"I don't know about Mu En. Heavy acceleration is a very special energy position. It should be said that it can be immune to the mechanical mutants of the heavy acceleration and the knight system created by Dr. Harley and I. But that guy is obviously not a Kamen Rider nor is he Mechanical mutant!"

On the other side, Stark was inexplicably relieved as he watched Ivan Vanko escape.

"Thank you, Mu'en. I didn't expect that this old guy Ivan would have helpers. If it weren't for you, I would have been in trouble."

Mu En shook his head.

"It's okay, we are friends and we should help each other."

Stark also smiled knowingly.

"But I think it's time for you to go. I know you don't want to deal with people from the military."

The sound of the military gathering could be heard in the distance, and Mu En nodded.

"Goodbye then, I'll wait for you at the orphanage."

After saying that, he looked at Rhodes lying on the ground, and Stark nodded.

The sun rises slowly in the east, and this matter is finally over for now.

Ivan Vanke didn't know where he had fled to, but he probably wouldn't show up again for the time being. Mu En was very confused about the identity of the person who suddenly appeared, but couldn't figure it out, so he could only let it go for the time being.

Chapter 215, Future Plans, Stark’s Invitation

In the orphanage, in order to celebrate Stark's new life, Mu En held a small party and invited all the partners who had fought side by side.

"Congratulations, Tony. Now you don't have to worry about the reactor on your chest."

Mu En picked up a glass of juice and said to Stark.

Stark held a glass of champagne and smiled at Shepherd.

"Hey man, since it's a party for me, are you just going to drink juice?"

"Of course, after all, I'm still just a student."

Stark shrugged indifferently, clinked the glass with Mu En and drank it down in one gulp.

"Seriously, Mu En, I don't understand why you still stay in high school. You obviously have the same genius mind as me. Even going to university to get a doctorate is enough. You are on the high school campus every day. Don’t you think it’s a bit of a waste of your talents to go to and from school?”

Mu En poured himself another glass of juice and smiled.

"You don't understand Tony. I made an agreement with my teacher to spend a complete study life. Besides, I also like the feeling of school."

Stark looked at his hands and said he couldn't understand.

Others also came up one by one to toast Stark, celebrating his new life and no longer having to worry about palladium poisoning.

After drinking for three rounds, Stark and Mu En came to the yard. Looking at the bright sunshine outside, Stark suddenly spoke.

"Mu En, after this incident I realized that I alone am not enough."

Mu En smiled and patted his shoulder and said.

"Aren't we still here? We are companions and friends, right?"

Stark smiled slightly.

"Thanks man, but that's not what I wanted to say."

He looked back at everyone in the orphanage.

"Our power is still too weak. What should we do if the world faces a greater crisis?"

Mu En was stunned. He looked at Stark in front of him. He knew what Stark was thinking. He was worthy of being a man cursed by knowledge. At this time, he had already set his sights on the more distant future.

"So what are you going to do?"

Mu En asked, leaning against the door.

Stark looked at Mu En seriously.

"Nick Fury came to me. He wanted me to join his super team. Originally, I didn't want to join, but after going through this incident, I felt that maybe we should unite our forces so that we can face the situation We will be better able to respond to bigger crises."

Mu En was silent. He had thought that his appearance would change the life trajectory of Stark and others, but he did not expect that Stark would still choose this path in the end.

"So Mu En, do you want to join them with me?"

Stark looked at Mu En and invited Mu En.

"Invite me to join you? Is this what Nick Fury means?"

Mu En looked at Stark and asked.

Stark denied what Mu En said and explained.

"No, this is just my personal opinion. You have the same power as me, and so do Frank and Eric, so I want to invite you to join me."

Looking at Stark, Mu En finally shook his head.

"No, I'll forget it Tony. I'm just an ordinary student and an ordinary orphanage director. What I want to do now is to finish my studies with peace of mind and then protect the children."

As he spoke, Mu En stretched out his right hand, and the mark of the king appeared on the back of his hand.

"And Tony, you also know my identity. What will happen to my tribe if I join them? Will I be captured for research? Or will I be dissected? Or will I be controlled and turned into a weapon?"

Stark was also stunned, but he knew that this was indeed something that might happen.

Mu En said after dispersing the mark on the back of his hand.

"I support your idea and your starting point is good, but I have my own life and choices. If you need my help in the future, you can still come to me at any time."

Stark nodded and had no choice but to give up.

"What about Frank and Eric?"

"You need to ask them what they think."

Stark nodded.

"I see."

After that, he walked towards the house to ask Frank and Eric for their opinions.

But in the end they all rejected Stark. There was a conflict between Frank and Nick Fury, and it was impossible for Frank to go back and obey his fate. As for Eric, although he has been in contact with SHIELD before, he is used to being a free vampire hunter, and now he is still tracking the traces of other vampires and cannot join Stark and the others.

Finally, the banquet came to an end and Stark left the orphanage. Mu En stood on the tall building and watched Stark disappear on the street.

Mu En fell into deep thought. Ever since he came to this world and came into contact with Stark, he had been thinking about changing something consciously or unconsciously, but he found that some things seemed to be unchangeable, as if there was an invisible big hand. In fixing things that Pastoral has changed.

Is it fate? Mu En looked at the blue sky.


Outside a warehouse, Stark parked his luxury car, and two men in black suits were guarding the door of a warehouse.

Stark walked toward the warehouse.

"Welcome to IronMan."

Entering the warehouse, Nick Fury said hello to Stark.

Stark looked around at the environment here. It was like a simple temporary stronghold. Various computers were placed randomly together, and special locations were displayed on each display screen. Different.

"Is this the headquarters of your SHIELD? It's really shabby."

Stark complained as he sat down.

Nick Fury said nonchalantly.

"No, this is just one of our safe houses."

Stark ignored Nick Fury, but his attention shifted to the two reports on the table.

It says "Superhuman Alliance Preliminary Report", the assessor, Tony Stark - Iron Man. And the other report was actually a report for Drive's assessment.

Just as Stark was curiously preparing to open the copy of the Drive and take a look, Nick Fury put his hand on the report.

"No, this report is not for you. It was just placed here. This one is your report."

With that said, Nick Fury motioned to Stark to pick up his report.

"This is the audit report made by Agent Norman Love for you. Take a look at it yourself. I think the evaluation is quite accurate."

Stark opened the report and read it carefully.

"Character analysis shows that Stark often behaves impulsively and has self-destructive tendencies."

Stark frowned helplessly.

"Hey, I was just a little impulsive some time ago. I was about to die at that time. You know, when people are about to die..."

"Keep watching."

Stark could only frown and continue looking down.

"Typical super narcissist."

Stark was stunned and glanced at Nick Fury's black face.

"Okay, I admit I'm a little bit."

As he spoke, he continued to read.

"...Comprehensive evaluation, Kamen Rider IronMan passed the assessment.

Let me just say, I am the great Tony Stark, how could I be unqualified? "

"Please read the report."

Under Nick Fury's scary look, Stark glanced at the report again and found that there was another sentence below.

"Tony Stark is unqualified."

"Hey man, what the hell, I'm IronMan, okay, does that make any difference?"

Stark was a little annoyed and immediately complained to Nick Fury, which eventually made Nick Fury a little annoyed.

"Okay Stark, our final decision is to temporarily hire you as our consultant. As for other things, we will talk about it later. After all, our team has just been established."

In the end, Stark also sighed and let's do this for now. Then he turned his attention to Drive's report again.

"Are you planning to recruit Drive?"

Nick Fury also looked at the report.

"Yes, but like you, he is still in the investigation stage."

As he spoke, he looked at Stark again.

"You know his true identity, right?"

Stark was silent, he didn't speak.

Seeing that Stark didn't speak, Nick Fury didn't force him, he just said.

"Don't worry, we already know his identity without you having to tell him."

"I suggest you don't disturb him."

Stark suddenly said.

"Why? Why?"

Nick Fury asked, staring at Stark with his one eye.

"He doesn't like agents, and he doesn't want to be bothered."

Nick Fury smiled slightly and said nothing more.

Chapter 216, Steve and Stark


In the orphanage, Mu En was sitting on a chair enjoying the sunshine and watching the children playing in the yard. For some reason, Mu En felt like a retired veteran cadre.

"Hey Mu En, long time no see."

Suddenly a familiar voice sounded, greeting Mu En.


Mu En looked at Steve in surprise. He didn't expect that Steve would come to see him again, but the Steve in front of him had changed a lot from the last time they met. He was no longer wearing his old clothes. Instead of a casual shirt, he put on a handsome denim jacket and a pair of tight jeans, which perfectly outlined his American buttocks.

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