"Times are improving."

Mu En held the steering wheel and said.

"But some things haven't changed Captain."

Hearing the title Captain, Steve's expression changed slightly and he smiled.

"Are you calling me? Although the name is the same, I am not the one in the museum."

Mu En shrugged.

"Don't rush to deny it. The world is more complicated than you think, Steve. What are you going to do in the future? Are you going to stick to that club that no one visits?"

When asked about his future plans, Steve fell silent. He looked at the tall buildings and flashing neon lights in the distance. Suddenly Steve was confused, and he didn't know what he should do in the future, guarding the agreed-upon club? Or are you waiting for the call to conquer?

Suddenly Steve felt tired. He had been fighting for his faith all his life, but he couldn't even keep the last agreement and slept under the ice for so long. Suddenly Steve felt that maybe he should take a break, or should he live his own life?

Soon the car stopped outside the Bird Club, and Mu En looked at Steve and said.

"Here we are."

"Ah, oh, sorry I got distracted."

Steve unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car.

Mu En looked at Steve, thought for a moment and shouted.


"What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

Steve looked at Mu En.

"Like you said, if you really feel that you are not the one in the museum, then you should live your own life. Captain America's war is over, but you are yourself, you are Steve Rogers , your life will continue."

Mu En knew that Steve was an indispensable part of Black Braised Egg's Avengers plan, but after spending time together, Mu En felt that Steve should not be Black Braised Egg's tool and pawn, he was a A person should have his own life and should not be kidnapped by his status as captain.

Perhaps out of his own sense of responsibility and justice, he will still stand up in times of crisis, but it must be of his own free will and not taken advantage of.

Because of his status as captain, he has already missed his agreement with Carter. Now that he is awake, Mu En believes that he should not miss his life again.

After speaking, Mu En drove the sports car and disappeared at the end of the Brooklyn street.

Steve looked at Mu En's back and was stunned for a long time before he recovered, recalling Mu En's words and murmured.

"Captain America's war is over, I am myself, I am Steve Rogers."


The next day, Mu En came to school and gathered with his classmates, waiting for the arrival of the school bus to visit Calf University.

"Hey Mu En! Here! We are here!"

From far away, Mu En saw Peter waving to him, and Mu En also waved in response.

"Good morning, Mu En."

"Hey Peter, good morning Gwen."

Mu En came to the young couple and said hello.

Peter looked at the slowly approaching school bus in the distance and said excitedly.

"Wow, I'm going to Culver University soon. I'm really excited now that I think about it!"

Mu En looked at Peter and asked curiously.

“Is this Culver University great?”

Peter looked at Mu En in surprise.

"Oh my god, Mu En, you have such good grades in physics, but you don't know about Culver University? Culver University is the top university in the United States for physics. They have the world's top gamma radiation research laboratory, which is what all physicists aspire to. ’s university.”

"Gamma radiation?"

Hearing this word, Mu En frowned. Suddenly he thought of a big green man and couldn't help but scream in his heart.

"Fuck, it can't be such a coincidence. Could it be that this school is where Hulk stayed? No, there shouldn't be so many coincidences in the world."

Mu En kept comforting himself in his heart. It was rare to live a peaceful life for a few days. He didn't want to meet Hulk now.

Soon, the school bus stopped and the teachers began to organize students to get on the bus.

As a couple, Peter naturally sat with Gwen, while Mu En found a corner to sit by himself.

Not long after she sat down, Jessica walked towards Mu En's actions.

"Can I sit here?"

Seeing Jessica Mu En, he was stunned, and suddenly remembered the look in Ashelia's eyes that day, and gritted his teeth and said.

"Sorry, I was with someone else."

Jessica looked around as if there was no one around.

"Mu En, are you still angry with me?"

Mu En shook his head repeatedly.

"No, absolutely not, I was really with someone else."

Mu En was almost numb now. At this moment, this stupid guy Flash got on the school bus, and Mu En shouted immediately.

"Look, he's here! Hey man, over here! Over here!"

When Flush saw Mu En greeting him so enthusiastically, he was also stunned, but he still walked towards him.

"Hey man, sit down. I've been waiting for you for a long time. Where have you been?"

Flush glanced at Mu En, then glanced at Jessica beside him, and suddenly wanted to understand something.

"It's not good for me to sit here!"

"No way, there's nothing wrong with it. Sit down quickly!"

Mu En kept winking at Flush to tell him to stop talking nonsense and sit down quickly.

However, Flash's brain circuit was somehow wrong, and he started to think wildly.

"My good brother, are you being shy? That's right, Peter and Gwen are sitting together. It's probably a shame that a beautiful woman comes to him now.

Tsk, no, I have to help my good brother. If this leads to him and Jessica, then I won’t be a big contributor. "

Flush smiled at Jessica.

"Classmate, my good friend is just a little shy. I'm fine. You can sit down. I can sit in front."

He said and sat down in the front seat.

Jessica looked at Flush and looked sweetly. It seemed that this guy was not that annoying.

Mu En slapped his forehead and said, "I'm done. I'll probably have to face trial when I get back."

Chapter 204, Bruce Banner

The school bus slowly drove into Culver University and drove away. The Culver school also organized people early to welcome everyone.

Mu En followed the large army and observed everything in front of him. To be honest, Mu En was a little panicked this time because it was a daily school day and Mu En did not bring Kurim out with him. And all Mu En could do was pray silently in his heart that no accident would happen.

The tour activities are carried out normally, but the focus is on students in the third grade of high school who are about to take the exam. The main purpose is to attract more outstanding students to their school.

Mu En, Peter and others soon gained free access to visit.

"Hey Mu En, do you want to go to the laboratory with us? Let me tell you, the experimental equipment here is really cool."

Peter invited Mu En excitedly, because Peter knew that Mu En was also very good in physics, while Gwen was more interested in biological knowledge.

"Okay, let's go and have a look."

Mu En was not too interested in the advanced experimental equipment that Peter mentioned. After all, all the equipment in his laboratory came from Stark Industries, and a lot of the equipment was personally sent by Stark.

The three of them, led by an enthusiastic 'senior brother', visited the so-called most advanced gamma radiation research laboratory.

Just when he entered the experiment, Mu En suddenly saw a hurried-looking man walking out of the laboratory. In just one moment, Mu En felt a huge amount of life source power from that man.

Immediately, Mu En slapped his forehead and cursed in his heart.

"Damn, we're in big trouble now."

Looking at the entire Marvel Universe, apart from the big green guy who appeared in the university laboratory at this time, Mu En really couldn't think of anyone else who could possess that huge source of life.

After a brief tour of the laboratory, Mu En left the laboratory on the pretext of going to the bathroom.

Coming outside, Mu En began to look for traces of Bruce Banna. In Mu En's eyes, Banna, who possesses huge life energy, is like an oversized light bulb among the crowd.

Soon I found the famous Dr. Banner in the square of the campus. At this moment, he was hiding behind a big tree and quietly observing his ex-girlfriend.

Mu En, on the other hand, was observing him in the dark. After seeing clearly which version of Bruce Banner it was, Mu En couldn't help but sigh.

"Tsk, tsk, what an infatuated man."

If it weren't for an experimental accident in which he was exposed to gamma radiation to protect his companions and mutated, I'm afraid Dr. Banner and his girlfriend would have children now. But, life is full of surprises.

When Banner saw his girlfriend walking with another strange man and behaving intimately, Banner also sighed. He could only silently bless her, because he knew that he would appear in Betty's house again. If she is around, it will only harm her.

After figuring this out, Dr. Banner lowered the brim of his hat and turned around to leave.

Seeing this scene, Mu En was temporarily relieved. He finally figured out the approximate timeline.

Looking at Dr. Banner's back disappearing into the crowd, Mu En thought to himself.

"In other words, at this point in time, Bruce Banner has just secretly returned to the United States from abroad, so that ugly abomination should not have been born yet."

Thinking of this, Mu En began to make plans again.

Just as Mu En was thinking about his next plan, Mu En suddenly received a call. Seeing the incoming call notification, Mu En was stunned for a moment. It was actually Stark's call. Shouldn't Stark be dealing with Ivan Vanke's matter at this time? Why do you have time to call yourself?

But without thinking much, Mu En still answered the phone. After all, for Mu En, Stark was one of his few friends.

"Hey, what's wrong Tony? Can I help you with anything?"

However, Stark laughed and said on the other end of the phone.

"Haha, do I need help? Don't be ridiculous, Mu En, I am the genius Tony Stark."

Mu En frowned, is this guy crazy? His personality was obviously much better before, why did he become like this again?

But before Mu En could speak, Stark spoke first.

"Hey man, I'm planning a party tonight, do you want to come? I've invited a lot of young models and celebrities."

Upon hearing this, Mu En's expression suddenly became much gloomier, and he shouted dissatisfiedly at the phone.

"Tony Stark, don't look at the time! You are still thinking about doing this, you don't want your life! Isn't it just poisoning by a broken palladium element? Are you giving up on yourself because of this?"

Tony on the other side of the phone was silent.

Mu En calmed down a little and said.

"Listen Stark, there will be a way. You are my friend, you are the genius Tony Stark, there will be a way, so don't do this, okay?"

It took a long time for Stark on the other end of the phone to speak.

"Thank you for your trust, Mu En, you will always be my friend."

After saying that, Stark hung up the phone.


Mu En cursed loudly and resisted throwing the phone in his hand. In fact, Mu En can also understand Stark's mood. After all, unlike himself as a time traveler, he already knows what will happen in the future. Even Stark cannot avoid the fear of death when facing it.


As night fell, the party was still held as usual in Stark's luxurious villa.

On the stage, the lights flashed. Stark, wearing his own steel suit, stood on the stage, playing the disc with one hand and swaying with the rhythm with the other. The star models under the stage were in high spirits.

Little Pepper, who was under the stage, looked at Tony in front of him with a complicated expression in his eyes.

Outside the villa, Colonel Rhodes was sitting in the car talking on the phone with his boss.

"Yes, sir, I understand. No! No! It's not necessary. I will take care of it. I guarantee that IronMan will return to his post within 24 hours."

After making the promise, Rhodes put down his phone and sighed. Finally, as if he had made some kind of decision, he walked into Stark's villa.

Among the crowd, Rhodes found Pepper.

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