Of course, after seeing this, Nick Fury's dark face suddenly became darker, as if he had been smeared with several layers of pot ash.

"It's really raining all night because of the leak. These guys are at a level where they have access to some of SHIELD's confidential files."

Agent Hill continued.

"Not only that, Director, I also discovered that there seems to be a very secret connection between them. I'm afraid there are more advanced beings above them."

Nick Fury couldn't help but laugh to himself when he heard this.

"Haha, in the past, we were the only ones who could infiltrate others. I didn't expect that the ones who were most seriously infiltrated would be ourselves."

After laughing, Nick Fury had a chill on his face.

Hill asked.

"Director, do you need me to get rid of these people secretly?"

"No! Not yet."

Nick Fury decisively rejected Hill's agent proposal.

"Now is not the time to take action. As you may have guessed, if there are more advanced and secretive beings among them, taking action rashly will only alert the enemy.

And we still need manpower now. Since they have not yet shown their purpose and ambition, we can still use them for a while. "

"I understand, Director."

"Agent Hill, you will continue to investigate this matter during the next period of time, but remember to keep it secret."

"no problem."

After that, Hill was ready to leave.

Suddenly Nick Fury spoke up.

"Agent Hill, aren't you also an undercover agent?"

Hill stopped and replied.

"Hill will always be loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D."

Looking at Agent Hill in front of him, Nick Fury shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean anything else. If even my most trusted agent is an undercover agent, then I, as the director, will no longer have to do my job. You can go and do your work."

Hill said goodbye again and left Nick Fury's office.

Nick Fury was sitting on the seat, with a single eye with a penetrating gaze that made people unable to understand or guess.

"Sure enough, I need strength, the strength to take control of the situation."

With that said, he stood up and walked out of the office.

Chapter 304, respective secret plans

S.H.I.E.L.D. Trident Building.

In the office, Alexander Pierce was drinking coffee and looking at the information on the computer.

There was a knock on the door, and Pierce put down the coffee in his hand.

"come in."

A bald agent walked in.

"Sir, this is a report on this incident in New Mexico."

Pierce took a brief look and put it down.

"I understand. These things are not important. As long as they do not affect our plans, let them be."

"I understand sir, there is one more thing I want to report to you."

"Say it."

The bald agent said.

"Nick Fury has noticed us. He has sent Agent Hill to secretly investigate our people. Do we need to make any further response?"

Pierce said with a smile.

"No need, if he doesn't react then he won't be called Nick Fury. Just lurk as usual. He is a smart man and will not attack us so quickly."

Seeing that his boss was so calm, he didn't say anything more.

"I see."

After that, he left.

Just after he left, Pierce spoke to the computer in front of him.

"Nick Fury has discovered an abnormality. What do you think about this, Dr. Zola?"

Suddenly the computer screen flickered, and a human face actually appeared on the screen. If Steve were here, then he would be able to recognize it immediately. The guy in the computer is none other than the scientist next to the Red Skull - Zola .

It was with the help of Dr. Zola that the Red Skull was able to control a bunch of weapons that were beyond that era. He was also the genius scientist who was the first to use the Cosmic Cube to create weapons.

It's just that after the Red Skull paid homage to Steve, he was also caught by Steve, and was eventually recruited into the Scientific Defense Department with a special identity.

In the computer, Zola smiled sadly.

"What do I think? Didn't Leader Pierce make a decision just now?"

Dr. Zola said in a weird electronic tone.

"Before the Insight Plan is launched, we just need to stand still. If there is any movement now, it will be detrimental to our plan."

Pierce nodded and smiled happily.

"Of course I know this. As long as the Insight Project is successful, the entire world will be ours. When I think of such a beautiful time, I can't wait. Dr. Zola, how long will it take before that day comes? ?”

"Don't be anxious, Chief Pierce. The Insight Plan will take time, but we have entered the final preparation stage. It won't take long for us to succeed."

Listening to Zola's answer, Pierce's excitement calmed down a little.

After all, I have been waiting for it for so many years, is there still a short time? If that's the case, then I really have no pattern.

However, the more times like this came, even though he had seen countless big scenes, he felt a little uneasy.

"But Dr. Zola, are you sure those guys are really controllable?"

"Don't worry, haven't you witnessed with your own eyes what those soldiers are like? With the control of the Insight Project, they will definitely be firmly in our hands. They are the great legacy left to us by the Red Skull. If it hadn't been for the emergence of the Cosmic Cube, I'm afraid we would have already used this power to change the world."

Pierce was noncommittal about Zola's words. He was a legendary leader in the history of the Red Skull Hydra, and his deeds were really thunderous.

He served the German NC in his early years, and later became the first experimental subject of the Super Soldier Project and gained extraordinary power. He then commanded Hydra and once wanted to get rid of Mustache and start his own business.

During his craziest period, he continued to dig ancient ruins around the world in search of extraordinary power.

In the end, he really unearthed a lot of things. Although he was defeated by Captain America Steve in the end, although the Red Skull died, Hydra was immortal, and what he accumulated became a huge factor in the development of Hydra. foundation.

Dr. Zola looked at Pierce with a calm expression and smiled. After all, he is now the leader of Hydra. He will be somewhat unhappy if he mentions his former leader in front of him.

Then he spoke.

"Don't think too much about Chief Pierce, it's all about Hydra."


Pierce's old face still forced a smile.

"All for Hydra."


On the street, Nick Fury put on a complicated disguise, shook off all possible tails, and arrived at an unremarkable research institute in New York City.

Walking into the institute, walking through the corridor, passing by the Research Institute, he came to the warehouse of the institute.

Entering the warehouse, he went straight to the thermometer in the warehouse.

He coughed and said.

"Code name, 645****312."

As his voice sounded, a red light lit up at the bottom of the thermometer, and a mechanical voice sounded.

"The command is correct, please identify it."

He squatted down and put his eyes close to the thermometer, and a beam of light swept across his eyes.


When the scan ends, there is a crisp sound.

Nick Fury turned around and walked to the refrigerator nearby, opened the refrigerator door, and a secret passage suddenly appeared in front of him.

Entering the secret passage, the refrigerator door automatically closes.

After passing through the long and narrow corridor, a huge underground research institute appeared in front of Nick Fury. This is the true appearance of this research institute.

The experimenters coming and going in the institute didn't seem to notice Nick Fury's existence. Nick Fury didn't pay attention and went straight to the largest laboratory.

Opening the door, a one-armed scientist sat in front of a pile of sophisticated instruments and was conducting research.

"Dr. Connors."

"please wait for a moment."

Sitting in front of the instrument and doing experiments is Dr. Connors, who made a big splash in New York City in an attempt to transform all citizens into lizard-men. But now, he serves S.H.I.E.L.D.

After waiting patiently, Connors finally completed his experiment. Looking at the small cultured light in the instrument in front of him, Connors had a satisfied smile on his face.

"Mr. Director, why are you here? You didn't even tell me in advance. I was doing an experiment just now, so I'm sorry."

Connors said to Nick Fury slightly apologetically.

Nick Fury waved his hand.

"Don't worry, I just came here to ask you how the experiment went?"

When he mentioned the progress of the experiment, Connors' face showed an excited expression.

"Director Fury! Good news, our experiments have made significant progress. I had planned to send someone to inform you."

"There's no need to inform me. After all, you also know the secret nature of this plan. I'm afraid it's highly confidential even within SHIELD."

"I understand, then let me explain our progress to you."

Nick Fury nodded.

"Please come with me."

Under the leadership of Connors, Nick Fury came outside a special laboratory.

Chapter 305, Connors and Nick Fury

Outside this special laboratory, there is an observation room. Through the specially strengthened glass, people in the observation room can see the situation in the laboratory very clearly.

Dr. Connors skillfully turned on the three-dimensional projection, and items of data and images were projected.

he said excitedly.

"With the help of the advanced equipment you provided, I recalculated the decay equation in my hand, and I found that there was a problem, that is, Richard Parker used his own DNA when deriving the formula.

So many problems and accidents occurred in my previous research, but now everything has changed. "

Connors became more and more excited as he talked. A blush appeared on his old face with excitement, and he switched to a model of special cells.

"I modified the formulation direction in the equation so that the control of cells no longer requires specific DNA, and there will no longer be the uncontrollable mutations that occurred before.

Director Fury, this will be a technology that changes the world and promotes human evolution. "

Listening to Dr. Connors's eloquent and impassioned magma, Nick Fury's expression did not change at all.

If he was so easily affected by other people's emotions, he wouldn't be Nick Fury.

"I just want to know how far your experiment has gone? You brought me here just to let me look at a bunch of projections and data?"

Feeling Nick Fury's cold gaze, Connors shook his head.

“No, no, of course not.

As I told you before, our experiments are progressing rapidly. We have successfully cultivated a batch of special cells and completed clinical trials on animals.

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