Look for my eyes! "

The Eye of Judgment was activated, but something strange happened. This guy did all kinds of evil, but he couldn't burn the opponent's soul.

The Witch Heart Demon laughed arrogantly.

"Hahahahaha, it seems that the old guy didn't tell you, your Eye of Judgment has no effect on me, because I have no soul to burn for you!"

As he spoke, he broke free from Ghost Rider's hands and pinched Ghost Rider's spine. The flames on his body suddenly dimmed a lot. This guy was actually able to suppress Ghost Rider's power.

"Surprise? A surprise?

As I said, I inherited all the qualities of Mephisto, I can do what he can do, and I can also do what he can’t.

He actually wants you to send me back, but I don't want to go back yet. I like this place and I will transform it into a new hell. "

With that said, he directly lifted the Ghost Rider up and smashed it to the ground.

Immediately, the dim hellfire on Ghost Rider's body was completely extinguished.

The Witch Heart Demon looked at Ghost Rider's skeleton and said coldly.

"That old guy actually thinks you can beat me, you really are not joking.

I really don't know who is so pathetic, you? Or is it him? "

As he spoke, he punched his skull hard. This punch directly knocked Johnny back to his human form.

Johnny looked at the guy in front of him in disbelief. Is this Mephisto's son? Is he really as powerful as Mephisto?

The Witch Heart Demon patted Johnny's face and said.

"Johnny, I hope your skull head can remember my words. From now on, you will no longer obey my father, but do things for me, the great Witch Heart Demon, the future new King of Hell.

I now order you to get the contract from that old guy and hand over St. Fangansa to me, so that you can save your girlfriend's life. Do you understand? "

After that, he waved his hand and took Luo Shan away from here, leaving only a cold voice echoing in the room.

"Remember, don't keep me waiting too long. My patience has its limit."

Johnny, who had regained consciousness, immediately got on his motorcycle and rushed towards the cemetery.


In the cemetery, the two people who were drinking and telling jokes heard the real sound of motorcycles outside.

"It looks like I know where the guy who escaped just now has gone."

Mu En recognized the sound of Johnny's car, put down the cup in his hand and said with a smile.

"Haha, we worked all night. It seems that the boy suffered a lot. Come on, let's go out and have a look."

Old Carter put down his skills and walked outside.

Seeing old Carter, Johnny came over.

Old Carter said with a smile.

"What's wrong, young man? You've figured it out and decided to come back and choose a good place for yourself as a cemetery?"

Johnny shook his head.

"No, the Witch Heart Demon has captured Luo Shan. I need the contract from Saint Fangansa. I want to understand this matter."

Old Carter looked at Johnny and smiled.

"Do you know what will happen once the Witch-In-Mind gets hold of St. Fangansa's soul?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know. If there is no contract, he will kill Luo Shan!"

Old Carter didn't speak, just looked at Johnny quietly.

Johnny looked at Old Carter and finally sighed.

"Forget it, I will dig this place for him. Sooner or later he will dig it out. I must go and save Luo Shan!"

After saying that, he picked up the shovel on the side and started to do it.

Old Carter stepped forward and stopped him.

"The contract is not here, child."

He took the shovel from Johnny's hand and smashed it against a tree nearby. The shovel broke, revealing a hollow sandwich in which a scroll lay quietly.

The Witch Heart Demon once had St. Fangansa in his hands, but he threw it away with his own hands.

Old Carter waved the contract in front of Johnny's eyes.

"Are you sure you've thought about it, kid?

Once the contract falls into the hands of the Witch Heart Demon, the world may turn into a hell on earth. "

Johnny held out his hand and said.

"I think you should trust me."


"Although he can control my soul, he cannot control my will, which belongs to human beings."

Old Carter looked at the determined Johnny and laughed.

"Okay, let me see if, as an evil spirit, you can stick to your own will and your will as a human being.

Maybe, this time God will be on your side, the evil spirit. "

He handed the contract to Johnny and then said.

"Saint Fangansa is five hundred miles away from here. Only by releasing the souls in the contract there can the Witch Heart Demon control all the power. I think we have to get out quickly."


Johnny showed doubts in his eyes after putting away the contract.

Old Carter whistled.

The sound of hoofbeats came from a distance, and a horse came to Old Carter through the thick fog at night.

"I think I can ride one last time, little one, why don't you come along?"

As he said this, Old Carter mounted his horse and looked in the direction of the house.

Mu En walked out of the house and put on the denim trench coat that old Carter wore when he was young.

"It looks like a good fit. I seem to see myself again when I was young."

Old Carter smiled as he looked at Mu En.

Mu En lowered the cowboy hat on his head and praised his black motorcycle. It feels pretty good, no wonder Frank likes to wear hats.

Johnny looked at the old and the young.

"Are you sure you can keep up with me?"

Old Carter smiled slightly and put on his hat.

At that moment, hellfire ignited and evil spirits came into the world.

Old Carter completed his most popular transformation and became the Ghost Rider again.

"Carter Sorey? Ghost Rider?"

Old Carter nodded, and the flames rose again, and the horse under his crotch transformed into a hell horse.

So handsome! Mu En witnessed the transformation of this old knight with his own eyes, which was really great.

"Stop watching, do you two want to fight with your mortal bodies?"

Listening to Old Carter's words, Johnny got on his motorcycle, stepped on the accelerator, the engine roared, and the fire ignited.

Johnny took the initiative to become the Ghost Rider, and his motorcycle also turned into a hell chariot. This time he was no longer controlled by instinct, he was the Ghost Rider, and the Ghost Rider was who he was.

The two flaming knights were really on fire.

Mu En looked at the two cool Ghost Riders, who were also named knights. Mu En naturally could not embarrass the Kamen Rider.


"Hi hi~!"

The whistle sounded, and a set of dark red armor appeared, and a black cloak fluttered in the night wind.

Under the blessing of the Demon King's power, Mu En's remaining motorcycle turned into a gothic-style dark red motorcycle, with a dark green Kiva mark imprinted on the motorcycle.

"Let's go, everyone."

The three knights headed towards the legendary Saint Fangansa in the night.

Chapter 279: The ruins of the ancient city of St. Fangansa

The three of them were marching all the way through the night in the desolate Gobi Desert.

In the middle of the desolate next door, the ruins of an ancient city suddenly appeared in front of the three of them.

Looking at the abandoned and dilapidated ruins of the ancient city in front of him, Old Carter was filled with emotion.

"Is this the ruins of St. Fanganza?"

Looking at the ruins of the ancient city in front of them, the three of them stopped and looked at the eerie ancient city in the night.

The flames on Old Carter's body gradually dimmed, and his energy was almost exhausted. This was his last transformation, just to send his descendants away.


Old Carter called Johnny and pulled out a shotgun from the side of his horse.

"Take it, this is my old friend who has been with me for many years."

The moment Johnny took the shotgun, the hellfire on old Carter was completely extinguished, and he transformed back into a human body.

"Old Carter, what are you doing!"

Old Carter adjusted the cowboy hat on his head and said calmly.

"This is my last transformation, my energy has been exhausted, I have been waiting for this day for a long time.

Finally today, I have found a knight who will not be easily controlled by the devil. I am very happy.

God knows how many mistakes I have made, and I always want to correct my mistakes.

I just hope God is willing to give me a chance to change my ways, but it’s a pity that everything will be over. "

Johnny looked at old Carter with a complicated expression, and in the end he could only say thank you to him.


Old Carter shook his head.

"No, I should say this, thank you kid. And you, little one, thank you."

After that, under the gaze of the two men, Old Carter turned into spots of light all over the sky and disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

Mu En looked at the scattered light spots. Perhaps, for old Carter, this was relief.

"Okay, now tell me your plan."

Mu En looked at Johnny and asked.


Even with just a skull, Mu En seemed to be able to see Johnny's confused expression.

"Please, old Carter gave you the contract, don't you have any plan at all?"

"Yes, of course. Who do you think I am? Of course I have a plan."

Looking at the guy in front of him, Mu En was speechless for a moment.

"Tell me your plan."

"My plan is to act according to the situation!"

Johnny kicked the accelerator and rushed directly into the ancient city.

"This guy is really a reckless man."

Mu En shook his head helplessly and had no choice but to follow quickly.

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