On the top of a building, the bishop watched all this. Behind him stood several figures. These people were all elites trained by the bishop.

Looking at the Chitauri army raging in the city like a swarm of insects, the bishop said calmly.

"Gentlemen, the war has begun. We cannot allow these alien species to destroy your majesty's city."

Under the bishop's announcement, everyone shouted in unison.

"For Your Majesty!"

"For Your Majesty!"......

While roaring, Fangire's true appearance appeared at the same time.

"Go ahead and tear them apart for Your Majesty's sake!"

At the same time, the Bishop's words spread to every corner of the city, and the Fangires hiding in the darkness rushed directly to the battlefield.

The hungry Fangire easily tore apart the mechanical exoskeletons of the Chitauri and greedily sucked in their life energy. Although it was a bit messy compared to human life energy, the amount was enough.


"It's so ugly, these guys from outer space."

The three Bashars came to the street and complained in disgust as they looked at the alien battleships whizzing by in the sky.

"Hahaha, war, war has really broken out, and my hands are already itchy! Ouch——!"

The excited Garuru roared and manifested his true form as a werewolf, moving between high-rise buildings in a flash.

"The carnival begins!"

Roaring, they fell together, including the man and the car, and were directly cut off by Garuru's sword.

"Have a blast!"

Dejia also roared excitedly, and rushed directly towards the Chitauri on the ground. His huge body was like a truck, and he was unstoppable when running!

"Really, what a group of anxious guys!"

While he was talking, an aerospace boat swooped towards Bashar.

Bashar calmly took off his glasses. He raised his right hand, and the aerostat exploded instantly.

The smoke dispersed, and a green weirdo walked out of the ruins.

"Then let me indulge a little bit today."

A trace of bloodthirsty cold light flashed in the scarlet eyes.


Qian'';;"Looking", free of charge;".小!:";Say.!;:skirt?.;2";"5,,!5.'???5"9"'5 :'"3!.!0!0  In the center of the battlefield, Steve led Hawkeye and Black Widow to the battlefield, and before they could take action, there was another strange noise in the sky.

A huge mechanical bionic beast like a whale rushed out of the black hole, one, two, three...

The huge mechanical beast shuttled through the city, and its huge body directly crushed the tall buildings blocking the way.

In the belly of the mechanical beast, Chitauri soldiers sprang out from strange positions like fleas, destroying everywhere.

"What the hell is this!"

Seeing this scene, Steve didn't know what to say.

"Stark, have you seen these big guys?"

Through the communicator, he contacted Stark.

"I'm watching it. All I can say is that it takes some time to accept."

Stark drove the steel suit and circled around from the side, flying at the same height as the mechanical beast.

"Where is Banner? Has he come back?"

"Banner? I don't know. I haven't seen him since he fell from the helicarrier."

"Forget it, I believe he will come back. Just let me know when the time comes. You go to rescue the residents in the city. This big guy will be left to me for the time being.

Jarvis, retrieve this big guy's weakness. "


Steve cut off the communication and turned to Hawkeye and Black Widow.

"Let's go, the fighting here is out of our reach. Let's go rescue the people."

"It's an honor to fight alongside you."

Hawkeye Barton took off his bow and arrow from behind and killed a Chitauri soldier driving an aerospace craft with one arrow.


On the streets, all New York City police officers were mobilized, driving police cars onto the streets to deal with these weirdos from the sky.

"What the hell is this? When will support be called?"

Director George hissed into the intercom while shooting at the Chitauri soldiers in the sky.

the deputy beside him replied.

"Report to the director, it will take another hour for the National Guard to arrive at the battlefield!"

"What the hell? National Guard? Where are the military people? Haven't they figured out the situation yet?"

Stop and said helplessly.

"We haven't figured out the situation yet, have we?"

Although Chief George wants to scold his mother, he must lead the police officers to resist it now.

Just when the defense line was about to lose its hold, a blue figure descended from the sky, holding a shield in his hand and swatted away a Kirita man.

Steve commanded immediately.

"Such a battle is not good for us. You should immediately take people to the buildings on both sides to determine if there are any surviving groups and take them away from here. Then we need to reorganize the defense line and let everyone retreat and move to Thirty-nine Street to establish a new cordon there."

Looking at this guy who suddenly appeared, the police officers were stunned.

Chief George's deputy asked confused.

"Who are you? Why should we obey your orders?"

Before he finished speaking, Steve slapped a bunch of cards on a Chitauri flying over in an aeroship.

"I'm just a veteran. If you want to reduce casualties, just listen to me and do it!"

Director George looked at Steve and immediately stepped down.

"Everyone listen and do as he says!"

After organizing their manpower, under the leadership of the three Steves, they successfully withstood a wave of Chitauri attacks.

At the same time, the injured Thor fell from the sky swinging his hammer.

"What's going on with you Saul?"

Thor wiped the blood from his waist and said calmly.

"Loki ran away. The energy barrier of the Cosmic Cube cannot be destroyed. I can't turn off that instrument."

Natasha said with a frown.

"The situation doesn't seem good."

"Loki's final target is us, but this is exactly what we want. Without Loki, these guys will become a bunch of headless flies."

Steve said to everyone.

"But the most important thing for us now is to deal with these big guys."

As he spoke, everyone looked in the direction he had to look at the behemoths in the sky.

"Stark needs our help."

Hawkeye asked as he drew his bow and nocked an arrow.

"What should we do?"

"Use the power of the team. Stark alone can't deal with these guys in the air. He needs our help..."

Before Steve could finish his words, the roar of a motorcycle engine rang out.

"what happened?"

Everyone looked back and saw Banner driving an old motorcycle to the battlefield.

Banner rubbed his hands in embarrassment.

"Sorry for being late, you know there's a bit of traffic at times like this."

Steve waved his hand and said.

"It doesn't matter if you come early, it's better to come well. We need your power."

Banner immediately expressed his stance.

"What do you need me to do?"

"I need you to wreak havoc."

With that said, Steve connected to Stark's communication channel.

"Stark, Banner is back."

"Got it, I'll bring these big guys over and let him get ready."

In the sky, Stark lured a mechanical beast to fly in the direction of Banner.

"Are you ready Banner? We need you to get angry now!"

Banner took off his coat and walked in Stark's direction.

"Don't worry, I'm extremely angry now."

"I'm coming Banner!"

Stark whizzed past Banner, and the huge mechanical beast followed closely behind Stark.

Banner put his right thumb into his mouth.


With a roar, he took a bite.

Banner's thin figure instantly swelled, and a big green man appeared in front of everyone.

"Smash it for me!"

Hulk punched the mechanical beast in the head.

There was a loud noise, and the mechanical beast's head dented directly, and its entire head was smashed into the road.

Chapter 348: Avengers gather, Mu En returns to the battlefield

The huge mechanical beast was punched by Hulk and his head was smashed into the floor. Under the effect of inertia, the whole body fell over in the direction behind Hulk.

Stark took off again and rushed towards the mechanical beast.

"In a fireworks show! Energy liberation!"

He reached out and pressed towards the core of his chest.


Stark opened his hands, and majestic energy spurted out from the core of his chest. The body of the mechanical behemoth was directly dismembered by this powerful force. The huge impact caused Stark to fly backwards, and Jarvis activated all the reverse thrusters to regain balance.

Seeing a mechanical beast destroyed, the Chitauri soldiers roared in anger.

Hulk didn't get used to it, he just looked up to the sky and roared, and the angry roar echoed among the buildings.

Amid Hulk's roar, the Avengers gathered together for the first time as a team.

Loki in the sky watched all this indifferently, but anger had already risen in his heart, and he opened the communication directly.

"Send all the rest here, I will crush them completely!"

After receiving Loki's signal, the second wave of Chitauri army rushed out of the wormhole, led by a vanguard army composed of five mechanical beasts, as well as Chitauri soldiers as numerous as a plague of locusts.

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