Nick Fury said somewhat amusedly.

"So you, you think you can decide everything, right?

What's more, this is not my decision. After all, I am just a little mortal, and I don't dare to bargain with God. "

"So you let Thor be taken away? And you took away the war criminal Loki? He should be punished on the spot!"

"Come on, how many war criminals have you let go? And I believe that in Asgard he will get the punishment he deserves."

One of the figures could no longer hold back.

"Nick Fury, watch the way you speak! Do you know what the consequences will be if you do this?"

"My attitude?"

Nick Fury smiled.

"My attitude is very clear, that is, what SHIELD wants to protect is the security of the earth, not the country of the United States. Put away your dangerous ideas. I have done and proven everything you have thought of. How stupid those ideas were."

Nick Fury's words left him speechless. It is true that SHIELD is no longer controlled by a certain country. They are now committed to protecting global security.

said another, slightly softer question.

"Nick Fury, do you know what kind of start you have made? They are very dangerous."

"Yes, they are very dangerous, everyone knows it, and the whole world knows it."

Nick Fury calmly walked towards the console.

"So letting them live freely on the earth is the best warning to those with bad intentions."

After that, Nick Fury cut off the communication directly. He didn't want to communicate with this group of guys who only competed for power.

This war made him think about some things and confirmed the path he should take next.

Swinging his black trench coat, Nick Fury walked out of the dark room and walked towards the command center.

Chapter 360: Connors’ experimental progress, inhibitors

"Chief, what should we do now? They have all gone their separate ways."

On the aircraft carrier, Agent Hill asked Nick Fury.

She was quite curious that her director, who tried to control all uncontrollable factors, actually let those extremely dangerous guys go.

"There are still a few who have gone quite far. What should we do if something similar happens again?"

Faced with Hill's question, Nick Fury said calmly.

"Don't worry, if one day comes, they will come back."

"you sure?"

Nick Fury turned back and said seriously.

"I am sure."

Hill couldn't believe how his commander seemed to be a different person after experiencing this war.


"Because we need them, and they are Avengers. They will never stand idly by when a crisis strikes."

Speaking, Nick Fury waved his hand.

"But before that, what we have to do is continue to protect this planet."

After listening to Nick Fury's words, Hill stopped talking and turned towards his post. Since her superior chose to trust him, she naturally would not say anything more.


Just as Hill stepped back, another agent quickly stepped forward.

"Sir, we have an encrypted report here that we need you to take a look at."

"Encrypted report?"

Nick Fury took the file in his hand and opened it. There was a series of encrypted codes with unknown meanings on it.

When he saw this string of codes, Nick Fury's face instantly darkened.

Without saying a word, he quickly walked to his office with the documents, leaving only the confused agent behind.

In the office, Nick Fury activated the security program to seal off the entire feudal society.

After confirming the safety, he opened the file again.

He took out a special encoder from the drawer, and after scanning the encrypted code, the true content of the code appeared on the encoder.

This is a distress letter, a distress letter from Connors.


Time goes back a few days to the secret base of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Dr. Connors, this is Mark's latest physical examination report."

"Well, I know, just leave it there."

Dr. Connors replied casually while looking at the microscope.

Under the microscope, a small cell showed extremely strong activity. Even though it had left the body, it still showed extremely strong vitality. Relying on the cell's instinct to divide, the divided cells also maintain the corresponding vitality of the original cells.

This result made Connors very satisfied.

"Phew~! Finally, our experiments are about to enter a new stage. The data obtained from all experimental projects has almost reached perfection."

The SHIELD researcher on the side also said excitedly.

"Yes, the cells cultured using the new serum are perfect, and the first recipient Mark's performance is also extremely good. We can start large-scale human trials next."

Connors smiled and nodded. In fact, in his opinion, the experiment had already begun.


He subconsciously touched the empty arm, but what happened in the past left too many shadows on him.

In order to avoid the same thing happening again, he must be foolproof.

However, after such a long period of experiments, finally today, all the experimental data are almost perfect, which means that they can finally start to conduct follow-up experiments with peace of mind.

"Doctor, do you need to take another look at Mark's latest experimental report?"

Dr. Connors thought for a moment.

"Let's take a look."

Although all the numbers in Mark's physical examination report were within their expectations, Connors was unwilling to take any risks in order to avoid various potential phenomena.

When I opened the physical examination report, all the excellent results appeared on the paper.

"Strength, normal growth; reaction, normal growth; speed; normal growth..."

The increase in Mark's various values ​​was within Dr. Connors' expectations. Now Mark's body has already surpassed that of humans, although he is not guaranteed to have surpassed Captain America, the so-called most successful super soldier.

But in Connors' view, Mark is definitely the most successful artificial super soldier in these years.

"No problem, it's all in our calculations and so on. I think we can start further experiments."

Connors made the final decision, and the entire experimental team was extremely excited.

In this era, since Stark's self-proclaimed Iron Man was born, various abilities have also appeared in the public eye.

But it also brings a lot of crisis, and SHIELD has no matching strength to punish those super criminals.

But as long as this plan succeeds, it will completely change this situation.


A large number of volunteers walked into the laboratory and were vaccinated with the super serum.

They include people from all walks of life, including veterans, railway workers, and ordinary cleaning staff...

But they all have one thing in common, that is, they have various disabilities, which ultimately lead to their unsatisfactory lives.

In order to continue living in this bustling big city, they can only voluntarily become experiments in exchange for high rewards.

And now there is a scientific experiment that can cure one's physical disabilities and also provide a generous bonus, so why not do it?

Although it is said that participating in this experiment requires supervision for a period of time, and no relevant information can be disclosed to the outside world, what does it matter to people like them who are mostly desperate?

What's more, when they saw the red-headed documents stamped with the government's seal, the last concerns in their hearts disappeared.

Dr. Connors looked at the volunteers in the experimental hall who had been vaccinated with serum and were being observed, with an excited smile on his face.

"Yuris, what do you think they looked like when they saw their missing parts regenerated?"

Yuris, the experimenter next to Connors, also said happily.

"I'm afraid they will jump for joy."

"Haha, I'm like that too."

Yuris said curiously.

"Dr. Connors, I'm sorry to be rude, but with the current serum, repairing your broken arm is a very simple matter. Why are you still..."

When the words came to light, Yuris stopped talking. He knew that it was very impolite to ask like this.

But Dr. Connors smiled and waved his hand.

"It doesn't matter. I've already let go of this arm."

He glanced at the empty cuffs hanging by his side.

"For this arm, I once committed a mistake that I cannot forgive myself for. In order to atone for my sin, I came here to participate in this experiment. As for this incomplete arm, it is a warning I gave myself, warning myself not to Make the same mistakes again."

"Doctor, Researcher Uris."

An officer walked into the observation room holding a document.

"This is the number of volunteers we counted who participated in the experiment this time, as well as their detailed background information."

"The statistics have been calculated. Let me take a look first."

Dr. Connors took the file.

"There are actually four thousand people participating in the experiment? So many?"

"Yes, but we divided them into batches of five hundred people, a total of eight batches, and vaccinated them at different times and stages, so that we can obtain more detailed and specific data."

"It can be done well, so just do what you say."

With that said, Connors put down the document and turned to ask.

"By the way, how is the research on inhibitors going?"

Yuris replied.

"It's been successful."

"Come on, let's go take a look."

The two walked towards another laboratory.

In the laboratory, scientists are busy.

"Dr. Connors."

A project leader saw the sudden appearance of Connors, the main leader of the experiment, and immediately stopped what he was doing.

"Don't worry, I'm just here to see the progress of inhibitor research. If you don't mind, can you tell me about it?"

The researcher immediately said unhappily.

"Of course, Dr. Connors, you see, this is an inhibitor we researched based on the serum formula you provided, and we put it on this armband..."

Chapter 361, Disaster, Rampant Experimental Subject

The piercing alarm echoed in the ears, and the entire laboratory was reduced to ruins. Connors lay weakly in the ruins, with blood staining his lenses.

Screams echoed in the laboratory base, fire, explosions, and the sounds of fleeing in all directions.

"No! Why is this happening? Why is this happening?"

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