"Then if I had not chosen to join, would I have become a threat in your eyes?"

Nick Fury looked at Stark with a serious expression and suddenly laughed.

"Who knows, but since you said so, let's put the matter about Drive aside for now."

Chapter 257, Mu En and Stark, their theory of chivalry

After thinking for a long time, Stark finally drove the steel armor to the welfare home.

With a roar, Tony Stark fell from the sky, and the children cheered and gathered around.

Stark's influence in the United States is unquestionable. Perhaps in the eyes of the so-called politicians, Stark is a character who needs to be taken seriously or targeted, but in the eyes of children, without exception, he is definitely a superhero. , after all, no one would not want to soar above the blue sky wearing a super cool steel suit.

"Okay kids, please give in. I have something to talk to your brother Mu En."

The children also wisely gave way.

"Hey Stark, long time no see. Why did you come to the orphanage today? Not to mention that you came to see the children. If you want to see the children, there is no need to come here in a suit."

Stark waved his hand and motioned for him to speak in the room. Mu En did not hesitate and invited Stark to the reception room.

Mu En poured him a cup of tea.

"Hey man, you know it, I don't like this."

Mu En rolled his eyes and said disdainfully.

"It's up to you, drink it or not."

Stark shrugged and picked up the tea cup.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Since Stark had already said that he was here to find him, Mu En did not hesitate or beat around the bush and asked straight to the point.

Stark said as he put down his tea cup.

"Hey buddy, as a friend, I just wanted to let you know that someone from SHIELD has noticed you."

Mu En shrugged and said.

"Who? Drive or me?"

Stark said frankly.


Mu En, on the other hand, joked as if nothing was wrong.

"That's right, but I've known about it for a long time. I'm afraid they have noticed me when you, the superstar, always wear a suit and run to the orphanage. After all, the dangerous people in our orphanage are still considered dangerous. Quite a few.”

Mu En smiled nonchalantly.

Yes, after all, not only Stark, but also Captain America and Hulk have been to the Valentine Orphanage, not to mention that there are many Kamen Riders in the orphanage, which goes without saying. .

Mu En said while playing with the teacup.

"I know that people from S.H.I.E.L.D. have been watching me for a long time. There are people from S.H.I.E.L.D. on the street outside the orphanage. But they are wise, they just wait and see from a distance and do not come. Excuse me, or else.”

As he spoke, Mu En showed a meaningful smile.

Stark knew that if he really annoyed Mu En, then SHIELD would definitely end up being much more tragic than those vampires.

After all, Stark had witnessed the fate of vampires with his own eyes following Mu En.

A huge vampire empire had taken root in the United States of America for decades or hundreds of years. However, it fell apart under the intervention of Mu En. Even under the operation of Mu En's most loyal subordinate, the Bishop, the vampire was transformed into Mu En. The most loyal people of Fangire.

Once Pastor En gets angry, it will be absolutely devastating for the United States of America.

Because there is an old Chinese saying that is very true: when an emperor is angry, his blood will flow for thousands of miles.

And Mu En is the King of Fangire who can make America bleed for thousands of miles.

Thinking about it carefully, Stark suddenly felt that the young man in front of him had grown to a path that he could not imagine. Even if he did not consider his Fangire army that could destroy a country, even if Mu En himself had the power, It is enough to destroy a country. After all, he has a knight's kick that can destroy a castle, coupled with heavy acceleration that can almost stop time, and a chariot with many shifting abilities.

If Mu En becomes a villain, he will definitely be a super troublesome god-level villain.

As early as when Stark came into contact with Mu En, he was already thinking about whether he should build a set of anti-Mu En armor.

But with Mu En's talent, by the time his anti-Mu En armor comes out, I'm afraid the anti-Stark armor will already be everywhere.

Stark took a deep breath and said helplessly.

"Mu En, I know that you don't have any malicious intentions. All you want to do is protect everything you care about. But Nick Fury and many people in SHIELD believe that you are an extremely dangerous existence. so......"

Mu En waved his hand and said.

"I understand that they are afraid, afraid of my power. But Tony, I want to tell you one thing. The SHIELD you are in is not as simple as you think. The water here is too deep, too deep. You can't imagine that even you, Tony Stark, a man cursed with knowledge, can't escape from this."

Stark's face darkened, he stared at the pastor and asked.

"Mu En, do you know something?"

Mu En grinned.

"Of course, who do you think I am? I'm Mu En!"

As Mu En said this, he stood up, pointed to the sky with one hand, and said in a very pretentious manner.

"Grandma once said that I am a person who brings blessings to all people. Even you, Tony Stark, no matter how outstanding your intelligence is, you are still one of those people."

"Come on, just blow it!"

Stark shrugged dismissively.

Drink all the tea in the cup.

"Okay, as your good friend, I just hope that you can always stand on the side of justice, so that I won't be in trouble."

Mu En also drank all the tea in his cup, put down the cup and said meaningfully.

"Then it depends on whether the justice you are talking about is true justice. After all, justice has never had a clear position, only different positions.

Tony, for the sake of calling yourself a Kamen Rider, as a senior knight, I would like to give you a piece of advice.

Kamen Rider never fights for justice, what we fight for is human freedom. "

After listening to Mu En's words, Stark fell into deep thought, and then said seriously.

"Thank you, I will remember your words, and I will cherish the title of Kamen Rider."

Mu En waved his hand and smiled.

"It's okay, as long as you understand. The world is too chaotic. I don't have any lofty ideals. All I hope is to protect the people I care about, and then use my best ability to help those in need. Tony, I Never considered myself a hero, but!

I hope that I can truly be worthy of the title Kamen Rider. "

Stark looked at Mu En and asked with some doubts.

"Mu En, what exactly is a Kamen Rider?"

Mu En helplessly spread his hands.

"Who knows? Maybe it's you, maybe it's me, or maybe none of us are worthy."

Stark left Valentin with doubts. He once thought that Mu En called himself a Kamen Rider just because he thought the name was very chic and handsome, but now he was trying to understand for the first time. missions and obligations.

"Mr. En!"

After Stark left, Curim controlled the cart and walked out of the darkness.

Mu En smiled lightly.

"Mr. Belt, am I really worthy of being called a Kamen Rider?"

Kurim was silent for a moment and then said.

"I don't know, but I know one thing, that is, your Mu En is my most important partner now, Kurim."

Mu En held Kurim in both hands.

"Thanks Mr. Belt."

Chapter 258, Young Hero and Dopant

Life goes on, the world is a huge machine, and it will not stop because of a certain person or certain things.

New York, one of the most prosperous cities in the Commonwealth of America, has all kinds of people coming and going on the streets. On the surface, it seems to be prosperous. However, from the moment Tony Stark revealed his identity, the gears of fate began to change. It started to rotate.


On the street, sirens were blaring, and police cars were coming from all directions, chasing a gray truck.

"Grandma, why did the police catch up so quickly!"

The masked driver on top of the truck cursed, stepped on the accelerator, and raced down the street at full speed.

"The police must have arrived quickly. Don't even look at what we grabbed. They are all high-energy compounds. The power of detonating a small can is comparable to a kilogram of black powder."

As soon as the driver's accomplice finished speaking, the whole truck swerved, almost throwing the person out.

"Damn it, do you know how to drive? I told you that the things behind you are extremely dangerous, can't you drive more safely?"

The driver didn't tolerate his accomplice at all and cursed loudly.

"Shut up your bad mouth and stop bothering me. I've been driving a fast car for more than ten years and I still need you to teach me how to drive?"

While the two were arguing, several police cars rushed out from the front, intending to intercept their truck.

"His grandma's, if this is the case then don't even think about living!"

The driver gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator, rushing directly towards the police car.


With a muffled sound, the truck swung violently, knocking two police cars apart and rushing out.

"Shoot! Blow out their tires to stop them!"

The helpless police officers had no choice but to draw their guns and shoot wildly at the truck.

However, another police chief stopped them.

"Are you crazy? The items in their cars are high-risk explosives. What if they explode in the city?"

"What should we do?"

"Keep chasing! Try to drive them out of the downtown area!"

The police siren blared, and the chase between police and robbers began again.

On top of the skyscraper, a little spider wearing a red and blue suit came to the scene with its silk thread.

"Wow, is there another big chase today? Why do these robbers have to go to the downtown to steal things?"

Spider-Man complained as he chased after him.

Just as the little spider was chasing the truck with its webbing, a dark green figure appeared between the buildings. He flexibly shuttled between the high-rise buildings on a bat-shaped aircraft.

The two also saw each other.

Batwing was obviously still angry about what happened last time. He raised his middle finger directly at Spider-Man, then accelerated in pursuit of the truck.

"Hey, how could you do this?"

Little Spider was about to complain, but found that Batwing had already thrown him away.

"It's really unfair. Why can he have such a convenient aircraft? I want it too. Well, a spider aircraft! Cool! Or you can give me a jetpack!"

While muttering to himself, the little spider hurriedly chased after him.

When he arrived, Batwing had forced the truck to a stop on the outskirts of the city.

Batwing tied the two criminals together with restraint chains.

Looking at the belated arrival of the little spider, Batwing stretched out his thumb again and then turned it 180 degrees and pointed downwards.

"You're late, masked spider man. I've already solved the problem. It's obvious that my efficiency is far superior to yours."

Faced with Batwing's ridicule, Spider-Man shrugged.

"Well, you win this time. Maybe I should apologize to you for what happened last time. I didn't expect that you also thought you were a superhero. Hey man, maybe we can form a team and help each other."

Bat Wing spread his hands disdainfully.

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