An agent standing in front of the surveillance camera answered.

"Sir, an unknown object was found outside the west fence."

"Unidentified object?"

Colson was also stunned. Nothing happened a few days ago, so what is going on today?

"Take pictures of two people and go take a look."

"Yes, sir."

"Deland Creek, Jackson, you two go check out the west fence."


The two agents drove the patrol car toward the west guardrail. They soon discovered that the guardrail originally surrounded by barbed wire had been torn open by brute force, leaving a gap.

"Sir, a leak was found in the west fence."

"What? What's going on?"

However, before Delanxi could answer, a blond strong man suddenly came out from the side of the car and knocked Delanxi unconscious with a punch.

"who are you!"

Just as Jackson was about to sound the alarm, he was pulled up by Saul, and then hit Jackson with a rocket headbutt, knocking him unconscious.

After looking around to make sure that no one else noticed anything unusual, Thor took off their raincoats and put them on himself, then walked in the direction of the hammer.

"Delland Creek, Jackson reporting."

Coulson asked using the walkie-talkie, but received no response from the two for a long time.

At this moment, another communication signal connected to the channel.

"Report, an agent is injured, there is an intruder at the west guardrail!"

At this time, everyone realized that something was wrong, and Coulson immediately ordered a warning.

The sharp sirens echoed in the research base, and everyone took action, looking for the intruder.

When he heard the alarm sounding, Steve, who was resting in the room, also frowned.

However, he did not rush to help immediately, but came to Mu En's room.

"Mu En, do you know what happened?"

Mu En replied while looking at the notes.

"It looks like someone has invaded the research base. The people from SHIELD are really interesting. Even a research base will be invaded by others, and they brazenly say they want to protect the peace of the earth."

Hearing Mu En say that the research base had been invaded, Steve couldn't sit still.

He asked Mu En.

"Are we going to help?"

Mu En shook his head.

"No need, if they can't even defend a small research base, how can they protect the earth? We can just wait and see the show, or do you not believe them either?"

Listening to Mu En's words, Steve took a deep breath and sat down on the chair beside him.

"You're right. If you can't even defend a small base, you have no right to say anything else. Then just wait and see."

Seeing Steve sit down, Mu En also smiled lightly and looked in the direction of Thor's Hammer. Sure enough, another very special power of life seemed particularly dazzling among a group of humans.

Is this an Asgardian? It's really different.

On the other side, Thor was hiding in the dark wearing a raincoat. Although he didn't understand what these harsh sounds were about, he saw that everyone was taking action and he understood that the situation was not good.

Dark clouds obscured the moon in the night sky, and a thunder shot across the sky. Thor looked up at the lightning flashing across the sky and smiled. He thought it was his hammer calling him, so he rushed straight into the base. .

"The intruder was found. He entered the south passage. Asking for support. Asking for support!"

For a time, a large number of agents moved towards the south passage, and Thor was blocked in the passage.

"Listen mortals, I don't want to fight with you. I am Thor, God of Thunder."

"Capture the intruder without any help!"

However, the agents didn't listen to Thor's nonsense and rushed towards him. Although Thor had lost his divine power, his tall body could still not be underestimated.

After knocking down several agents three or two times, he opened a path and ran towards the depths. He could feel that he was getting closer and closer to his hammer.

More agents rushed over, but they still couldn't stop Thor.

"Activate the alert system and locate the intruder!"

"Sir, the system cannot be started!"

"what happened?"

Coulson quickly came to the control center to ask about the situation.

The technician on the side replied while trying to repair the pole.

"That thing emitted strong electromagnetic waves that interfered with our equipment. Now except for the most basic radio communications, our other equipment is almost paralyzed."

Coulson frowned and picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Barton, how is the situation over there now?"

On the tower crane, Hawkeye Barton drew his bow and nocked an arrow. With the lights in the base, he had already locked onto the sudden sound.

"I have identified his location. Do you want me to kill him now, or do you want more people to capture him?"

Coulson was also a little speechless about this partner who was always ready to kill people. Is there anything that he couldn't sit down and have a good chat about?

"No! No need, report the location and wait for my instructions."

"Understood, he is in the third corridor now."

After confirming the location, Coulson immediately gave instructions to the other agents.

"Attention everyone, the intruder is now in the third corridor!"

For a moment, everyone rushed towards Sol's location.

Thor, who was in the corridor, had passed through many obstacles, and Mjolnir had appeared in front of him.

Chapter 291: Thor abandoned by the hammer

Seeing his hammer, Thor had a happy smile on his face.

Suddenly, a tall black figure jumped out from the side and knocked Thor to the ground with a punch. Thor was stunned by this.

Sol, who was lying on the ground, looked at the guy in front of him who was taller than him and sighed.

"You're quite big, but I've seen bigger ones than you."

After saying that, he stood up suddenly and punched the man in the face, causing the two people to fight together. By accident, they lost their balance, and the two of them crashed through the plastic and fell outside. The heavy rain poured down, and the two of them struggled on the muddy ground.

The agent seized the opportunity and immediately restrained Thor with a chokehold.

But Thor was not to be outdone, and hit the agent's ribs hard with an elbow. After three or four elbow strikes in a row, the agent couldn't stand it anymore and let go of Thor.

Sol took the opportunity to reverse and pin him to the ground.

But he was pushed away before he could hold him down. Saul quickly stood up. Before the agent could stand firmly, he jumped up and kicked the agent in the chest.

Agent Besol was kicked to the ground. Under the heavy rain, Thor was breathing heavily. It was still difficult for him to fight without his divine power.

But he still won, and with a victorious smile, he walked towards his Thor's Hammer.

The eagle eye on the tower crane has a panoramic view of everything. Although field agents have a rule when performing tasks outside, they cannot mix too much personal emotions, but when they see themselves, don't be beaten like this by an outside intruder. The eagle eye Also a little angry.

He asked Coulson through the headset.

"Colson, give me the order and let me kill this guy. This guy is really evil."

Coulson also rushed to the scene and saw Thor who wanted to get Thor's hammer.

"I'm asking for the last time, sir, if you want to take action?"

"Wait a minute and see what this guy wants to do first."

Coulson still stopped Hawkeye. He could see that this guy was here just for this hammer. Someone would actually break into SHIELD's research base at night for a hammer that he couldn't pick up. See how happy he was. His expression, could it be said that he can pick up the hammer?

Thor looked at his hammer, happily circled it a few times, then found the best angle, took a deep breath and stretched out his hand.

Something strange happened when he grabbed the hammer, he didn't feel his power.

"What's going on? Do I have to pick it up?"

Thor tried to lift his hammer, but the hammer that could have been used as an arm was now as heavy as a stone, and he could not move the hammer at all.

Thor refused to admit defeat and grabbed the hammer with both hands, trying to use brute force to pick it up.

There was a sudden weakness, and Thor's entire face became distorted, but the hammer did not move at all.

He kept trying, but no matter how hard he tried or from which angle he tried, he could not pick up the hammer that originally belonged to him.

Suddenly, Thor felt abandoned, abandoned by his own hammer.

He was unwilling to raise his voice to the sky and roared loudly.

My Meow Hammer, you were once a close and good friend, how could you just abandon me like this! ! !

Coulson, who was watching on the sidelines, was also jumped.

That's it? Incompetent and furious, I thought I could pick up the hammer. I really waited so long in vain.

Suddenly, he saw Thor kneeling in front of the hammer, as if he was repenting.

How come you can pick up the hammer just by kneeling down in front of it? It’s really outrageous.

Coulson picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Okay everyone, the show is over, ground troops are moving in, let's capture him."

A team of heavily armed agents entered the scene and took Sol under control, but the decadent Sol did not even resist.

Barton on the tower crane also put away his bow and arrow. Is this the end? He thought he was going to have a fight, but it rained so much in vain.

Mu En in the room was spying on the situation through the ability of the Fangire clan. Seeing that Thor was arrested, Mu En also smiled slightly.

"Okay Steve, it's all over, let's go see what's going on."


Steve also got up and followed Mu En towards the direction of Colson and the others.

In the base, Thor was tied to a chair and was being interrogated by Coulson.

Coulson looked at the muscular guy and said.

"Who are you? Who do you serve?

You just made my guys, some of the most highly trained professionals in the world, look like a bunch of security guards in a cheap mall. That's so hurtful.

From my experience, only a person who has received the same training can achieve such a level. Where did you receive the training? Pakistan? Chechnya? Or Afghanistan?

Again, according to my experience, you are more like a mercenary. So can you tell me, who do you serve? "

But Thor, who was still immersed in the sadness of being abandoned by his Meowth Hammer, didn't want to answer Coulson's question at all.

But Coulson believed that Thor, as a professional mercenary, would not easily reveal information about his employer.

So he continued to talk.

"As far as I know, there are many organizations that are willing to hire skilled mercenaries like you at high prices, but you have been caught by us now, and those organizations are a group of ruthless guys. They will definitely be punished if they know you are arrested. Choose to abandon you, so why don't you choose to cooperate with us? I can guarantee that you will get preferential treatment.

Okay, or we can change the question first.

Who are you? "

Hearing this question, Thor raised his head, but still did not speak.

Seeing that Thor refused to accept the offer, Coulson said helplessly.

"Okay, even if you don't tell us we will find out. After all, what we are best at is detection."

"Hey Coulson, I just heard the alarm, are you guys okay!"

Steve walked in with Mu En. The agents in this base seemed to be relatively high-level, and they were let in immediately after seeing the ID card issued by Nick Fury.

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