"Then enable emergency messages."

Little Pepper on the side tried not to laugh out loud.

Just when Stark thought he was fooled, the door to the hall was opened and Coulson walked in with his cell phone.

Stark shrugged helplessly, dropped his phone and said.

"Hey, this is a private area, how can you come in casually?"

Coulson ignored Stark's nonsensical complaints and said straight to the point.

"We need you to take a look at this document immediately. The situation is urgent."

"What's wrong? Nick Fury passed away and I need to take over SHIELD. Sorry, I'm not interested."

Stark was talking nonsensically, with no intention of taking the document.

"Give it to me."

Pepper knew Stark's character, took the file from Coulson, and then forced it into Stark's hands.

Stark reluctantly took the file.

"Listen mate, the official consultation hours are eight in the morning and six in the afternoon, and then they're only on Thursdays every week. You missed that time perfectly."

Colson said with a serious expression.

"It's an urgent mission."

Pepper asked curiously.

"Is it about the Avengers?"

Stark said with some resentment.

"Isn't the Avengers plan abandoned? And don't you look down on me?"

The more he talked, the angrier he felt.

"Obviously, I am a fickle and narcissistic person, and I am not a team player."

Coulson retorted.

"The current situation no longer cares about your personality. The situation is urgent Mr. Stark."

Stark asked Jarvis to load the files brought by Coulson, and secret documents unfolded on the projection.

"Wow, that doesn't look good."

Little Pepper looked at the extraordinary guys on the projection and said with some surprise.

Stark swiped his hand and switched to another page.

What was recorded above was the scene of Loki attacking the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, as well as information related to the Cosmic Cube. ,

Looking at the information above, Little Pepper showed a surprised expression again.

"Um, I guess I should avoid it?"

Stark thought for a moment and said.

"Boz, why don't you go to the company in Washington first? I think you will be needed to take charge of the overall situation there."

Pepper understood what Stark meant, nodded, stepped forward, hugged Stark's neck and kissed him.

"be safe."

After giving instructions and Stark nodded, Pepper turned and left.

Only Stark and Coulson were left in the hall.

"The things have been delivered, why don't you leave?"

Coulson looked at Stark and said seriously.

"Mr. Stark, there is one more thing I want to say. Our director hopes that you can persuade Dean Mu En again."

"Mu En?"

"Yes, with the current situation, we need to gather as much strength as possible to deal with various situations."

Listening to Coulson's words, Stark was silent for a moment and finally nodded.

"I know, I will tell Mu En, but I can't guarantee that I can persuade him."

"Thank you, your words are enough."


In the early morning of the next day, a violent explosion resounded in the sky over Manhattan, and flames shot into the sky. The scorching flames could be seen from several blocks away.


Sharp sirens echoed on the streets, and fire trucks rushed to the scene.

"Emergency news is being broadcast now. A natural gas explosion occurred in Manhattan. The explosion affected three nearby blocks. No casualties have been found yet."

Mu En sat in front of the TV and watched the news.

"Did the plan succeed? There won't be any surprises."

"Don't worry, Your Highness King. This time I mobilized elite warriors who have the ability to control fire. It's absolutely foolproof."

The bishop stood behind Pastoral En and assured Pastoral En.

Mu En said nothing, just watching the news on TV.

“Although this accident caused no casualties, it caused a large amount of economic losses.

The firefighters have successfully controlled the fire, but despite the possibility of triggering a series of explosions, in order to protect the safety of the missionaries, the police decided to temporarily relocate some citizens.

Next up is First Report. "

Mu En narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the picture on the TV. He was silent for a moment, and finally let out a long sigh.

"Well, there is no other way. At worst, we can donate some money to support reconstruction."

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In the yard, Mu En stretched out and enjoyed the warm sunshine.

Suddenly, there was a faint sound of anger, and a black shadow fell from the sky.

"Hey, here comes the hero!"

Stark landed in the courtyard wearing a suit.

"How did you come?"

Mu En looked at Stark with some confusion. At this time, shouldn't he be dragged to the rescue by the black braised egg?

Stark stepped forward, grabbed Mu En's neck and smiled.

"Haha, why don't you welcome me? After all, I am also Valentin's sponsor."

Mu En didn't want to have any more verbal arguments with him, so he broke free from Stark's arm.

"Come on, don't forget that I still have shares in Stark Industries."

Stark frowned.

"Hey man, can you stop using this as an excuse? Why don't you make a price and I'll buy back all the shares?"

"Haha, I won't sell it. I make money every day without doing anything. Why should I sell my shares?"

Seeing that Mu En disagreed, Stark shrugged indifferently.

"Well, I'm a generous person anyway, and I don't mind sharing my wealth with my friends."

"Okay, if you need anything, tell me quickly, I'm busy."

Stark was about to say that you, a salty fish dean, had something to be busy with, but in the end he did not say the words.

"I do have something to ask you about, but it's not convenient to talk here."

Mu En understood and led Stark towards the base.

In the conference room, Stark uploaded the file to the Izzy main server.

"Izzy, open all the files."

"Okay Mr. Stark."

The files were projected one by one, and it was the file Coulson gave to Stark.

"Mu En, the current situation is a bit serious. There are some things that SHIELD cannot do, so Mu En, they need our power."

Stark said with a serious face.

Mu En sat back in his chair, glanced at the figure on the projection, and then looked at Stark with a half-smile.

"So Tony, are you here to be a lobbyist for Nick Fury? If that's the case, forget it."

"No, I am not here to be a lobbyist. There is a crisis now. People cannot deal with such a crisis, but we have the power, so we should stand up."

However, opposite Stark, who was speaking righteously, Mu En picked his ears.

"Okay Stark, if you still think of me as a friend, stop talking.

I know how you feel. It’s a good thing that you want to protect everyone, but why don’t you first think about who caused this crisis? "

Stark frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't mean anything. Tony has many ways to protect the world, and he doesn't necessarily have to gather under the hands of a certain force, especially those with unknown intentions."

As he spoke, Mu En stretched.

"Okay Tony, I still say the same thing. If Black Braised Egg has any ideas, let him tell me himself, otherwise there will be no need to discuss anything."

Stark glanced at Mu En and finally let out a long sigh.

"I know Mu En, but as you said, if a crisis comes, I hope you can stand up."

After speaking, Stark turned and left. Although he didn't know why Mu En was so disgusted with SHIELD, now was not the time to study this.


Stuttgart, Germany.

In the concert and ballroom, high-class people from all walks of life gathered, including some special people.

However, everyone was immersed in the elegant atmosphere of the scene, completely unaware that the crisis was approaching.

Loki was walking among the crowd wearing an expensive suit, and the arrogance on his body made him easily integrate into this group of upper-class people.

He searches for his goal with a smile on his face.

Soon he found his target and walked towards the man with brisk steps, holding the scepter.

"Sir, you can't go there."

As Loki approached, a bodyguard stopped him.

Loki smiled and sent him flying away with a scepter.


The sudden change caused a burst of exclamations, but Loki didn't care about that and directly stepped forward to knock down his target.

"I'll lend you your eyes."

With a heart-stopping smile, he took out the instrument and pressed it directly on his eyes.

Through the instrument, the information of the iris is transferred to the hands of the eagle eye.

"Phew~! It's over, it's so relaxing."

Loki stood up and clapped his hands and looked at the frightened human rights. The smile on Loki's face became even bigger. He held the scepter and walked towards the people who were fleeing in a hurry. The dress on his body turned back into his battle suit.

"Run away, scream, this is what ants should be like."

Walking out of the hall and onto the street, he controlled everyone in the square through the phantom clone.

"Kneel down, everyone!"

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