"You told me before that we are companions. Since we are companions, we should help each other, right?"

Stark fumbled with his mustache.

"Hey, hey, there's something wrong with you two gentlemen. Is this what you should say?"

Stark teased, walked up to Mu En, and stretched out his hand.

"Come on, Mu En, although I don't know what you are worried about, but the two big bosses are right. We are partners. I don't believe there are problems that we can't overcome together."

Mu En looked at Stark, finally stretched out his hand, held Stark, and smiled.

"Thank you everyone. I realized the problem I had and asked you to enlighten me again. I'm really sorry and I promise it won't happen again."

Everyone smiled knowingly when they saw Mu En's smile restored to its former self. This was the Mu En they knew.

Mu En looked at everyone and said.

"Everyone, now that we have the coordinates of all vampire strongholds, let's start formulating a detailed combat plan now!"

Everyone said in unison.

"no problem!"


In the villa, Aixilia opened her eyes, and suddenly a white guy came into view.


A scream rang out in the room.

"Are you finally awake, Your Highness Queen?"

A small white bat was suspended in front of Ashelia, looking at her with a pair of scarlet eyes.

Aixilia was so horrified that she found the little guy's name in her mind. She looked at the little guy and called out tentatively.


"I'm here, Queen. Do I need anything?"

Aixilia looked at Kivala in surprise. Is this guy really the Kivala in the memory of the fifth Queen? ?

Chapter 164, Peter’s discovery

In order to find clues related to the lizard people, Peter came to Dr. Connors's private laboratory. He believed that if he wanted to find the lizard people, he had to start with the habits of the lizard people, and as far as he knew, the person who knew the habits of reptiles best was none other than Dr. Connors.

Looking at the empty laboratory, Peter felt a little strange, so he said hello to the empty laboratory.

"Hello, is anyone here?"

However, no one responded in the laboratory, and Peter saw a reagent tube on the table. He knew this. This reagent was the one he injected into the mice when he and Dr. Connors conducted experiments together. However, he remembered that he had only injected one CC before, but now it was empty.

Just as Peter was studying the reagent tube, Dr. Connors's voice suddenly sounded.

"It's not good to touch other people's things, Peter."

Peter looked back and saw that Dr. Connors had returned at some time. Looking at the empty laboratory, Dr. Connors said.

"I gave all the experimenters a week off. After doing so much research, it's time for them to take a break."

Dr. Connors chatted while packing up the information on the table.

"Shouldn't you be at school at this hour?"

Peter spread his hands and replied.

"I don't have class today. I have a question I want to ask you, so I came here."

"It is a virtue to be diligent in learning and to ask questions."

Peter sat down on the chair beside him and asked.

“How do predators track reptiles?”

Dr. Connors didn't make any more guesses and answered smoothly.

"Oh, they don't need it. Most reptiles are at the top of the food chain. They are the masters. Very few hunters go back and actively hunt them."

But Peter insisted.

"But they have weaknesses, don't they?"

Connors seemed to realize something, he looked at Peter and asked.

"Why are you suddenly interested in cold-blooded animals?"

Peter thought for a moment and shook his head.

"No, I'm just asking. I have some homework that involves this aspect, and then I conducted extended learning and asked these questions."

"Oh, expanded learning method, great. This is a very good learning method."

Peter then asked again.

"So, how do these cold-blooded animals respond to changes in temperature?"

Dr. Connors stared into Peter's eyes and said.

"Then you have to catch one first. Have you heard about it? There are rumors that a new species has appeared in New York, beautiful and huge."

Peter asked with a curious look on his face.

"How do you know, Doctor? Have you seen it?"

"I haven't seen it, but it's not a secret."

Dr. Connors was playing with the reagent tube as he spoke, and suddenly looked up at Peter and said.

"If he is threatened, then he will become belligerent."

Peter looked at Dr. Connors, and he noticed that there seemed to be some strange cuticles on Connors' neck.

"Dr. Connors, are you okay?"

Dr. Connors shouldered his shoulder bag.

"I've never felt better Peter, ever. Now if you don't mind, I have to ask you to leave. I'm working on a new project and I need to be alone for a while."

Peter nodded in agreement.

"Okay, okay."

"Very good, don't worry Mr. Parker, I'll be back soon."

As he spoke, he closed the door inside the laboratory and walked out of the laboratory.

When he came to the door, he looked at Peter and smiled.

"Good things are about to happen! Good things!"

Repeating the good deeds, Dr. Connors left the laboratory.

Peter, who was alone in the laboratory, seemed to realize something. He turned back and looked at the culture chamber on one side. The culture chamber was supposed to be housing the white mouse that had been loaded with heterogeneous genes, but now in a corner of the experimental chamber broken.

Peter walked forward step by step. In the corner of the laboratory, a huge rat with lizard skin was eating the body of another white rat.

Not surprisingly, he recognized the mutated white mouse.

Peter realized something and ran out of the laboratory immediately. He went to the New York Police Department and found Director George. He told Director George about his findings and told him that Dr. Connors was most likely the one who attacked the citizens. lizard Man.

However, Director George thought that Peter was crazy. How could a professor be a monster attacking citizens, and directly called the police to blast him out.

Director George smiled knowingly when he saw Peter being kicked out.

"I asked you to seduce my Gwen. If you can't, I have to keep Gwen away from this delusional delusion like you."

Peter, who was kicked out of the police station, walked helplessly on the street. He saw news reports about the terrible lizard people everywhere and felt a little helpless, knowing that he had tracked down the truth.

Suddenly he saw a small lizard crawling over the trash can. The lizard crawled along the trash can and into the sewer.

Peter, who seemed to have guessed something, found a hidden corner and put on his spider suit, and used spider silk to slowly descend from a sewer opening into the dark underground drainage system.

Peter came to the largest sewer hub, which could lead to every sewer pipe in New York. He used the spider silk to hang himself upside down in the air, and shot one spider silk after another into other pipes. Connect these spider silks into a large web.

In the end, Peter stuck the camera on the wall nearby, lying in the center of the spider web, playing with his mobile phone and quietly waiting for the spider web to move.

Dr. Connors is right, reptiles are established in the upper system of the food chain. But so do spiders, and spiders are savvy predators.

Just as Peter was playing the game leisurely, a spider thread suddenly trembled.

Peter immediately put away his phone and put on a mask. He followed the trembling spider threads to look at the sewer on that side. The spider threads trembled more and more violently, and Peter's nerves suddenly became nervous.

A black shadow appeared in the sewer pipe, and the outline of the shadow was clearly that of a lizard.

All of Peter's nerves were tense to the extreme, and he was waiting for the moment to launch an attack.

Finally, a green guy walked out along the spider thread. It was not a lizard man, but it turned out to be just an ordinary little lizard.

However, just as Peter was relaxing, more and more lizards were coming from all directions. They gathered together and then headed towards the same pipe.

Peter also looked in the direction they were heading,

Just when his attention was focused in one direction, a huge figure quietly appeared behind Peter.

Chapter 165: I created it!

On the spider silk, Peter's spider sense alarmed wildly, and he turned around suddenly.

The lizard man pounced forward, pressed Peter onto the spider web, and instantly destroyed several spider threads.

The lizard man suppressed Peter with his huge reminder and arrogant strength. One hand was stuck on his neck and the other hand went to remove Peter's mask, but he was restrained by Peter.

the lizard man hissed at Peter.

"You stopped me once, but don't even think about it this time!"

As he spoke, the lizard man increased his strength, and his sharp claws approached Peter's chest.

"My power is getting stronger every day, you can't stop me anymore!"

Suddenly, Peter suddenly became exhausted and punched the lizard man in the face. However, the wall covered with spider silk could no longer support the weight of this behemoth.

Several spider threads broke at the same time, and the two fell into the sewer pipe together.

Even in the water, the two were still struggling wildly. Peter knew that the lizard man was no match in the water, so he kicked it on the chin and swam out in the direction of the current with the help of reverse thrust.

The lizard man believed that he would not let Peter go easily, so he followed closely.

Seeing that the lizard man was about to catch up soon, Peter suddenly accelerated and got into a separate pipe. Thick steel bars separated the two pipes. The huge lizard man could not pass through at all, so he had to just hit it. The cave entrance roared crazily and watched Peter leave angrily.

The lizard man was extremely angry as he watched Peter disappear before his eyes, but he had no choice but to return to the shore.

However, a burst of spider silk clinging to his back caused the camera to click and a white light lit up.

The lizard man turned around and pulled it off, and suddenly he saw the names engraved on it one after another.

"Peter? Parker!"

This camera belongs to Peter! That means Spider-Man's true identity is...


Peter, who escaped, did not choose to go home, but came to the balcony of Gwen's room.

Gwen spotted Peter wearing a spider suit and complained shyly.

"Actually, you can come in openly next time and don't have to climb through the window every time."

Peter sat against the window, saying nothing but giggling happily.

Gwen continued.

"Besides, my dad always thinks you should see a psychiatrist. He says you are suffering from delusions."

"Oh, is it true? Then I really hope I am suffering from delusion."

Peter said as he climbed into the room with difficulty.

When Gwen turned around, she discovered that Peter was not in good condition. He was soaked all over and had several hideous scratches on his chest.

He immediately stepped forward and asked with concern.

"Peter, what's wrong with you? What happened?"

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