"Haha! Come on then!"

Stark also moved, and the speed of his brand new armor had actually caught up with Mu En's speed.

With the help of Jarvis, in Stark's eyes, Mu En's speed slowed down, and he was no longer so fast that it was difficult to detect with the naked eye.


There was a crisp sound as Stark's sword blade and steering wheel sword collided together.

"Well done Stark!"

Mu En also smiled at Stark's ability to catch up with him.

"Haha, this is just the beginning. Let me show you how powerful this genius is!"

Qian!"Look for;Free;,!'?Fei!,;,small;:;;"Say!';?.skirt,.,';2':.'"5."?"5;'?, ;5:9,.?",5;!3.?,0!,0 "Really, then I'm really looking forward to it."

As he spoke, Mu En suddenly retreated, turned around, and slashed out again with his sword at a tricky angle.

Stark quickly caught Mu En's movement without giving in and successfully resisted it, but this was not enough.

he shouted excitedly.

"Come on! Jarvis, activate sword master mode!"

"Yes, sir!"

A blue light lit up, and Stark's armor changed again, becoming more in line with aerodynamics, and his movements increased again.

"Take the call, Mu En."

The next moment, Stark's swordman stabbed out quickly, with swift moves and agile swordsmanship. What stood out was his steady and ruthless attitude.

Mu En was also shocked by Stark's swordsmanship. Did this guy go to learn swordsmanship?

But he reacted quickly.

No, judging from Mu En's understanding of him, this guy would not be patient enough to learn swordsmanship, so he must have downloaded all the swordsmanship moves into his armor, and then Jarvis would assist him. Use sword skills.

"How is it, how is it! You can feel the power of this genius!"

With his sharp sword moves, Stark has the potential to overtake Mu En.

But Mu En said calmly.

"That's pretty good Tony, but it's a pity that the moves performed with program assistance have no soul."

Mu En swept his sword across, catching the loophole in Stark's stereotyped moves and knocking him back several steps.

"As expected of you, Mu En, it couldn't have ended so easily. After all, I am the genius Tony Stark!"

As he spoke, Stark reached out and pressed towards the core above the belt again.

"Jarvis! Activate the anti-shepherd armor!"


Mu En was stunned. This guy actually made armor specifically designed to fight against him.

"Anti-Muen armor activated!"

The reactor on Stark's chest glowed with dazzling light, and the suit on his body began to notice changes.

Soon a set of Drive in Iron Man colors appeared in front of Mu En.

Looking at Stark Curim in front of him, he was also stunned.

"Hey Tony! What the hell are you doing!"

Stark knocked on the steel tire that was straddling his chest.

"As you can see, this is a suit specially designed to deal with you. Come on, Mu En, use all your moves!"

As he spoke, a replica of the steering wheel sword came out of his hand.

"Okay then, let me show you that just having similar shapes is useless! Heavy acceleration!"

Mu En didn't plan to play anymore and directly raised his hand to deploy the heavy acceleration force field.


The strange force field spread instantly, including Stark.

And Stark's figure also paused.

"See, I told you, just imitating the appearance is useless!"

Mu En stepped forward and raised his hand to end the battle.

However, Stark, who was in the heavy acceleration force field, suddenly moved. He directly raised his hand and struck Mu En's breastplate hard with his sword.


Sparks flew everywhere, and Mu En was knocked back several meters.


"Haha, I didn't expect that, Mu En, I have successfully cracked your strange domain ability!"

Stark stood in a heavy acceleration position and still moved freely.

"As expected of you, Tony! I really don't know what to say."

"Really? Are you surprised by my talent?"

Mu En patted the armor on his chest and had to say that he was indeed surprised by Stark.

"I admit Tony, your talent does surprise me, but if you want to defeat me like this, it would be too fanciful."

Turn the knob and the engine roars suddenly.

Upon seeing this, Stark also put away his smile and said seriously.

"Jarvis, increase the output power, Mu En needs to be serious!"

"Come on Stark, let me see how powerful your armor is specifically designed to target me!"

In an instant, Mu En dodged and rushed out, waving the sword in his hand to attack.

"Then, don't be careless, Mu En!"

Stark also swung his sword excitedly.

For a time, the two men's fighting power was evenly matched. Stark was able to successfully resolve all of Mu En's moves and counterattack at the right time.

As Stark said, this is a suit designed to be used against him.

But this battle has just begun. It would be too naive to want to defeat Mu En like this.

For a moment, Mu En became more and more excited. With a move of his hand, a single-swapping chariot appeared in his hands.

"It's really interesting, Stark, then let's make the battle more intense!"

"Tire Koukan! Max Flare!"

A tire burning with flames emerged and hit Stark's body heavily, knocking him back several steps and then being loaded onto Mu En's body.

"Ha——! Take the move!"

"Special move! Flare Stream!"

The fiery tires rotated at high speed, and several balls of flames erupted instantly.


Suddenly there was a burst of smoke in the training room.

"Damn it, switch tires, I actually forgot about this trick."

Stark said with some discomfort. After he overcame the difficulty of heavy acceleration, he was a little too happy for a while and forgot that Mu En still had this ability.

"That's not enough, Stark, let's see this trick!"

"Tire Koukan! Midnight Shadow!"

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the tires on Mu En's chest were switched again.

Next, Mu En launched his own personal show, and Stark became the one being shown off.

In addition to equations, Mu En cut through the other two forms, and successfully made Stark experience what it means to suffer in the world.

He admits that Stark is a genius, but who isn't! What's more, the suit Mu En wears is the crystallization of Kurim's wisdom. How could he easily let Stark surpass him!

In the end, under a heavy blow from Mu En, Stark was directly beaten to release the transformation.

"No, you are cheating. How could you switch armors like this!"

Stark lay on the floor and complained dissatisfiedly.

Mu En also released his transformation and smiled.

"I can't help it. Who made you perform so well? It immediately aroused my interest. But you should be proud. After all, no weirdo has ever seen so many changes in my mentality."

As he spoke, Mu En stepped forward and stretched out his hand to Stark.

Stark rolled his eyes and grabbed Mu En's hand.

"Then I really thank you."

Pulling Stark up, Mu En smiled shamelessly.

"Haha, you're welcome, I should."

"Okay, okay, let's get up with this guy like you, and I'll go supervise them to upgrade their defenses."

Stark found an excuse and ran away quickly. At least this time he didn't get nothing. He successfully recorded the detailed values ​​​​of the various abilities of the Drive, and then he could upgrade the next one.

"Mr. Belt, what do you think?"

Mu En asked the Kurim in his hand.

Kurim pondered for a moment and said.

"He is a genius. I think if he is given enough time, he will be able to analyze all of Drive's abilities sooner or later."

Mu En nodded.

"Indeed, but Mr. Belt, don't be discouraged. I will definitely help you reshape your body. When you have a body again, you will definitely not be worse than him."

Chapter 317: People seeking help from Frank

Somewhere in a forest far away from the bustling city, an explosion resounded through the sky, followed by a terrifying roar like a wild beast.

"Damn Kamen Rider!!!"


There was another loud noise, and a black shadow rose into the sky.

Then a huge brown thing rushed out and chased the black shadow.

That dark shadow is really the Skull transformed by Frank.

With the help of the Fangire clan, Mu En quickly discovered a mass-production memory processing factory hidden in the forest.

Originally, Mu En planned to come in person, but the defenses of the orphanage were being upgraded and he couldn't escape, so he handed it over to Frank.

Frank relied on his experience accumulated in many years of assassinations to sneak into the factory and successfully destroyed the production line.

In the end, the cadres guarding the factory were brought out, and the scene just now happened.

"Haha, Sora is an idiot with brute strength."

Frank, who was knocked into the air, sneered, took out the bat memory and inserted it into the bracelet.

“Skeleton switching

Bats! (bat)"

A pair of wings made of white bones appeared behind Frank. The wings flapped and directly drove away the pursuing rock dopant.

"Get down there, you idiot!"

While avoiding the dopant's pursuit, Frank turned around and kicked hard on the man who stood up.

Immediately, the huge body fell straight towards the ground.

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