"Who knows? Okay, Stark, let's go. Help me bring a message to Nick Fury. If you have any objections to me, come to me directly. It's best not to play tricks behind your back."

Saying that, Mu'en summoned Doletron and drove away in the car.

Frank gave Rhodes one last cold look, turned around and left on his motorcycle.


Rhodes opened his visor, his face full of dissatisfaction.

Stark shook his head.

"Okay Rhodes, believe me, Drive is a good person, he just has some biased views on SHIELD and the military. I will slowly change his views."

After saying that, he closed his visor and activated his armor, soaring into the sky and disappearing into the blue sky.


Some time after the explosion, the clues about Gaia's memory in the hands of Mu En and Frank were broken again, and the guy who captured them also chose to lie dormant, so that Mu En and Frank could not find their traces.

However, Mu En was happy and leisurely, wearing a pair of sunglasses and lying on a chair in the yard, enjoying the sunshine and watching Aixilia playing with the children. Is this kind of life more interesting than not fighting and killing?

While Mu En was enjoying a peaceful and beautiful life, Valk hurried over.

"Mr. Dean, there is a person who calls himself the Director of the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau and wants to see you."


Taking off his sunglasses, a smile appeared on Mu En's lips.

"Is it finally here?"

In the reception room, the famous Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was sitting on the sofa wearing a black trench coat, looking at the layout of the room with interest.

Mu En opened the door and smiled.

"Isn't this the famous Director Fury? It's a long way to go to welcome him. I wonder why a busy man like you comes to our little Valentine Orphanage?"

Nick Fury looked calm and could not see any emotional fluctuations.

"Mr. Mu'en, director of Valentine's Welfare Home, I have been to your home twice before. The first time, your security guard didn't even let me in. After I came in the second time, I didn't even say a few words, because I left because of Stark's matter, what are your plans this time?"

Mu En sat down on the leisurely sofa and poured a cup of tea for Nick Fury and himself.

"What am I going to do? Shouldn't I ask you what I'm going to do?"

Nick Fury said while looking at the tea in front of him.

"You were very unwelcome to me the previous two times. Why are you willing to pour me tea this time?"

Mu En smiled.

"The identities are different. In what capacity did you come to see me before? FBI Fury? Or Nick from CAI?

I don't like people who lie. This time you come to see me as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., of course I will give you a good welcome. "

Nick Fury asked, playing with his tea cup.

"I think our SHIELD is an organization that hides in the dark and secretly protects the earth. How do you know about me? And you seem to know a lot of things."

Facing Nick Fury's question, Mu En said calmly.

"Of course Frank told me, he is your old comrade-in-arms."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. Although Frank and I are old comrades in arms, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Nick Fury stared at Mu En with his only remaining eye, as if he wanted to directly see through Mu En's thoughts.

But Mu En still had a smile on his face, not seeing any flaws at all. He just took a sip of tea and said calmly.

"Well~, who knows about this kind of thing?"

"Dean Mu En, no, Kamen Rider Drive. I have used my true identity to see you, and I hope we can have a good chat."

Mu En narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Nick Fury.

"That depends on what you want to talk to me about."

Nick Fury took out a file and placed it on the coffee table before retreating in front of Mu En.

"I want to talk to you about the Avengers Project. I hope you can lead all the Kamen Riders to join us."

Mu En glanced at the file on the coffee table and flipped it through. He saw that the good guy's records were quite comprehensive. Drive, Skull, Ixa, Kivala, and Dark kiva are all recorded.

It's just that now the only ones who know their true identities are themselves, Frank and Eric. There are question marks about Kivala and Dark Kiva. It seemed that Stark was quite loyal and did not tell everything.

Chapter 262: The Ghost Rider reappears and the battle between the Skeleton Knights

Mu En looked at the files and documents in front of him and shook his head slightly.

"Join you, and then be bound and controlled by you, and become your weapon, right?"

Nick Fury said calmly.

"You can understand it however you want, but in my opinion, I think it is the best choice for you to join us. I think you should know that you have powerful power, but you are not bound by the official. Now you are indeed in Do good and fight for people's safety. But what if one day you cross that line?

You must know that many high-level government officials have listed you as dangerous people. They are afraid of your power and think you are an unstable factor. If one day they think things are out of control, they will attack you.

Even though you have extraordinary abilities, what about the people around you? What about the children in the orphanage? "

Mu En put away the smile on his face, narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Nick Fury coldly.

"Are you threatening me?"

Nick Fury shook his head.

"No, I'm just stating a fact. Even if I can guarantee that SHIELD will not attack the people around you, I can't guarantee that others will not. If they know your true identity, what do you think? What will they do?"

"Pfft~! Hahahahaha~!"

Mu En suddenly laughed.

"So, don't you think what you said is contradictory, Director Fury?"

Nick Fury looked at the young man in front of him with doubtful eyes.

"What's the meaning?"

Mu En smiled.

"You said it yourself, if someone knows my true identity they might come back and threaten me, but what if no one knows my true identity?"

"Do you think you can hide it for the rest of your life?"

Mu En shook his head.

"No, I know I can't hide it forever, but I can deal with those guys who know my true identity and have evil intentions. For example, you, am I right, Director Fury?"

Nick Fury's expression suddenly changed, but he soon calmed down.

"I heard Stark say that the Kamen Rider's mission is to fight to protect human freedom. Do you think if you do this or that, wouldn't it violate your name as a knight?"

Mu En sat back on the sofa and sighed.

"Hey, who knows about this kind of thing? You think so."

Suddenly the atmosphere in the reception room became somewhat solemn.

In the end, it was Nick Fury who spoke first.

"Dean Mu En, I think we should be on a united front. You are fighting for human freedom, and we, SHIELD, are the last line of defense to protect the peace of the earth. If we unite, we should not Is it a win-win thing?”

Mu En's slender fingers tapped the armrest of the sofa rhythmically.

"How should I put it? What you Americans like to talk about most is freedom. We also have our freedom. To sacrifice our freedom in order to comply with you, wouldn't this violate the slogan you talk about every day? ?"

Nick Fury didn't expect that such a young guy in front of him could be so powerful. He has always been the only one to evade others. Today is the first time that someone has evaded others. It seems that he has met his opponent. He is serious. .

In the following time, Nick Fury could be said to be arguing with all his firepower. He did not believe that he would fall into the hands of a young man.

However, after two whole debates, from the law to the end, from history to reality, Nick Fury can be said to have tried his best, but unfortunately he didn't even take advantage of half a dime.

Finally, Mu En poured out the last bit of tea in the teapot and said calmly.

"Well Director Fury, if you are just here to argue with me about the so-called humanistic history, I think you can leave. After all, my hometown has thousands of years of history. As for your hundreds of years of things, obviously there are some It’s not enough.”

Nick Fury suddenly felt very aggrieved, and finally said helplessly.

"Mu En, Kamen Rider Drive, I have one last question, why don't you want to join us?"

Mu En gently blew away the tea leaves floating on the surface, took a sip of tea and said.

"Why should I join an organization whose internal components are unclear? It would be funny if I can't even tell who I work for."

"What do you mean by that?!"

Nick Fury's expression became more serious than ever. This sounded funny, but as the director of SHIELD, Nick Fury was keenly aware of something.

"Okay Director Fury, the tea is cold."

Mu En put down his tea cup and shook his head. He stood up and made a sign to see off the guests, indicating that it was time for him to leave.

Nick Fury stood up with a solemn expression. He originally planned to persuade Mu En to join the Avengers today, but he obviously failed, but it didn't seem like there was no gain.

Mu En looked at Nick Fury's back, smiled and shook his head.

If you just join the Avengers, maybe you can consider it, but joining S.H.I.E.L.D., who are you kidding? What's the difference between just sending yourself to Hydra?

Mu En thought that it would not be impossible for him to join the Avengers after the Hydra hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D. was cleared out and the Avengers became independent. After all, after joining the Avengers, vampire doping and other things would happen. When something happens, you can take the blame yourself.

Just when Mu En was thinking about a better life in the future, Mu En suddenly received a call from Frank.

"Frank, what happened?"

Frank's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Mu En, I met that weird dopant again."

"Weird dopant?"

Mu En was stunned, and he suddenly remembered something.

"Where are you? I'll be right over."


In the chaotic alley, there are traces of battles everywhere. The ground and walls were covered with charred marks, as if they had been burned by something.

A skeleton covered in burning flames, wearing a leather coat, wielding a chain wrapped in flames in his hand.

Opposite him was Frank holding a metal rod.


The Ghost Rider flicked the chain in his hand, and the flaming chain rushed towards Frank like a spiritual snake.

Frank ducked sideways, and the chain hit the wall behind him hard. A piece of the solid wall was immediately torn off by the chain.

"Look at the stick!"

Frank waved the metal rod in his hand and attacked Ghost Rider.

The two were fighting together for a while, and the battle between the two skeletons became difficult to determine the winner.

As the messenger of the demon Mephisto, Ghost Rider's fighting ability cannot be underestimated.

However, Frank, who has become the Kamen Rider Skull, has the blessing of a skull memory. As his will to fight increases, his physical abilities will also be strengthened. At this moment, he is fighting with high spirits.

Seizing the opportunity, Ghost Rider once again activates the Eye of Judgment.

"Look at my eyes!"

The Eye of Judgment was activated, and the sins Frank had committed emerged in his mind one by one.

Frank underneath the mask showed a wry smile.

"Does it bring back memories of my sins? It's a pity that I have already counted my sins. No one can understand the sins I have committed better than me!"

Frank, who faced up to his sins, became extremely determined.

Chapter 263, Ghost Rider, Johnny Blaze

When Mu En arrived, he only saw Frank leaning against the broken wall, surrounded by broken arms and debris. Mu En was a little surprised. He didn't know what kind of battle Frank had gone through.

Frank took out a cigarette from his pocket with trembling hands, lit it tremblingly, took a long puff and said.

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