The belt jumped directly into the air, flew to Mu En's waist, and combined on its own.

"Master Gu Yi, what is this?"

"Didn't you say that you need a belt that can help you perfect the magic power in your body? Now this belt, through your blood as a medium, has been bound to you, and you are one."

"We are one?"

Mu En looked at the silver-white belt around his waist. He could feel that this belt was like a part of his body.

As soon as he thought about it, the belt was directly integrated into his body, turning into magic power flowing through his body, and he could summon it at any time if he wanted.

"It's awesome. With it, I feel like I can control my magic more easily. Thank you Master Ancient One."

"It's okay, go ahead and end this."

Mu En nodded, went directly to the edge of the sanctuary, and jumped down from the building.

Several Chitauri soldiers crawling on the wall of the building discovered this guy who had fallen from high IQ, and rushed towards Mu En like a spider monster.

Mu En looked at them calmly, the magic power surging on his body.


With a low roar, the flowing wind beside him instantly became violent, turning into wind sickles and slashing directly at the Chitauri soldiers.

In an instant, the group of soldiers turned into pieces.

The moment Mu En approached the ground, a storm rose and lifted Mu En up.

While walking on the street, Mu En thought, and the wind blade crushed all the Chitauri soldiers and surveillance equipment nearby. After making sure that he would not be discovered by others, Mu En said to himself excitedly.

"Come on, let me try this brand new vest!"

With a thought in his mind, the belt appeared. Mu En raised his left hand, and a bright ring appeared on his hand.

"Mr. En!"

Just when Mu En wanted to try out a new belt, a familiar voice sounded, and Mu En immediately stopped what he was doing.

"Jessica? Why are you here!"

Mu En looked at the familiar figure on the corner of the street with confusion.

Jessica looked at Mu En with an extremely excited expression. She ignored the gunfire flying all around and ran straight towards Mu En.

"Mr. En!"

With a call, Jessica threw herself into Mu En's arms and hugged him tightly.

Mu En felt that Jessica was a little strange, as if it was different from what he remembered, but Mu En didn't pay attention and just thought he was frightened by these aliens coming to beat the guy.

"It's okay Jessica, you'll be fine with me here."

Gently hugging the 'frightened little deer', Mu En comforted him softly.

Jessica leaned tightly on Mu En's shoulder and sobbed uncontrollably.

"It's great to see you."

"Don't worry, it'll be fine. I'll take you out of here right now."

In front of ordinary people, Mu En could not easily show his abilities and could only rely on his own strength to protect Jessica and escape from the battlefield.

"Director George!"

Mu En took Jessica and fled to the defense line established by the police.

"Are you! Gwen's classmate?! Why are you here? It's too dangerous here. Come with a few people and take the children down quickly!"

At Chief George's greeting, the two police officers hurried forward and took Mu En and Jessica away.

"It's okay, Jessica. You'll be safe if you stay here. The war will end."

After comforting Jessica, Mu En found an opportunity and prepared to escape.

"Sorry, I want to go to the bathroom."

Jessica stood among the people taking refuge, looking at Mu En's leaving vest, tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes, but there was a happy smile on her face.

"It's great to see you again."

Wait until the police come to check the situation of the evacuees.

"Strange, where are the people! Where are the boy and the girl that I brought back just now?!"

Chapter 350, heroes who fight back with all their strength

"Stark, there are a lot of soldiers following you, do you need support?"

At the top of the building, Hawkeye annihilated waves of Chitauri Air Rangers with the versatile arrows in his hands.

While blocking the enemy, he also shoulders the task of reconnaissance.

"No need, I can handle it myself."

As he spoke, Stark suddenly accelerated and put some distance between himself and the pursuers behind him.

After driving enough distance, Stark made a sharp turn in the air.


Stark laughed, and the armor on his body deployed dozens of cannons, and the cannonballs poured out of the sky to form a barrage.


Barrages exploded in the sky, and the Chitauri rangers chasing Stark became dazzling fireworks in the sky.

"Well done."

"It's just so-so. After all, for this genius, these guys who are not worth a few dollars have no deterrent effect at all."

Listening to Stark's narcissistic words, Hawkeye also smiled, and then shot an arrow behind him.

The arrow penetrated the armor of a large aerostat and penetrated deep into the mechanical body. A rapid sound sounded, and the aerostat carrying a Chitauri team exploded directly in the air.

Stark asked curiously when he saw that Hawkeye not only didn't look back at the explosion, but even shot the arrow without looking back.

"Wow, good job, but how did you know there was an enemy behind you? Did you install an electronic prosthetic eye on the back of your head?"

"Sometimes you don't have to use your eyes to find the enemy. The human body is a high-precision instrument, and you can find the enemy through other senses."

Without even moving his head, Hawkeye shot out another arrow, and an aerostat exploded in the air.

Seeing how good Hawkeye was, Stark was not to be outdone. He opened fire and annihilated all the enemies who tried to get close.

But even so, there will still be enemies coming in a steady stream.

"Where did Thor go? Isn't his mission to close the wormhole?"

"I don't know, but his mission is not only to close the wormhole, but also to annihilate the enemies who break out of the wormhole!"

As soon as he finished speaking, thunder exploded across the sky and rushed straight into the wormhole.

The violent power of thunder directly shattered a group of mechanical beasts and Chitauri troops that rushed out of the wormhole.

"Look, there he is."

Hawkeye motioned to Stark to look in the direction of the lightning.


Stark curled his lips disdainfully.

"That's it. An attack of this level could be done by me."

As soon as Stark finished speaking, there was another burst of thunder. Countless thunders poured out towards the wormhole like a group of manic ferocious beasts. The domineering thunder intertwined into a giant thunder net in the air, directly blocking the wormhole. Hole.

A large number of mechanical beasts and Chitauri soldiers were directly incinerated into ashes by the thunder water.

That terrifying giant thunder net blocked the Chitauri's attack for more than ten minutes. Even though it only lasted for more than ten minutes, you must know that this is a battlefield. The battlefield is changing rapidly. Ten minutes is enough to change a war.

"How about it, can you do this level of attack?"

Hawkeye asked with a smirk.

Under the mask, Stark's expression changed.

"This, this is not a big deal. I am a genius. One day I will definitely be able to reach this level. No! I will surpass him."


A mechanical behemoth rushed towards Stark.

Hawkeye yelled and fired an arrow.

However, even his most powerful arrows were still unable to cause any damage to the huge mechanical beast.

But with his reminder, Stark also reacted.


Stark shouted.

"To complete the overall analysis and successfully locate the weak points!"

An overall analysis diagram of the mechanical behemoth appeared in front of Stark's eyes. On the analysis diagram, a red block was marked.

"Come on, let's give you an unblocking service!"

The thrusters behind him shot out blue flames, and Stark turned into a human-shaped missile and rushed straight towards the mechanical behemoth.

When the mechanical behemoth saw that Stark was not much behind, but instead rushed towards him, he thought it was because this guy didn't want to live anymore.

But the next moment.


Stark's entire body penetrated from the head of the mechanical beast, penetrated his entire body and came out from the tail.


With a wail, the mechanical behemoth paralyzed and fell to the ground.

"Wow, it's really exciting, but I don't want to have this experience again."

Stark destroyed the mechanical beast and hovered in the air. The experience just now made his blood surge, and his eyes were full of red prompts. Although he successfully destroyed a mechanical beast, his armor was also seriously damaged. Injuring the enemy by one thousand will cost you eight hundred.

"Stark, District 8 needs your support."

"I see!"

Although the armor has been damaged, as long as he can still move, the battle cannot stop.

A block away, Hulk beat up Chitauri soldiers.

A mechanical behemoth rushed towards him.

Hulk let out a deafening roar, jumped into the air, and rushed straight towards the opponent.

One punch, two punches, and three punches, each punch can directly penetrate the armor of the mechanical beast. Hulk transformed into a humanoid demolition family and just used his fists to dismantle the entire mechanical beast into a pile of scrap metal.

But just dismantling a mechanical beast was not enough for Hulk to enjoy it. He jumped again and pounced on another giant beast.

On the high tower, Thor used all his strength to snipe the Chitauri soldiers who rushed out of the wormhole with thunder and lightning, but the high-intensity release of thunder and lightning made him unable to withstand it.


A terrifying roar came from behind, and a huge black shadow rushed straight towards Thor.


The mechanical beast directly hit the tower, and the tower where Thor lived was instantly shattered.

But Thor flew directly into the air with the Thor's Hammer in his hand.

Looking at the mechanical monster, he swung the hammer directly towards the mechanical beast's head.


Accompanied by thunder and lightning, Thor fell with a hammer, directly smashing the mechanical beast from the air into the ground. The overbearing thunder penetrated the entire body of the mechanical beast, and those Chitauri soldiers who had not had time to escape died suddenly.

After taking care of one, Thor rushed towards another giant beast.

Although Thor and Hulk existed, there were a large number of mechanical beasts rushing out of the wormhole, and more mechanical beasts continued to pour out of the wormhole. The situation on the battlefield was still not optimistic.

Soon Thor and Hulk gathered together, and the two worked together to crush these behemoths.

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