
There was a loud noise, smoke and dust flew everywhere, and a huge Kiva mark was imprinted on the ground.

Looking at the knight's kick in front of them, everyone except the bishop had a look of horror in their eyes.

Among them, Danny was especially shocked.

"Is this, this, this level of attack really possible for humans?"

The bishop smiled.

"His Royal Highness King is not an ordinary human being, he is the king of our Fangire clan."

Among the ruins, Mu En let out a long sigh.

It was finally over, and he could feel that the breath of Heikong completely disappeared from this world.

Finally, Mu En's tense nerves relaxed at this moment, his armor was lifted, and his whole body collapsed backwards.

"Mr. En!"

Aixilia fell from the air, ran towards Mu En, and supported Mu En before she fell.

Leaning in Aixilia's soft arms and feeling the comforting fragrance, Mu En suddenly felt that no matter how hard or tiring it was, it was all worth it.

Chapter 251, Gu Yi’s invitation

"Mr. En!"

"Your Highness King!"

"Mr. Dean!"

"Little Guitou, are you alive?"

A group of friends gathered around. They were shocked when they saw Mu En fall, but they were relieved to see that Mu En was safe and sound.

Seeing everyone's concerned expressions, Mu En also smiled knowingly.

"Don't worry, everyone, I won't die that easily."

Danny suddenly knelt down in front of Mu En.

"I really should thank you so much, Mr. Dean!"

"Don't be like this Danny, we are all partners who have fought together, this is not good."

Mu En wanted to step forward and help Danny up, but he really didn't have the strength to stand up, and of course he didn't want to stand up. After all, soft tenderness is not always available.

And Danny indeed said with excitement in his eyes.

"No, this is the only way I can express my gratitude to you. If it weren't for Mr. Dean, then I'm afraid no one can stop Heikong. But when the time comes, the whole world will be in ruins, and I'm afraid I will also be buried in my hands and In the hands of the Association. Mr. Dean’s great kindness, Danny has nothing to repay.”

Mu En said helplessly.

"What, don't say that, it makes me look like some kind of savior hero. I'm not that great. In the end, I'm just a thug. I take people's money to eliminate disasters for them."

Danny said with some regret.

"But, I have nothing left to pay to Mr. Dean as a reward. After all, my company is gone."

As he said that, he looked at the ruins aside. The Rare Group had been destroyed in the battle, but Danny had no regrets. His only regret was that he could not pay Mu En the agreed reward.

Mu En smiled.

"You can't say that. The Rand Group is still waiting for you to go back and rectify it."


Not only Danny, but other people also had puzzled looks on their faces. The building was in ruins, how could it be reorganized?

Mu En looked at the confused people and shouted not far away.

"Master Ancient One! It's your turn to perform!"

"Oh, I didn't expect you to find me."

Suddenly, a bald man wearing an orange robe and whose gender could not be identified appeared out of thin air.

"Who is this?!"

Danny looked at Ancient One with shock and confusion on his face. The others had already seen Ancient One during the decisive battle with Dracula before, so they were not particularly surprised.

Mu En introduced with a smile.

"Danny, this is the real super boss on the earth, the leader of the Mage Temple, the Supreme Mage, the Ancient One Mage."

After saying that, Mu Enyou smiled at Gu Yi.

"Actually, I wasn't the one who found you. It was Aixilia who told me that a bald man in an orange robe helped her find me, so I guessed that it must have been you. But Master Gu Yi, you are really the one who found me. It’s here, why don’t you help, that’s Heikong, a demon from another dimension, isn’t it your mages’ duty to deal with them?”

"Because I know that with you here, nothing unexpected will happen. At the same time, I want to see what you can do when you encounter an enemy of this level."

Gu Yi looked at Mu En with a satisfied smile.

"I have to say that you performed very well this time. I was wondering if you would like to become a mage. Maybe I can consider passing on my mantle to you."

Mu En smiled awkwardly and said.

"Don't be ridiculous, Master Gu Yi. I know that you have already decided on your successor, so I won't compete with him for position. Moreover, the power I use is more like that of an alien world than a spell." monster."

Gu Yi shook his head and said.

"I'm not kidding, nothing can't be changed, and power is power. There is no good or evil, it just depends on how you use it.

But since you don't want to become a mage, I won't force you. Of course, as long as you are willing to become a mage, you can come to me at any time. "

As he spoke, he waved his hand and the whole world changed, just like countless mirrors changing side by side.

Looking at the fantastic scene in front of him, Mu En smacked his lips.

"Mirror space, no matter how many times I see it, I still feel extremely shocked."

In the blink of an eye, everyone found themselves back in the compound of the Rand Industrial Park. The previously destroyed Rand Building still stood there safe and sound.

"It's really convenient. If I can master such power, then I won't have to restrain my hands when fighting."

In the previous battles, Mu En deliberately restrained the power released during the dark Kiva battle in order not to cause too much damage to the city. Could it be that Mu En knew in advance that Master Gu Yi was here this time, so Mu En released all his power without any scruples, leaving a huge "signature" on the ground.

Gu Yi looked at Mu En with a smile.

"Want to learn? I can teach you."

Seeing Gu Yi's weird smile, Mu En shook his head repeatedly.

"No, no, I am a scientist. It would be too unscientific to learn magic."

Gu Yi didn't say anything more and opened the space door casually.

"Okay, since there is no problem anymore, I will leave first, but again, if you change your mind one day, you can still come to me."

After saying that, Bai disappeared in front of everyone.

Mu En was speechless for a while, what is going on? You are a dignified Supreme Mage, the leader of the Mage Temple, and a respectable Guardian of the Earth. Why do you always want to abduct me to become a mage? Your apprentice is not Stellan. Strange.

With the departure of Ancient One, everyone sent the weak Mu En back to the orphanage, while Danny Rand bid farewell to everyone. The Rand Group was still waiting for him to go back to rectify. After this battle, perhaps The market value of the Rand Group will decline, but the Rand Group will truly return to Danny's hands.


A few days after the battle ended.

In the welfare home, Mu En was lying on a recliner. The damage to his body had almost been repaired. At the same time, Mu En had gained additional benefits. He found that the Demon King's power in his body had become more solid. The imperial power is actually transforming towards golden red.

Feeling the changes in his body, Mu En pondered for a moment.


Kivat II flew out from the dark corner.

"His Royal Highness."

Mu En asked, looking at the little bat in front of him.

"Kivat, have you noticed that during the battle that day, dark Kiva seemed to have undergone some changes."

As an important part of dark Kiva, kivat II feels the changes in the armor most deeply.

"Yes, Your Highness King. At that time, you awakened the souls of the kings that resided on the Zanvat sword, and then the souls of the kings were integrated into the armor. I deeply feel that Dark Kiva is evolving, but this is something that has never happened in the hands of previous kings. It's something that has never happened before, so I find it very unbelievable."

"It's integrated into the Soul of Kings, so has the armor evolved? It's really interesting."

Chapter 252, Reward

In the welfare home, Mu En was playing with the children in the courtyard, when suddenly a staff member came over.

"Mr. Dean, there are several people outside looking for you."

"Someone is looking for me?"

Mu En was stunned for a moment, then turned around and said to the children.

"Okay, let's play with aunt for a while while brother goes to deal with some things."

The children raised their heads and replied in unison.


After handing the children over to the staff, Mu En walked towards the reception room.

Thousands!.'.Look for, free,,':fee,.;?small!",said!?:"skirt,2::!"5;!?5.5;".!9,?!5!?, 3,":0"?!0 As soon as I walked into the reception room, I saw several familiar faces. The people who came to see Mu En were none other than Danny, Matt, and Luke Cage.

After seeing a few people, Mu En greeted them.

"Long time no see, guys. It seems like you are doing well. How is your company going, Danny? You should have all the powers in your hands."

Danny nodded.

"It's not bad. I originally wanted to come and visit you earlier, but I had to reorganize the company structure, so I was delayed. I have been putting off my visit until now. This time we are here mainly to pay the remuneration we promised you before, and also to provide you with information. You express your gratitude.”

As he spoke, Danny took out a contract from his wallet and placed it on the table. The contract was clearly the Rand Group's share contract, with a full 20% shareholding.

"The hand will be cleared and the company has a lot of problems, so I saw a lot of business, which led to the company's market value shrinking, so in order to express my apology, I increased the original 15% share to 100%. Twenty out of ten, I hope you can accept it.”

Mu En took the contract and took a look at it. Danny still had a good conscience and did not do anything, and Mu En also accepted it happily.

"Of course there is no problem. Don't worry, everything will be fine. I still have some shares in Stark Industries. When the time comes, I will say hello to them and ask them to take care of the Rand Group. I believe it will be very good then. You’ll cheer up soon.”

Danny was also stunned. He didn't expect that Muen still had shares in Stark Industries, but that was fine, because the current Rand Group also needed a strong partner.

At this time, Matt also took out a box and placed it on the table.

"Dean Mu'en, Danny has told us about the Hand Peace Conference. Thank you very much for your help. We have been thinking about it and don't know how to repay you. In the end, this is the only thing we can come up with. , I hope you can accept it."

As he opened it, there was a sound, and three memories suddenly appeared in the box.

These three memories are two special memories, Luna and Metal, and one T-Rex memory.

"Oh, there are actually two special memories."

Mu En picked up Luna and Metal by accident, plus Frank had collected Blaze and Trigger before. In addition to Gale and Ace, W's basic memory was complete.

Matt said.

"We know that these small memories contain huge power, but we can't control them. Only by giving them to you can they play their best role. In addition, we can't give anything else as compensation. So I can only use this as a report, and I hope you can accept it."

Mu En smiled and put away the box.

"It's easy to talk about. Although some unpleasant things happened between us before, it's all over. I hope we can continue to cooperate happily in the future."

Matt also breathed a sigh of relief when Mu En said this, which meant that Mu En no longer cared about what happened before. After he heard Danny talk about how Mu En and others ended the meeting in one fell swoop, Matt had been worried that one day when Erica met Mu En again, she would be directly obliterated by Mu En. Although Erica is very skilled, but she is obviously no match for Mu En.

After a brief chat, Matt and others stood up to say goodbye. Although the Hand Conference had disappeared, Matt knew that things would not end so simply.

There are five founders of the Hand and Peace Society, known as the Five Fingers. In this battle, only three of the Five Fingers appeared. In the end, the two did not appear, so the Hand and Peace Society would not completely die out.

After Matt and Luke Cage left, Danny stayed. He looked at Mu En and said with some embarrassment.

"Mr. Dean, I want to discuss something with you."

Mu En looked at Danny and smiled.

"I know, you want to go to the Dragon Castle to practice, right?"

Danny nodded and said with firm eyes.

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