The powerful force directly pressed Peter to the ground.


"Hey man, can you stop yelling in people's faces? You have such a stinky mouth!"

Peter used his hands to forcefully hold the pair of huge pliers. He didn't want to be torn into pieces by the pair of pliers.

But it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands, not to mention that the opponent has four arms in addition to the pair of large pliers.

Peter was pushed directly to the ground.

"It's over, it's over. Is this how my life ends? I never thought that my final destination would be to die in the mouth of a big scorpion."

Just when the scorpion monster was about to bite it with its ferocious mouth, an afterimage passed through the air and knocked the scorpion monster away.

"Hey you okay Spider-Man?"

Peter got up and saw that it was actually a bat wing. It was his glider wing that knocked the scorpion monster away.

"Thank God you came by chance, otherwise I would have become his food."

"I didn't expect you to be beaten so badly. Where did the other party come from?"

Batwing asked curiously.

Peter shook his head.

"I don't know, but he seems to be some kind of mutant monster. I guess he ran out of a certain laboratory, and I think he looks like a guy I once met."

From the beginning, Peter felt that this weird man who looked like a scorpion was very similar to a lizard man, except that one of them was a lizard and the other was a scorpion.


With a roar, Scorpion directly pulled out the floating wings attached to his body.

"No, is everything okay?"

"Be careful, this guy is very weird."

Little Spider immediately reminded him.

Scorpion directly grabbed the floating wing and headed towards the two of them.

Peter shot two strands of spider silk to stabilize the floating wing. The bat wing turned over and jumped, standing on the floating wing.

"Spider-Man, let's go together!"


The two double-teamed him from left to right and attacked Scorpion together.

After a hard fight, and finally with Peter's cooperation, Batwing stuffed a pumpkin grenade into the Scorpion Monster's mouth.

There was an explosion, and the upper body of the scorpion monster was blown to pieces.

Chapter 373: Studying weird cells, the discovery of Norman Osborne

The two of them were covered in the flesh and blood of the scorpion monster. Fortunately, Bat Wing was wearing a one-piece armor and was protected by a mask, so it didn't have much impact.

But Peter couldn't do it. His homemade tight-fitting suit couldn't give him such good protection. The sticky blood penetrated through his suit, making him sticky all over. Some of the blood followed his wounds and smeared around him. It merged into his body unconsciously.

"Phew, it's finally over, thanks man."

Peter collapsed directly on the ground. He was really tired. He had been beaten from high-rise buildings in New York to here. If he had not been strong-willed enough, he would have collapsed long ago.

"Hey man, why is this guy chasing you?"

In the battle just now, Batwing also noticed that when he was with Little Spider, that guy was obviously more interested in Little Spider. No matter how much he interfered, it would always attack Little Spider first, which really made him very uncomfortable. untie.

The little spider shrugged helplessly.

"I want to know why. I was patrolling the streets normally, and this guy suddenly ran out. I'm also very confused about what happened."

Listening to the description of the little spider, Batwing was also quite puzzled. He stepped forward, took out a flying knife, cut off a piece of tissue from the remains of the corpse and carefully put it away.

"What are you going to do?"

Little Spider asked in confusion.

"I also saw a strange guy before, and that guy was very similar to the guy who died, so I suspect that things may not be that simple."

As he spoke, he looked at Peter.

"And you said before that you suspected that he was an experimental subject who escaped from a certain laboratory, so I plan to take some tissue back for testing to see if I can find any clues."

Peter also suddenly realized, yes, there is still this trick, but since Bat Wing has already done it, there is no need for him to do it any more.

"Thank you for your hard work. Let me know if you find anything."

With that Peter stood up from the ground.

"It's time for me to go back. This guy is gradually making me covered in blood. I feel extremely uncomfortable."

"I understand. If I find anything, I will tell you."

After the two said a simple goodbye, they left. Not long after the two left, the remaining half of the scorpion monster's body turned into a pool of filthy liquid.


Bat Wing quietly returned to the base in his floating wing. After repeatedly confirming that his father had not noticed, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, just as he was about to leave, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"Hey Harry, what are you doing here?"

Harry shuddered and almost fainted.

He looked back at Norman Osborne and smiled.

"Haha, dad, why are you back so early today? Isn't there a meeting in the company?"

Norman Osborne looked at his son and smiled.

"The company's regular meeting was canceled today, so I just wanted to come back early to spend time with my son. Is there any problem with this?"

Harry waved his hands repeatedly.

"No, it's no problem. I couldn't wish for my father to come back from get off work so early to stay with me."

Ever since Norman Osborn's genetic disease was cured, he has transformed into a doting maniac. He loves Harry so much that he wants to give Harry all the good things in the world. This is what he will allow. The reason why Harry secretly wore the Green Goblin suit and ran around New York.

But when he saw Harry wearing a battle suit and fighting criminals in the city and making a name for himself, he was also quite proud. Several times he couldn't help but announce in a high-profile manner in front of others, "Look, That is my Norman Osborne son, the pride and envy of our Osborne family.

Fortunately, he restrained himself. After all, Harry was still a child. If his true identity was revealed, it would bring much trouble to his son, so he could only endure it and cause some troubles from Harry. When there is trouble, quietly help him settle it.

However, he always firmly believed that the children from his Osborn family would definitely be no worse than his Stark family. Since Tony Stark could become a hero, so could Harry.

In order to fulfill his son's heroic dream, even the research direction of the entire Osborne Group has quietly changed.

"Haha, my good son, whatever you want to eat tonight, I will let someone do it."

Norman Osborne waved his hand and asked Harry to choose today's dinner.

"Wait a minute father, can you do me a favor?"

"Oh, my child, if you need anything, just tell me. Will I still reject you?"

There he took out the encapsulated Amazons tissue block from his pocket.

"Dad, I want to borrow your laboratory."

Looking at the thing in Harry's hand, Norman's expression changed slightly.

"Harry, what is this?"

"Uh, my, science homework!"

Harry made a very poor excuse.

"If it doesn't work, forget it."

"No, of course, you can say whatever you want, it's just a laboratory, you can just use it."

Norman replied with a smile.

"My dear son, would you mind working on your science homework with you?"


"Haha, that's good, but don't rush these things. Let's go have dinner first."

After a simple dinner, the Osborne father and son entered the laboratory, and the two began to study this special cell tissue.

Although Harry's experimental skills are among the best among students, they are still far behind Norman, who has been in the laboratory all year round.

While Harry was still sitting doing a simple examination, Norman had noticed something.

"The vitality of these cells is so strong."

Looking at the active cell tissue on the monitor, judging from the incisions on the outer layer, this tissue has been away from the body for quite some time.

However, the cells in this tissue did not die, but maintained a very high level of activity.

And he detected a rather weird genetic sequence from these cell tissues.

"This genome is really weird!"

Norman Osborne couldn't believe what he found.

According to his research, the genes contained in these tissue cells have partial sequence groups that are highly overlapping with humans, but more are unknown sequence groups.

And the most incredible thing is that these cells show a strong demand for protein, especially for some special proteins, and the response to human proteins is particularly strong, that is to say , the bodies of these organizations have a strong desire to eat humans.

"This is so unbelievable. What on earth did Harry encounter today! No, I have to pull up the video record of the armor and take a look later."

Just when he was about to investigate what exactly Harry was fighting, Harry's exclamation came.

"No! What's going on! Why is this happening?"

"What's wrong Harry?"

Norman asked with concern.

Harry raised the petri dish in his hand.

"Dad, look, all the tissue blocks I put in here have turned into this liquid."


Norman glanced at Harry's petri dish, and immediately looked back at his research materials, and sure enough, they had also turned into a pool of black turbid liquid.

"This is a genetic technology barrier!"

When he opened the instrument, just as he thought, the genetic sequences inside were dissolved, leaving only a mess of proteins.

Chapter 374: Norman Osborne’s message

"Dad, what should we do now?"

Harry looked at his father helplessly. Before he came back today, he told Spider-Man that he could study some clues from the tissue blocks. Now that there is nothing, how can he explain it?

Norman narrowed his eyes slightly and said solemnly.

"Harry, can you tell me where these things come from? This is not like a normal science homework."

"Ah this!"

Harry was speechless for a moment, his little mind racing, thinking about how to answer.

Looking at his son's embarrassed look, Norman still sighed.

"Forget it, if you don't want to say it, don't say it, but I'm afraid you won't be able to continue studying this thing."

After sending Harry away, Norman locked himself in the laboratory alone.

Looking at the filthy protein solution in the petri dish, I don't know why Norman Osborne always feels familiar.

"Where did this boy Harry get these things from?"

With doubts, he walked towards his armor storage room.

"Identification successful."

As a mechanical prompt sounded, Norman Osborne walked into the room where the armor was stored. He felt a lot when looking at the green armor in front of him.

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