"You are here for the monster just now. Do you know anything about these monsters? Where did they run out from?"

"We only know part of the information. They escaped from a laboratory when aliens invaded some time ago. These monsters are so powerful that ordinary weapons and firearms cannot cause harm to them, and they seem to be... Feeding on human flesh.

The task we receive is to track and eliminate these guys, thereby reducing their threat to citizens. "

"Feeding on human flesh."

Eric frowned and sighed secretly in his heart.

"It's really hard for people living in this world. First there were vampires who fed on human blood, and then there was the Fangire clan that sucked life energy. Finally, the vampires were eliminated, and the Fangire clan was controlled, and now they've escaped again. A group of monsters that eat human flesh.

It is really difficult for such an ambitious invader to exist in space. "

"Thank you very much for destroying the monster. Otherwise, we would have to spend a lot of effort to deal with such a C-level monster. If we don't handle it well, there may be brothers here."

Eric waved his hand.

"It's okay. This is what I should do. If you have any relevant information in your hands, give me a copy if you can."

The military assassin knew that Eric's request for information meant that he wanted to help, which was simply a wish.

"Yes, please wait a moment."

He immediately pulled out a USB flash drive from the computer in the deputy's hand.

"This contains all the relevant information we have collected. Please be sure to accept it."

Eric took the USB flash drive and nodded.

"Thank you very much. I will help you if you meet me."

After saying that, Eric stopped staying any longer and turned to leave.

He wanted to tell everyone this information quickly. A new monster appeared in this troubled city.

"Captain, we found it."

Already, the team members handed a ring that was almost melted into the hands of the military assassin.

Jun Ci looked at the ring in his hand and finally clicked his tongue.

"Is this the power of Kamen Rider? Even this special armband is about to be dissolved."

He sighed and put away the ring.

"Okay everyone, let's continue to the next signal point. Those monsters won't wait for us."



"Director, Team 2 has new information."

"I see."

Nick Fury closed the file and walked out of the office.

When he came to the computer, he saw the video message sent back by Team No. 2.

It was a battle video. Although it was at a distance, a man wearing a blue and white armor could be seen killing a beast-shaped Amazon with one sword.

"Is it IXA?"

"Yes, Director. Team 2 said that when they arrived, IXA had already solved the Amazons and asked them for a piece of relevant information."

The agent on the side reported.

Nick Fury narrowed his eyes slightly, not knowing what he was really thinking.

"Director, Dr. Connors wants to see you!"

Just as he was thinking about something, an agent hurriedly ran back to report.

"Director Fury."

Regardless of the agents' obstruction, Dr. Connors rushed into the combat command room.

"Dr. Connors, how is your recovery going?"

Nick Fury asked, looking at Dr. Connors who was unable to stop the two agents.

Dr. Connors spoke.

"Director Fury, my body has recovered, please let me return to work!"

"Are you sure you've recovered?"

"Yes, I'm sure I can continue working."

Nick Fury looked at Connors who insisted on returning to work.

"I understand, then you can go back and continue working. The original research base cannot be used. You can go to the No. 2 Research Base this time."

After that, he called for people to take Connors down first.

Before leaving, Dr. Connors looked back at the screen. The picture on the screen was frozen at the moment when IXA killed the Amazons with one sword.

"Kamen Rider?"

Chapter 364: Mark loses his memory

The outskirts of New York.

The early morning sun shines on the peaceful farm, and a cock crow announces the arrival of a new day.

The gray-haired farmer opened the door, looked at his farm, took a deep breath from his pipe, and then blew out a smoke ring happily.

"Another beautiful day."

With that said, he put on his hat, picked up the farm tools and walked towards the cattle pen.

"Old man, wait for me."

An old lady wearing a headscarf and carrying a basket chased out.

"I heard the chicken coop crow last night. I think there will be a lot of eggs today. I'll go take a look."

"Let's go, we still have a lot of work to do today."

The two walked together towards the back of the farm.

Arriving at the backyard, the farmer went straight to the cow pen, while the old lady went to the chicken coop.

Arriving among the haystacks in the chicken coop, she began to search.

She picked up eggs one by one, but there were far fewer eggs than she expected, and some were damaged.

"It's really weird. There's hay everywhere here. How could the eggs break?"

With doubts, the old lady walked towards the depths of the chicken coop.

Suddenly he seemed to see the pile of hay piled in the corner moving, as if there was something in it.

"Who is it? Who's in there?"

The nervous old lady shouted, but there was no response.

She thought she was dazzled, or maybe there was a chicken inside.

An egg rolled down beside the haystack. The old lady bent down and picked up the egg.

But when she raised her head, a man covered in black and red blood was lying in the haystack.


A scream echoed throughout the farm, and the basket containing the eggs fell to the ground, scattering the eggs everywhere.

"What's wrong, old woman!"

The farmer hurried over and picked up the pitchfork lying aside.

"Chavez! Someone, there's someone here!"

When he rushed to the old lady's side, he was also frightened. There was a person lying in the chicken coop on his farm, a person covered in blood.

Mark was also woken up by the second elder's voice. He opened his eyes in a daze and stared blankly.

Old Chavez raised the pitchfork in his hand and pointed at Mark and asked.

"Boy, what are you doing here?"

"No, I do not know."

Mark shook his head blankly. He also wanted to know why he was here, but there were only a few fragmentary pictures that always appeared in his mind.

As far as he could see, there was scarlet everywhere, and ferocious monsters were chasing the people who were covering themselves up. He couldn't think of anything else.

Old Chavez asked warily.

"You must have been drunk on drugs, right? What's the matter with the blood on your body?"

Mark stretched out his hands and looked at the blood stained all over his body. The black and red blood had a disgusting stench.

But a picture flashed through his mind instantly. A ferocious monster was torn in half directly in front of his eyes, and his whole body was soaked with dirty blood.

"This blood is the blood of monsters."

"Monster's blood, I think you are really confused by taking drugs. My old lady, call the police immediately and send this drug-taking guy to jail."

Listening to Old Chavez's words, Mark's expression suddenly changed. Although he didn't know why, he felt that he could not be taken away by the police.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to come here. I'll leave right away. Please don't call the police. I didn't mean any harm."

Mark said and wanted to get up and leave, but a feeling of weakness swept through his body, and he fell on the haystack as soon as he stood up.

Hungry, powerless, weak.

This is how Mark feels now. For some reason, when he looked at the two old men, he actually felt a desire for food.

But his reason told him that he couldn't do this, so he suppressed his desire for food and struggled to stand up again.

"Sorry, I'll leave here right now."

Shaking, Mark walked towards the outside of the chicken coop.

But every two steps he took, he fell to the ground again. He was so hungry, and every cell in his body expressed his desire for food.

The old lady couldn't bear it when she saw Mark swaying every two steps and falling down every three steps.

"Chavez, I don't think he is a bad person. Why don't we let him stay for now? Besides, he is so weak and doesn't have the ability even if he has bad intentions."

Old Chavez glanced at his wife and then at Mark.

"Okay kid, you can stay here for now, I won't call the police."

"Really? Thank you."

After reluctantly thanking him, Mark weakly sat down against the wall.

The kind-hearted second elder still couldn't bear to see Mark lying alone in the messy chicken coop, so he took him back to his residence.

"Go take a bath, kid. I'll ask the old lady to get you something to eat."

With that said, he handed a quick set of clothes to Mark.

"Put this on after you take a shower. These are my son's clothes. Don't feel bad if you haven't worn them a few times."


After rinsing, Mark changed into the clothes of Chavez Sr.'s son.

The tall and straight figure is a natural fit for a family, and the clean military uniforms immediately lift the spirit of the whole person.

Old Chavez looked at Mark as if he was seeing his own son.

"Not bad and suitable."


"Okay, no need to say thank you so many times, let's come and eat."

In the living room, the dining table is already filled with steaming food, which are relatively simple home-cooked dishes. There is a pot of stewed meat and a chicken.

When he smelled the aroma of meat, Mark couldn't control it anymore. He ate meat and drank soup in large gulps.

The whole pot of meat and a chicken all went into Mark's stomach.

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