Gwen pressed.

Peter shook his head.

"Okay, let's not talk about this then."

Gwen turned around and walked away a little disappointed.

Looking at Gwen's back, Peter was not there, so he shot out a piece of spider silk from his hand and grabbed Gwen, pulling her back into his arms.

The two hugged each other tightly. At this time, Gwen also reflected and looked at Peter with some excitement.

"You! You are!"

Peter, on the other hand, mustered up the courage to hug Gwen and kiss her deeply.

It took a long time for the two to reluctantly separate. Gwen looked at Peter and said in disbelief.

"Are you Spider-Man!!?"

"Yeah that's right, but now let's move on."

Just when the two wanted to continue their in-depth communication, the piercing sound of police sirens pierced the night sky.

Chapter 156, springtails, bats, violence

When the battle ended and Mu En packed up the loot, the sky had completely darkened.

Mu En took Mr. Belt and Kivat II back to the Doletron, and suddenly remembered that Stark was missing.

Immediately dialed Stark's phone number.

Soon Tony answered Shepherd's phone, and Stark's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, it's you, Mu En, has the problem been solved? Not long ago, I received a signal from Jarvis. The signal source has disappeared."

While talking, some strange collisions can also be heard.

Mu En immediately realized something was good.

"I'm done here, what's going on with you Tony? Are you fighting someone?"

On Stark's side, in an underground boxing ring, not only Stark was there, but Daredevil and Frank were also there, and the underground boxing ring had been beaten into pieces, and three weird-looking guys were fighting with three people. People are fighting.

Stark raised his hand and fired a cluster cannon to knock one of them back, and then answered while he was fighting back the opponent.

"I received a call from Frank on the road. They found a dopant's lair, so I came over. Don't worry, we are nearing the end of the battle. Don't worry, it will be fine."

"you sure?"

Mu En couldn't believe it, because it could be heard from Stark's voice that he seemed to be fighting with difficulty.

"Don't worry, who am I? I am the genius Tony Stark. You go back to the orphanage and wait. We will go back soon."

Then he hung up the phone and shouted to Frank.

"Skull! Mu En called, we need to resolve the battle quickly!"

Frank nodded, holding the skull melin pistol.

"I see!"

As he spoke, he directly pulled out the skull memory from his waist, inserted it into the sure-kill slot, and suddenly slapped his palm on the sure-kill slot.

"Skull! Maximum Drive!"

Purple energy gathered on Frank's right leg, he put away the Skull Merlin pistol and lowered the brim of his hat.

Frank pointed with his right hand at the adulterer.

"Sarah, count your sins!"

"Hehe! Rider Kick!"

However, the weirdo rushed towards Frank and punched him.


Frank landed firmly and held the hat on his head, his flaxen scarf floating gently in the explosion.

When Stark saw Frank taking the lead in resolving the battle, he gritted his teeth even more.

"Jarvis, use Extreme Drive!"

"Sir, the current performance systems of the Mark suit and Skull are different, so the risk is too high."

"listen to me!"

"Okay sir, the ultimate drive is activated."

As Jarvis's voice sounded, the reactor on Stark's chest glowed with dazzling light.

A line of flashing blue light lit up, spreading downward from the chest and converging on the right leg.

Stark slapped his belt sharply.

"Rider Kick"

Several thrusters on his back were activated at the same time, and the whole person instantly turned into a phantom and was ejected. The moment he approached the weirdo, Stark kicked him out.



With a wailing cry, the weirdo was kicked out by Stark, overloaded in mid-air, and exploded.


At the same time, the right leg armor of Stark's armor also had a white eye, and the color dimmed.

"So cool!"

Stark felt very happy when he saw that he had successfully launched the technological version of Knight Kick. When he first saw Mu En and the others using Knight Kick in the manor, Stark thought this move was very cool.

However, Jarvis's voice sounded at the right time, pouring cold water on Stark.

"Warning, 80% of the right leg armor skills have been damaged!"

Stark's expression was praising.

"Well it's not perfect yet."

Both Stark and Frank have ended the battle, but things are not going well for Daredevil. He does not have the blessing of a knight suit like Stark and Frank. All he can rely on is his own skill.

However, seeing his companion dead, the last dopant was already panicked, and he attacked Daredevil crazily.

"Damn, damn, damn! You damn guys! Go to hell!"

The weirdo opened his mouth, let out an angry roar, and rushed towards Daredevil.

The huge roar caused quite a disturbance to Daredevil.


When Frank saw Daredevil in trouble, he immediately took out the skull gun and wanted to step forward to help. But the moment the weirdo pounced on Daredevil, Daredevil stepped forward directly and used the short stick in his hand. Stabbed at the weirdo's throat, where he merged Gaia's memory.

However, the moment the short stick came into contact with the weirdo, it actually broke.

Frank fired the gun.


A gunshot fired and it was knocked away.

"Are you okay partner."

Daredevil nodded towards Frank.

"I'm fine, thank you very much, partner, but the battle on my side is over."

As he spoke, he pressed a button on the short stick.

"Didi didi di~!"

There was a rapid sound, and it turned out that the fault stuck in the weirdo's throat was an adhesive bomb.


There was an explosion, dust flew for a moment, and a broken memory fell out.

Daredevil shook his short stick and smiled.

"I have slightly upgraded my equipment. The villains are constantly getting stronger. I can't rest on my laurels, right?"

Stark walked up to Daredevil and patted him on the shoulder.

"You're right. Although your dressing sense is not very good, I'm starting to like you now. Come to Stark Industries another day, maybe I can help you upgrade."

Daredevil smiled back at Stark's kindness.

"Thanks, I will go if I have the chance."

Frank on the side has successfully recovered three broken memories.

"Let's go, Mu'en is still waiting for us."


In the orphanage, Mu En was already waiting for everyone in the church. Stark and Frank returned smoothly, but Daredevil said that he had other things to do and left on his own.

"Mu'en, these are the three memories I'm looking back on this time."

The first time Frank came back, he handed the three sealed and broken memories to Mu En. Mu En took the bag and recognized what the memory was through the patterns on the memory.

"Hopper, Bat, Violence."

Looking at these three memories, Mu En took a breath. It seemed that the guy who made the memories was becoming more and more skilled.

"I understand. I will keep these three memories first. Then I will find a way to get into them and use them again. By the way, where is Eric? Have you seen Eric?"

The two looked at each other and shook their heads. They had not seen Eric for a long time.

"Okay, let's tell him next time we see him. Everyone, we are in trouble. The vampires are back again."


Frank and Stark both had surprised looks on their faces.

Chapter 157: Lizardman Appears

Mu En told the two of them everything he knew from Bashar, which made Stark frown.

"Terrorist existence? Ultimate evolution, evolution of all races, why do these things sound so sci-fi?"

"Yes, although it is a bit of science fiction, it is indeed the fact that we are facing now."

Only Frank, who had not had much contact with vampires, seemed a little calmer and asked directly.

"So what should we do now?"

Mu En snapped his fingers, and a three-dimensional projection appeared. A simple battle plan appeared on the projection.

"This is a temporary plan I made on the way back. Let's listen to it first. There are a few key points we need to pay attention to. We call that terrifying existence for now.

First of all, as far as I know, in order to complete the perfect evolution, they need the power of Experimental Subject Q, which is the Q you have seen in Base No. 1 before.

As for how he gained the power of Q, we still know nothing about it, but the key point is that this Q must be crucial.

Then there is a sword, which is the power of evolution obtained from this sword, so I guess that if this sword can be obtained, it may be able to play a certain role.

Finally, the vampire family must first allow it to complete its ultimate evolution before the entire vampire family can evolve. Therefore, if it is really a last resort, perhaps erasing it will bring about a certain change. "

After listening to Mu En's words, the two nodded, thinking that Mu En's analysis was quite accurate.

"But now we have another problem."

Frank demurred.

"That is, we still don't know where the vampires are hiding. We don't even know where Experimental Subject Q and the sword are hidden."

Stark suggested.

"It's easy to say. I have tested Experimental Subject Q with Kulim before and found that there is a very special energy wave in her body. As long as we lock in this energy wave, we may be able to find Q's location. "

Kurim, who was hanging on the cart, echoed.

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