"What does this have to do with the Witch's Heart Demon?"

"Witch Heart Demon?"

Carter Shirey was also stunned.

"'He' asked you to deal with the inner demon?"

Johnny nodded.

"There are several other demons."

Carter Shire sewed up his wounds and broke the cotton threads.

"Exiled demons, they are the incarnation of the power of nature, hiding in the world under the leadership of the devil's son, waiting for the end of the world.

I suggest you better stay here. This is a holy place where devils cannot enter. "

Johnny took a look at his wound, stood up and thanked Carter Shirey.

"Thank you, and thank you for the information. I feel better now knowing that I am a demon bounty hunter."

With that said, he put on his windbreaker again and prepared to leave.

"You want to go there?"

Johnny replied casually.

"There is someone I have to meet. Don't worry, he will be back soon."

"This is a bad decision."

Johnny, who was holding the windbreaker, paused, and finally put on the windbreaker again.

"Anyway, this isn't the first time."

After that, he walked towards the door.

Carter Shirey got up and followed him, standing at the door and calling Johnny.

"Why did you sign that contract?"

Johnny looked back at Carter Shirey with white hair and returned.

"At that time, I was still an ignorant child."

"So what did you get?"

Carter Shirey pressed.

Johnny thought carefully and answered in one word.


After that, Johnny left the cemetery on his motorcycle.

Mu En looked at Carter Shirey's back and said calmly.

"What about you? Why did you sign that contract, and what did you get?"

Carter Shirey turned back to look at Mu En.

"What's the meaning?"

Mu En stood up, patted his sleeves and smiled.

"You are the Ghost Rider from a hundred and fifty years ago, tell me what happened back then? I'm curious how you escaped from the devil's hands?

I saw an interesting tombstone in the cemetery. The name on the tombstone was also Carter Shirey. So, who would build a tombstone for themselves? "

After listening to Mu En's words, Carter Shirey also smiled.

"You are really not simple. You told me before that you were here to find someone. I thought you were here to find him. It seems that you are here to find me. So you are also here for Saint Fangansa?"

Mu En shook his head.

"I'm not interested in those souls, I'm just here to find you."

"It's really interesting that you, a young man, would come all the way to see me, an old man."

As he spoke, he sat down aside.

"Okay, then let me tell you about what happened back then.

Over a hundred and fifty years ago, I was a Sheriff in Texas. "

Carter Shiley began to tell his story back then, when he was a police sergeant fighting for justice.

Something happened later, and he started to become greedy, and eventually he paid the price for his greed and was imprisoned.

He originally thought he was about to face endless jail time, until a man came to see him.

The man told him that he could free Carter Slay.

So he signed a contract with the man, and finally he understood that the price of freedom was the enslavement of his soul.

He became the Ghost Rider and served Mephisto.

Until one day he was sent to collect the souls of St. Fangansa, but he found that those souls were too evil.

He understood that such an evil soul and such a large number could never fall into the hands of Mephisto, so he escaped, taking the contract that imprisoned the souls of everyone in Saint Fangansa with him.

In the end, he hid here until now.

"So this is what it looks like."

After listening to Carter Shirey's words, Mu En nodded.

Carter Shiley said.

"The Witch Heart Demon has escaped from hell. If he wants to get rid of Mephisto and build his own empire, he will definitely come to snatch this contract."

"So? What are you going to do?"

Faced with Mu En's question, Carter Shirey shook his head.

"I don't know. Although I have guarded this contract for more than a hundred years, my power has passed away, so I don't know what to do next."

Mu En looked at Carter Shirey's white hair. Although he was a Ghost Rider, he escaped from Mephisto's control. Although he gained freedom, his power also disappeared with it.

"I said, you probably won't mind if I stay here for a few days. I'm sure the environment here is quite wrong."

Carter Shrey smiled.

"Kid, you are really interesting. You actually think the cemetery is a good environment."

Mu En shrugged and let him think whatever he wanted.

Suddenly Carter Shirey seemed to remember something and asked.

"You said you also signed a contract with the devil. Who is the devil who signed the contract with you?"

Mu En snapped his fingers, and a small bloody bat flew in.

"Well, this is the devil who made a contract with me."

"One, a bat?"

Chapter 271, Skeleton! The flaming skeleton! Have you ever watched Ghost Rider?

Johnny rode his motorcycle across the car and returned to the place where he fought the devil yesterday.

He looked at the long rut on the ground, which was the trace left by his chariot. Now many people were studying this rut, including police, experts and firefighters.

There are also many news media sitting here for interviews. Their topics are miracles, weirdos, supernatural phenomena, etc. After all, there are enough strange things happening during this period.

But these people are not his target. He is here to find his ex-girlfriend. His ex-girlfriend is also a reporter. Wherever there is news, there will be her.

Sure enough, he saw his ex-girlfriend interviewing a witness.

And that witness was really the victim he got off from that gangster yesterday.

Roxanne asked the victim.

"Can you describe to me the man who saved you?"

The victim nodded and said excitedly.

"Of course, I will never forget his appearance. He is tall and has broad shoulders, but he is very thin, skinny and skinny.

He rides a really cool motorcycle and it has fire on it.

Oh yeah, and his face is also a skull, and it's still burning with fire. "

Johnny on the side listened to this description and subconsciously touched his next year. Fortunately, it was flesh and not a skeleton, and there were no flames.

Hearing the victim's answer, the cameraman almost stopped laughing.

"Skeleton with flames?"

Roxanne also asked in disbelief.

After being messed with like this, the victim became a little less confident and wondered if he had seen it wrong.

"I have a few portraits here. Check to see if they are the skeletons you mentioned. Check to see if they are this one."

As she spoke, Luo Shan took out a skull painting, which was a Halloween Q-version skull decoration.

"No, this is a Halloween decoration!

I'm talking about real people, so tall! It’s a human being! Please! "

As he spoke, the victim also gestured to his approximate height.

Looking at the excited victim, Luo Shan almost couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, it's this high, right? Then see if it's like this."

As he spoke, he took out another painting, which was a medical human skeleton specimen. It was indeed a life-size skeleton.

The victim became even more agitated for a moment.

"Please! Are you playing with me? You are obviously a specimen! I am talking about a real person! A living one! You don't know how long you have been dead!"

Then the camera guy took out a painting from his pocket. This was a photo of Skull taken by an industry insider. He thought it was very handsome, so he printed it out and kept it for himself.

"Is it this one?"

The victim yelled in a broken voice.

"No! You're a Kamen Rider! I'm talking about the flaming skeleton! The flaming skeleton! You're riding a very cool motorcycle!"

Then the camera guy took out another photo from his pocket, which was of Skull riding a motorcycle.

"You are playing with me, right?"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

Luo Shan took the photo from the camera boy's hand, and then used a pen to add flame patterns to the photo.

"Okay, is that so?"


This time the camera guy couldn't hold himself any longer and burst out laughing.

"Hey! What are you laughing at!"

"No, no, I'm not laughing."

"You're obviously smiling, right?"

The camera guy said while suppressing a smile.

"I remembered something happy. My girlfriend is pregnant."

As the partner of the camera guy, Luo Shan didn't hold back and laughed out loud. He was a single guy who was ten thousand years old, where did he get his girlfriend?

Seeing that Roxanne was also smiling, the victim felt insulted and almost exploded with anger.

"Why are you laughing again!"

"I also remembered happy things."

The victim was stunned.

"Your girlfriend is pregnant too?"

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