"Jack, climb up!"

Peter grabbed the car with all his strength and shouted to Jack.

"I am afraid!"

"No, you can!"

Qian';,?,Xun?",,"Free;;!Fee;""'!Xiao' said "skirt!?'".2!5.",;,5:"5?'9:;5 ?3.;..0,!;?,0 “No, I’m scared!”

Peter felt as if he was a little exhausted. Although his recovery ability was beyond that of ordinary people, he was seriously injured by the lizard man's slam just now.

Peter gritted his teeth and looked at Jack.

"Listen Jack, you can do it, put on the mask. I was once as scared as you, but the mask gave me courage, and it will give you strength Jack. We don't have much time."

Jack puts on Peter's mask.

"Yes, that's it, good job Jack!"

Jack, who was wearing a mask and had the courage to crawl towards Peter.

However, the moment he got close to Peter, the rear door could no longer hold up after being burned by the flames, and it broke apart.


Jack and the entire burning car fell towards the river.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Peter immediately shot out a thread of spider silk that stuck to Jack and pulled him up.

Finally, Peter breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the bridge holding Zai Zai.

Seeing the masked man coming back with his child in his arms, Jack's father thanked God and hugged his child.

"Oh my God, Jack, you're okay, you're okay, my boy, my son!"

Looking at the contrast between father and son in front of him, Peter felt a little lost for some reason.

The father seemed to realize something and turned back to Peter.

"Thank you. What's your name, please?"

Peter slowly raised his head.

"I'm Spider-Man."

Chapter 159: Stark wants to sue the New York Police Department

On the bridge, Stark used his high-tech suit to launch a one-sided massacre against the lizardmen. After experiencing the battle with Fangire and the dopant, Stark's combat experience was already ahead of the lizardmen. How many times this guy.

How could a guy who only fights with instinct and brute force be Stark's opponent?

Stark raised his hand and blasted a high-energy cluster cannon, causing the lizard man's scales to fly and his flesh and blood to be blurred.


The lizard man roared angrily, and the injured part of him began to shed its skin quickly and recover.

Stark couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this magical scene in front of him.

"Wow, this guy is not only a few sizes bigger than an ordinary lizard, but his recovery ability is also much stronger."

The lizard man roughly tore off the old skin and rushed towards Stark again.

"You really don't have a long memory!"

Stark jumped up, activated the thrusters and flew into the air.

The lizard man missed the target with one blow, roared, grabbed the car on the bridge and threw it at Stark.

Stark dodged left and right in the air.

"Hey, I really hope the owners of these cars have insurance, but even if they don't, it's okay. I'm a kind person. Jarvis will remember to reimburse these poor car owners when the time comes."

"Okay sir."

"Then let's put an end to this ridiculous farce, Mr. Reptile."

As he spoke, the reactor on Stark's chest burst into dazzling light.

"Jarvis activates Extreme Drive!"

"But sir, the right leg armor has been damaged and has not been repaired yet."

"Then use the other foot!"

As he spoke, Stark slapped his belt sharply.

"Rider Kick!"

Another knight kick, and Stark flew towards the lizard man.


However, when the lizard man approached, the propeller of his right leg armor was completely damaged, and Stark's speed suddenly dropped by half.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the lizard man directly chose to jump into the river and disappeared into the rushing water.

"Damn it, my ankle slipped at the critical moment."

Stark looked at the lizard man's disappearing back with some regret, and patted his right leg armor helplessly.

Looking back, I happened to be eye-to-eye with Peter, who had just saved someone.

Peter looked at Stark with some excitement. This was Kamen Rider Iron Man. His brilliant achievements on TV had made countless boys admire him and regard him as their idol. Of course, Peter was no exception.

And now he was standing in front of him. Peter was a little at a loss for a moment. Should he go up and ask for an autograph? What should I do to leave a good impression on him? Oops, I’m so anxious!

At this moment, a siren sounded, and the New York City police arrived belatedly.

Peter knew that he could not stay any longer, knowing that Director George had said at the dinner table that he would be arrested.

He could only look at Stark, then gave a thumbs up and nodded.

Stark looked at Peter and gave a thumbs up, and also smiled sarcastically.

"What an interesting little guy."

He also gave him a thumbs up.

Peter was even more excited when he received Stark's response. He jumped off the bridge and left the scene quickly, swinging on spider silk.

And Stark looked at the golden cicadas hurriedly coming, and also opened his visor.

"Okay, it's time for the great hero to be interviewed."

In a sewer connected to a river somewhere, a huge figure was struggling, twisting and then slowly shrinking before falling into the water.

Suddenly Connors popped his head out of the water. He looked at the unfamiliar environment around him, struggled to get up and crawled forward.

In the sewer, he saw a large number of reptiles gathered here. When he saw a small green lizard, he couldn't help but admired it.

"it's beautiful."


The next day, countless people gathered at the entrance of the New York Police Headquarters. They were noisy, hoping that the New York Police Department could give an explanation. What happened last night was really too shocking.

The key point is that he is not like the last Reaper attack case. To be honest, not many citizens survived the last Reaper attack case. A small amount of intimidation and inducement successfully silenced those who knew about it.

But this time, too many people saw the lizard man, and soon the news about the lizard man spread. Citizens feel that their lives have been threatened, and as taxpayers, they demand an explanation from the police.

The thing that made people most excited was that the police didn't mention anything about the Lizard Man incident, but instead issued an arrest warrant for Spider-Man.

"Calm down, calm down everyone, let me give you an explanation."

Commissioner George Stacey of the New York Police Department stood on the podium, with several microphones placed in front of him, and he held a speech and said.

"At around nine o'clock last night, an accident occurred on the Manhattan Bridge. Most of what happened is just speculation. However, many people witnessed a crime, and through preliminary investigation, we have determined that one person was involved in the crime. At the scene, this is why I applied to arrest the so-called masked messenger of justice, Spider-Man."

Peter, who was eating breakfast at home, put down his fork.

"I'm full Aunt May."

After saying hello, Peter picked up his schoolbag and walked outside.

Stark Industries, Stark in the laboratory also saw the news.

"Hey, is this guy crazy? That kid was obviously saving people last night? He didn't go after the lizard people but actually wanted to arrest the kid, really."

Stark, who was upgrading his armor, complained dissatisfiedly that he still had a good impression of the kid in tights yesterday. At least, his tights were not as good-looking as Daredevil's.

"No Jarvis, help me contact a lawyer, I want to sue the New York Police Department!"

Stark brings his willfulness to the fullest. When he sees something that makes him unhappy, he will also find ways to make the other party unhappy.

"Okay sir, but there is news from Master Mu En."

Stark installed the last part of the new armor and patted the brand new armor in front of him.

"I know about Jarvis. I will go after the testing of the new armor. Don't forget to sue the New York Police Department!"

"Okay sir."

On the other side, Mu En also got the news he wanted from the Osborne Group. After he helped Norman Osborne and Harry cure the genetic disease, Norman stopped all the company's research on serum and He also had a quarrel with Dr. Connors. After the quarrel, Connors moved away from the Osborne Group.

Chapter 160, Eric’s discovery

In the orphanage, Mu En and Kulim are restoring the three memories that Frank brought back. The elevator at the base suddenly opened, and Frank helped Eric, who was covered in blood, walk in.

Mu En was shocked when he saw this.

"Eric! What happened! How did you become like this?"

Seeing Eric covered in blood, Mu En was really surprised. You must know that Eric not only masters the power of Fangire as rook, but also has Ixa upgraded by Stark, Mu En, and Kurim. It can be said that there are few people who can defeat Eric. After all, who can defeat Eric like this?

Frank helped Eric sit down aside, and Eric waved his hand.

"Don't worry, my problem is not big, all this is other people's blood."

Hearing this, Mu En breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was someone else's blood.

"But I'd better take care of the wound while Izzy scans Eric's body."

"Yes Master."

Izzy controlled the scanner to emit a blue laser and quickly scanned Eric's body.

When the results came out, even Frank, who had experienced many battles, was shocked. He was covered in various injuries, including stab wounds, contusions, strains, fractures, etc.

For an ordinary person, even if he was immortal, he would probably be a useless person, but Eric did rely on Fangire's powerful body to resist.

"What exactly happened to you Eric?"

Frank on the side exclaimed.

"Stop talking about this now, let's treat him first!"

Mu En took out the Crazy Doctor with ease and inserted it directly into the bracelet.

"Mad Doctor!"

With a burst of brilliant light, energy-based medical equipment emerged, and treatment began. However, Eric's face remained unchanged under the treatment of the crazy doctor. If Mu En didn't know the effect of this shifting chariot, he would have thought that there would be no side effects at all.

After the treatment, Eric also breathed a sigh of relief and moved his arms.

"Thanks, I feel better."

"The protagonist comes on stage, everyone applauds!"

At this moment, Stark also walked out of the elevator very arrogantly. He watched everyone put on a pose that reminded him of arrogance. However, there was no applause to greet him, only Mu En's eyes. .

Stark shrugged, saying that you guys really don't understand humor at all.

"Eric is back. Where have you been during this time? We can't even contact you."

Eric looked at everyone and slowly began to talk about his experiences during this period. It started with meeting the strange dopant (Ghost Rider).

After that day, Eric smelled the scent of a vampire on his way back, and then left the team to pursue the vampire.

As a result, he discovered a brand new gathering point for vampires, so in order to catch them all, he hid and secretly observed the movements of this group of vampires. However, until one day, he saw that these vampires actually brought back a woman, and that woman was none other than Q, who was abducted by the vampires from Base No. 1.

Eric immediately knew that something was wrong, and there might be something wrong with the base. However, seeing that these vampires treated Experimental Subject Q with unusual caution, he guessed that perhaps Experimental Subject Q was of great significance to these vampires.

So Eric took action, taking advantage of the vampires' weakest defenses to kill them.

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