"I know, leave this guy to me!"

Saying that, Mu En jumped directly towards Dracula.

"Go up, my faithful servant, and tear him to pieces!"

The three blood demons rushed towards Mu En with an overwhelming blood mist.

"Leave these three guys to us, Mu En do what you should do!"

The three Starks took the lead and rushed towards the three blood demons, while Mu En opened a path.

"Dracula! It's time to end this farce!"

And Dracula swung his sword directly towards Mu En.

"Damn you brat! I'm going to chop you to pieces!"

Mu En directly punched out and met the Demon Emperor Sword head-on.

Just as the Demon Emperor Sword struck the dark Kiva armor, the Demon Emperor's power on the blade synchronized with the Demon Emperor's power on Mu En's body.


The Demon Emperor's Sword began to tremble, but Dracula did not pay any attention to the abnormal movement of the Demon Emperor's Sword, and slashed at Mu En crazily with the sharp blade.

On the other side, Stark faced a blood demon.

He raised his hand and fired out a laser cannon, but the laser went straight through the strange body. His attack was like falling into water, not even causing the slightest ripple.

However, after the Blood Demon evaded several attacks from Stark, he rushed straight towards Stark and struck his suit hard with one claw.

"Warning, warning, the chest armor skill is damaged by 30%."

"Huh, good guy, this isn't fair. Why can he hit me even though I can't hit him?"

Stark stood up quickly, raised his hand and fired out several more luminous projectiles, but it still had no effect.

"Jarvis, help me analyze the logic of his behavior!"

"Yes, sir!"

Then, Stark adjusted his condition again and began to try various weapons to attack, providing Jarvis with as much analysis material as possible.


Obviously Stark's attack angered the Blood Demon. The Blood Demon turned into a giant beast and swooped towards Stark, biting Stark tightly, and its sharp teeth were directly left on Mark's suit. A series of ferocious carvings were left.

A red light flashed in front of Stark's eyes, and various prompts sounded.

At the same time, the notification sound he was most looking forward to finally sounded.

"End of analysis, sir. When attacked, this unit will disperse its body into blood mist. It will only condense into an entity when it attacks sir. Its normal state is between solid and gaseous state."

"Is that so? So that means I can only attack him when he attacks me, right?"

"Theoretically, sir."

Stark grinned.

"Then isn't now the best opportunity? Jarvis activates burst mode!"

"Okay sir, burst mode activated!"

Mark's suit, bitten by the demon, began to change. The originally tightly structured suit split apart, revealing tiny energy cores.

"Energy Liberation!"

Stark said, and suddenly slapped the side of his belt, and suddenly the miniature energy cores on his body burst into dazzling light.


There was an explosion, and the Blood Demon God truly turned into a ball of blood mist this time.

The battle on Stark's side is over, and the battle on Frank and Eric's side is also coming to an end.

Frank pulled out a memory modified by Mu En from his waist, inserted the memory into the sure-kill grass, and then tapped the sure-kill slot.

"Violence! Maximum Drive!"

The red energy combined with the purple skull energy gathered around Frank, and Frank jumped up.

"The skull explodes and shatters! Drink—!"

A knight kick flew towards the Blood Demon God. The Blood Demon God instinctively wanted to turn into blood mist and disperse. However, in front of Gaia's memory, they were forced to lock together and forcibly formed a knot. This knight kick turned into blood mist and dissipated with an explosive roar.

Frank landed firmly, lowering the brim of his hat slightly, his scarf swaying slightly in the impact of the explosion.

Seeing that his companions had finished fighting, Eric stopped delaying and reached out to press the mouth of the visor, and a blue mobile phone came out.

Eric opened the phone and pressed the button.

"1, 9, 3! Didi~!"


Suddenly a large amount of steam rose up from the IXA armor, and the white armor on his body began to detach. The Holy Shield breastplate on the chest detached and turned into a shield, attached to the arm, revealing the red core, the original sacred cross. The armor deformed and broke away, revealing its scarlet eyes. Now the only knight who looked like a decent knight became terrifying.

"Rising Ixa!"

With that said, Eric pulled out the cross gun blade and inserted the blade into the shield. There was a clang, and the shield deformed and combined with the blade, turning into a big sword.

"Drink ha——!"

Eric waved the big sword in his hand and slashed crazily on the body of the Blood Demon God. With every slash, scarlet energy was accumulating on the big sword, and soon the energy tank was successfully accumulated.

Eric pressed the button again, and the sword shrank and deformed, turning into a cutting ax with a sonorous sound.

"Devil, give your life back to God!"

Swinging the axe, a blow fell, the ax cut deeply into the demon's body, and Eric pulled the trigger.

"Super solution!"

"Thunder crack~! Boom——!"

Continuous lightning flashes, and finally the thunder exploded, and the Blood Demon died on the spot.

Dracula, who was fighting fiercely with Mu En, also discovered that something was wrong. All the demons he summoned were eliminated.

And Mu En caught Dracula's dazed moment, and the Demon King's power locked onto him.

"It's over with Dracula! Seal of the Demon Emperor!"

With a wave of his hand, the huge Kiva mark locked onto Dracula.


Dracula, who was locked by the seal, also let out a cry.

"No! I don't accept it! I don't accept this ending!"

Mu En pulled out a whistle from his waist and inserted it into kivat's mouth, and kivat blew the whistle.

"Your fate is sealed!"

"Wake Up 2!"

As a blood moon rose, Mu En jumped up and kicked Dracula with a knight kick.

Chapter 172: The sublimation ceremony begins

The bustling neighborhood had long been reduced to ruins in the battle, and above the ruins, the three Starks looked at the direction of the explosion. A huge Kiva mark was imprinted on the entire ground. Standing in the center of the mark, Dracula was missing.

Mu En keenly sensed the abnormality and looked towards a building.

"who are you!"

A man dressed as a priest, already wearing a black robe and a white scarf, was standing on a high building. Next to him was Dracula who had escaped from the kick of the Pastoral Knight. It seemed that this was the man. Just take action and kill him.

Bishop stood on the floor and bowed slightly to everyone present.

"Good evening, fellow Kamen Riders, thank you for taking care of our Blood Ancestor, but we don't want to play with you anymore."

"Are you an accomplice of the vampire?"

Stark immediately locked onto Bishop, raised his hand and fired a concentrated beam of light.

However, Bishop raised his hand and waved, and a strange energy wave emerged, swallowing all the light directly.

"Thank you for your warm invitation, but we have urgent matters to leave first."

After saying that, Bishop helped Dracula turn around and wanted to leave. However, how could Mu En, who had already transformed for the third time, let them go so easily.

"If you want to run away, have you asked me? He must stay here today!"

As Mu En raised his hand, the dark green mark of the Demon Emperor appeared and moved directly towards the two of them to suppress it.

"Lord Blood Ancestor, please lend me your sword."

With that said, he waved directly, and the Demon Emperor Sword fell into Bishop's hands. The Bishop's mark appeared. The Demon Emperor Sword was even more honest in his hands than in Dracula's hands. Suddenly Dracula looked at Bishop with a surprised look.

However, the bishop didn't care about Dracula at all, and pointed directly at the Demon Emperor's Seal with the Demon Emperor's Sword.

"According to the emperor's decree!"

A strange light emerged, and the bishop took Dracula directly through the Kiva mark.

"How can it be!"

At that moment, Mu En sensed that his Demon King power had lost its target, and he could only watch the two people walk away.

"Damn it, he actually let him run away! Are we going to chase him, Mu En?"

Frank asked Muen.

Before Mu En could answer, Stark answered first.

"I think it's best not to let it go. After a hard battle, our current state continues to adjust, and maybe this is their strategy."

Mu En nodded in agreement.

"Besides, we have other issues to deal with."

Through the dark Kiva armor, Mu En sensed that a troop was quickly surrounding them. You don't have to think about it to know that no one but SHIELD will rush over quickly at this time.

Sure enough, Stark had received a communication from his old acquaintance Coulson.

Mu En directly blamed Stark.

"Leave it to you Tony, it's more appropriate for you to negotiate with SHIELD. We haven't contacted them yet."

Saying that, Mu En turned around and walked towards Aixilia.

Arriving in front of Aishilia, the two looked at each other. The dark red dark Kiva and the white Kivala matched inexplicably well at this moment.

Mu En hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his hand as an invitation to Aixilia.

"Do you want to get out of here with us?"

Aixilia looked at Mu En in front of her. The dark red armor and gray cloak exuded the ultimate elegance under the moonlight without disappointing her style.

After a moment of silence, she slowly stretched out her little hand and grabbed Mu En, and the two people under the mask smiled knowingly. Mu En's cloak flickered and he led Aixilia away from the ruined neighborhood.

Frank and Eric also drove their respective motorcycles and left quietly, leaving Stark alone in the center of the street waiting for SHIELD's arrival.

"Hey guys, now I'm their nanny."

Stark shrugged and saw several black vans slowly approaching from a distance. His old acquaintance Coulson got out of the car with his team and said hello to Stark.


In the new vampire empire, Dracula's roar echoed in the glorious hall.

"Ah——! Why! Why is this happening! Why!"

A group of vampire leaders on both sides of the hall lowered their heads and looked at the furious Dracula tremblingly. Only the bishop read the doctrine in his hand with a calm expression.

"Damn Kamen Rider! Damn Queen! And you! Waste, a bunch of waste!"

Dracula slammed everything around him to the ground, constantly venting his anger. As the king of vampires, he had never experienced such cowardice.

After being furious for a long time, Dracula seemed to know that no matter how angry he was, it would not help. He sat back on his throne in depression.

A group of vampire lords wanted to say something, but they didn't dare to say it, for fear of offending Dracula and not knowing how they died. Several vampire lords who claimed to be loyal had tried to persuade them. Dracula calmed down, took it and was immediately devoured by Dracula.

There was silence in the hall. At this time, the bishop closed his teaching with a snap.

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