through his thin eyes.

"Humph, I told you a long time ago that this guy can't be trusted."

As he spoke, Garuru revealed his true form, a pair of blue wolf eyes flashing with cold murderous intent.

"Since you don't give it, then I have no choice but to do it myself!"

With a roar, Garuru pounced directly.

However, the bishop was not a vegetarian. He directly manifested his Fangire form and knocked back Garuru with a palm blast.

After easily defeating Garuru, the bishop said with a joking smile.

"Rude puppy, you are really too impatient. I haven't finished speaking yet. How can you be so excited? How can you become that adult's pet if you are so impatient?"

"You bastard, you are the dog! I will make you pay the price today!"

Garuru flicked his wrist, and the navy blue Garuru saber appeared in his hand. He waved the saber in his hand and attacked the bishop again.

"Suffer death!"

"Alala, although you are destined to be some adult's pet, I don't mind disciplining you for that adult."

After saying that, the bishop put one hand behind his back and attacked Garuru with only one hand.

Even with just one hand, the bishop still fought back and forth with Garuru.

Dejia on the side looked anxious to him.

"Garuru, I'm here to help you! Roar!"

With a loud shout, Dejia transformed into a small purple giant, and immediately set off a wave of air that directly flew the church seats out.

The furious Dejia rushed out with his fists waving, leaped up, and hit the bishop like an angry gorilla.

When the bishop saw this, he hurriedly dodged away, because he knew that even he was still far behind this big man in terms of strength.

Dejia and Garuru jointly attacked the bishop, but the bishop only pulled back his right hand behind his back, and was still able to attack the two with ease.

Bashar on the side was watching, and for some reason he always felt that this cunning guy was planning something.

"Basha! What are you doing? Do you still think he will hand over the antidote to us honestly?"

Garuru roared angrily when he saw Bashar still watching.

"Don't you think you still want to surrender to these blood-sucking bugs?"

Bashar made a sound of dissatisfaction.

"Tsk, two reckless men who only know how to use brute force."

After saying that, he took off his eyes, turned into a green fishman, took out his crossbow and fired wildly from a long range.

"Hahahaha! Yes, yes, that's it, that's it!"

Facing the three men's joint attack, the bishop couldn't help laughing.

"Laugh! I will make you never laugh again!"

Garuru shouted loudly and rushed towards the bishop.


The sharp blade swept across and hit the bishop's vitals with one strike.

"Little tricks!"

The bishop smiled disdainfully and stepped away. Garuru's words passed him by, but Garuru laughed.


"Dega is here!"

Dejia, who had been blocking behind the bishop, rushed forward. Garuru suddenly turned around and stepped on Dejia's broad palm.

"Garuru Missile!"

Dega roared angrily and threw Garuru directly.

With the help of Dega's explosive power, Garuru's shot straight towards the bishop like a cannonball.


The bishop also didn't react for a while.


The cold light flashed across, and Garuru struck hard on the bishop's body with his sword.

"It's now."

Bashar also took advantage of the moment when the bishop was severely injured and stiffened, and descended to fully draw the crossbow.

"it's over!"


An arrow hit the bishop and exploded instantly.


The bishop fell to the ground and cursed. It seemed that he had underestimated these three idiots and was actually injured by such low-level cooperation.

"Forget it, my goal has been achieved."

Looking outside the church without any trace, he inadvertently dropped the tracker that Stark had implanted into the chameleon.

He stood up suddenly and threw out several light balls.


Garuru shouted, and Bashar and Deja hurriedly avoided it.

"Boom boom boom~!"

Explosions erupted one after another, setting off a puff of smoke, and the bishop stood directly in the smoke and left quietly.

When the smoke dissipated, the three people hurriedly looked towards the center of the lecture hall, only to find that there was still a trace of the bishop there.

"Damn! I got tricked by him again!"

Garuru angrily slashed the pulpit in half.

"Ah! Dejia is very angry! Dejia is very angry!"

Dejia also beat his chest angrily, venting his anger constantly.

"Okay, okay, he has gone far, it's useless even if you are angry."

It was Bashar who calmed down first and returned to his human form.

He felt something was wrong from the beginning, but he didn't know what was wrong. The bishop's defeat was too easy, and his escape was too false, but he really couldn't figure out why the bishop would do this.

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