Whitehall narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the corpse of the baton in the laboratory, with a strange smile on his face.

"Perhaps this person will become our new breakthrough direction, allowing them to stop dissection, preserve the body, and maintain the activity of the cells. I have an interesting idea."

"Yes, sir."

The researcher immediately informed everyone in the laboratory to stop what they were doing and preserve the body, fearing that he might accidentally offend the man next to him, who was a very likely candidate to become the new leader.

"By the way, sir, there is news from Shadow that Connors has left SHIELD. Should we take action? After all, he is the creator of this technology?"

Whitehall's face was calm and his eyes were lowered, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

After a long time, he spoke.

"No need. Since Connors has left, let Shadow come back. What she learned from Connors is enough, and she still needs to lead the next experiments."

"Yes, sir."

Chapter 376, Hunting Team

Dark clouds shrouded the sky over the city, and the cold wind blew by. The clouds could no longer comfortably yearn for the raindrops on the earth, and the hazy drizzle fell towards the ground.

The Hunting Team is composed of elites from various SHIELD branches led by former Tactical Team Captain Sergeant. They are equipped with special effects equipment developed for Amazons and are dedicated to hunting Amazons.

"Everyone prepare."

In the dirty alley, the low voice of Army assassins mixed with the sound of falling raindrops sounded on the radio pager.

The team members hiding in various corners of the box poked their heads out, and all the firearms were loaded.

“The bait is in.”

A thin female agent walked into the alley. A wound was made on his arm, and blood dripped from his arm.

The smell of blood filled the alley.

In the sewer, two people hiding here, with makeup like tramps, smelled the smell of human blood and opened their eyes.

One of them stretched his neck, a hungry look on his face.

"It smells like humans. I'm so hungry!"

Another person quickly held him down.

"No, calm down. You can't do this. We are humans, not cannibal monsters. You have to control yourself!"

Although he tried his best to persuade his friends to restrain themselves, the corners of his own mouth were already filled with saliva.

On the ground, blood dripped onto the ground and flowed into the sewer along the sink.

The man broke free from his friend's restraints and stepped forward to lick the blood that was mixed with sewage and entered the sewer. His face was full of enjoyment and greed. The taste and taste of eating human flesh seemed to be reappearing all at once.

"No! I can't stand it anymore!"

How is it possible that Amazons who have eaten humans can tolerate the temptation of human flesh?


A hungry roar sounded from the sewer, and a gray monster emerged from it.

"Human flesh! Human flesh!"

The monster with a distorted face and a figure like a rat woman roared and instantly locked onto the woman walking in the alley.

"delicious food!"

The weirdo used his hands and feet to attack the man directly.

However, when she was only five meters away from the opponent, the woman turned around and took off the raincoat covering herself, and a special heavy machine gun appeared in her hands.

An excited smile appeared on the woman's pale face.


Pulling the trigger, bullets poured out in an instant, sweeping towards the weirdo like dense raindrops.


The rat woman Amazons howled in pain, but her desire for human flesh even outweighed the pain caused by the bullets hitting her body.

Staring at the dense rain of bullets, it crawled towards the woman with difficulty.

"Hit me!"

A rough roar sounded.

All members of the hunting team hiding in the dark rushed out of their hiding places, and intense firepower rushed towards the Amazons, directly beating them into sieves.

If you are rich, you will have firepower to cover, if you are poor, you will have firepower to attack.

To the extremely wealthy SHIELD, this amount of ammunition is nothing at all, and the military assassin has suffered from severe phobia of lack of vitality since what happened last time.

After a violent bombardment, the strange man had long been turned into a corpse riddled with holes.

"Everyone is on alert, beware of weirdos cheating death."

Under the command of the military assassin, everyone moved in unison and cautiously approached the corpse of the weirdo.

After confirming that the other party was dead, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Confirmed that the target is dead."

"Received, start recycling, prepare to collect the team."

It was another successful mission, but there was no joy on Jun Ci's face. He looked around cautiously.

"Captain, what's going on?"

The girl who was holding something completely out of proportion to her own reminder looked at the military assassin curiously.

Another team member glanced at Junjing and shook his head.

"I don't know. I heard that it seems to be the sequelae of the battle."


Suddenly she became more curious.

An older team member stepped forward and patted her head and said.

"Okay, crazy girl, you'd better not inquire about some things. Pack your things and get ready to return to the team."

"Captain! There's a situation. There's a person in the sewer!"

"Human? What's going on!"

Jun Ci immediately became vigilant when he heard this situation.

Grab the weapon and walk toward the sewer.

"Come out, put your hands up, don't act rashly."

A homeless man slowly crawled out of a sewer under the control of two team members.

"who are you?"

Jun Xi pointed the gun in his hand and asked.

The homeless man raised his hands, but lowered his head and said nothing.

"Speak! Who are you?"

"Don't force me!"

A small voice sounded, and everyone present thought that they had heard wrongly.


"Don't force me!"

The man spoke again, and this time everyone heard him. This man did speak.

"What did you say? Why did we force you to speak clearly?"

Under repeated questioning by the hunting team, the homeless man suddenly raised his head.

"I told you not to force me! Ah——!"

With a roar, the guy suddenly broke away from the two team members and threw everyone away.

In the terrifying roar, it turned into a monster.


The military assassin immediately ordered everyone to open fire.

Countless bullets poured towards the weirdo.

However, there was only a crisp sound, as if the bullet hit some hard object.

Only then did they see clearly that this guy had turned into a weird turtle.

The black skin was covered with thick cuticles, and the torso was covered by a huge turtle shell. Even specially-made bullets could not penetrate the thick turtle shell at all.

"You forced me to do this!"

The snapping turtle Amazons let out a weird roar, and it rushed towards the hunting team with its thick turtle shell armor.

"Everyone retreat!"

Under the command of Jun Ci, everyone quickly pulled away.

Fortunately, this guy is like a turtle shell, and he is also a turtle shell.

Although the thick turtle shell armor can help it resist bullets, it also limits his movement.

With their flexible skills, the members of the hunting team managed to keep distance from each other in this complex terrain.

"Change to larger armor-piercing bullets!"


The crazy girl climbed onto a high wall, holding the machine gun in her hand and loading a batch of large special bullets.


Pulling the trigger, bullets instantly ejected from the barrel of the gun, and the huge recoil made the crazy girl tremble.

The large armor-piercing projectile was effective, but it only prevented the Amazons from approaching. It was not easy to really penetrate its strong turtle shell.


The snapping turtle Amazons was enraged by the suppressed firepower of the crazy girl. With a roar, he rushed towards the high wall where the crazy girl was.

"Don't move, I'm shooting at you!"

The crazy girl didn't even plan to dodge, she aimed at the opponent and fired wildly. She didn't believe that it could knock down such a wall.

The next moment, there was a muffled sound.

The huge body of the evil ghost Amazons hit the wall, and the front wall collapsed.

"crazy girl!"

Jun Ci exclaimed, he wanted to rescue, but the snapping turtle Amazons had already approached the crazy girl who was trapped in the ruins of the wall.

At this critical moment.


A burst of manic heat exploded instantly, and a green figure rushed out from an unexpected angle, directly pressing the snapping turtle Amazons and flying away.


Everyone in the hunting team looked puzzled, who was that guy who suddenly appeared?

Chapter 377, Kamen Rider Amazon, Connors’ first battle


Dr. Connors, who transformed into Amazon Omega, let out a roar like the roar of a wild beast, and with a roar of brute force, he forced the snapping turtle Amazons to the ground.


The snapping turtle Amazons made a painful cry. It didn't understand why the guy who came out of the turnaround attacked him, but he knew that if he didn't resist, he would probably die.

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