"Excuse me, what's going on with that guy!"

As he spoke, he pointed to the memory bearer lying on the ground.

"Don't worry, I controlled the power and he didn't die. Just take him back and interrogate him. It's best to ask him where he got the power and turned into a monster."

After saying that, Mu En accelerated and disappeared from Murphy's sight.

"Disappeared! Is this the power of Kamen Rider!"

Murphy looked around, breaking out in a cold sweat. The weirdo who couldn't be dealt with by the entire police station was killed with just one kick. It was really scary.

Back at the base, Kurim asked in confusion.

"Mu En, I have a question that I don't understand."

"What's wrong, Mr. Belt, if you have anything to say between us, just say it."

Mu En sat on the sofa and said while drinking the tea brought by Izzy.

Kurim said bluntly.

"Mu En, you already have three sets of knight uniforms including Drive, and you can summon the wizard belt at any time. Why do you want to take me out of the base?"

"So that's what you wanted to say."

Mu En put down the tea cup in his hand.

"The reason is simple, because of the restrictions of the occasion."

"Occasion restrictions?!"

Kurim's entire electronic screen turned into a question mark.

Mu En said calmly.

"First of all, the wizard. The wizard is quite special. Looking at the entire New York City, only Stark has seen it, and he didn't know who I was at that time. So currently, the wizard can be said to be unknown to outsiders. .

So this is a hidden trump card that may play an unexpected role at some critical moments.

Then there's Dark Kiva.

DK's situation is also somewhat special. Although he has appeared in public, he appeared as a bloody tyrant. After all, I beat Hulk and Abomination as soon as I took action. In the eyes of the real people and all forces, DK His mood is almost the same as that of the Hulk. He is a representative of domineering and uncontrollable. Do you think it is appropriate for such a character to run to rescue the police?

Only Drive is different. Drive is the first knight to appear in front of the public, and has had some contact with the police a long time ago. He is also a mysterious superhero image in the outside world, so he is the most suitable to appear here. under such circumstances. "

Kurim was thoughtful, as if he understood, as if he didn't understand.

"Oh, that's it, but Mu En, I still don't understand why you do this? It's obviously you under every mask."

A mysterious smile appeared on Mu En's face.

"It's very simple. All this is a foreshadowing for my next plan."


Kurim suddenly felt that he couldn't understand Mu En anymore. This once innocent child had become a little bit incomprehensible.

Chapter 384: Community service, a future developing in a wonderful direction (third update)

Soon the news that Drive helped the police deal with weirdos spread across various media. Some people praised it, some slandered it, and it was always whatever caught the readers' attention.

But it is obvious that Kamen Rider Drive has entered the public eye as a superhero.

In the school, Jessica excitedly gathered with the members of the Kamen Rider Club to promote Drive's deeds, just like a fan of a fan group.

Listening to those heroic deeds, Harry lay on the table and said listlessly.

"That's right. I also want to be noticed like him."

Harry was very sad during this period. He had previously agreed with Spider-Man that he would investigate the scorpion monster, but the sample was destroyed and the clues to the investigation were lost.

Then he patrolled the city. As if the criminals had received the news, they all disappeared when he appeared.

What saddens him the most is that his good friend and old enemy Spider-Man has not appeared for a long time.

Mu En looked at the listless Harry, patted his shoulder and said.

"It's sad Harry, isn't it very simple for you to get attention? With your status as the future heir of the Osborne Group, there are probably a lot of paparazzi and gossip reporters staring at you. All you need to do is date a few pretty girls. It’s okay if the girl goes out to play.”

Harry couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard this.

"I'm already miserable enough, so why don't you stop making fun of me?"

"Good morning, everyone."

Peter also walked into the classroom listlessly and said hello to everyone.

"Hey Peter, what's wrong with you? Why are you so listless."

Gwen asked with concern, holding Peter's arm.

Peter cheered up a little by looking at Gwen's concern for him.

"It's nothing, just another nightmare."

"I'm having nightmares again. Do you want to see a psychiatrist? Maybe some psychological suggestion or hypnosis would be better."

"It's okay, one will be fine in two days."


Mu En narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Peter. He could feel that Peter's life energy was a bit stronger than yesterday. Although it took a lot more energy than before, if one continues to grow according to this trend, It's not impossible to surpass Peter in his previous Spider-Man period.

But if that's the case, I'm afraid he will also gain new abilities.

"Okay students, it's time for class."

The school bell rang, the teacher walked into the classroom, and everyone fell silent.

"Now everyone brings their stuff and we're ready to do community service."

Under the organization of the teachers of each class, the students boarded the school buses in an orderly manner. The school buses were arranged neatly and left the campus one by one.


On the street, a classic car slowly drove towards the city.

"What's wrong, Mark, looking at this city, do you remember something?"

Old Chavez asked Mark with a smile in the car.

Mark, who was in the passenger seat, stared at the city. Countless images appeared in his mind, but they were all high-rise buildings without a single person in sight.

Mark shook his head.

"No, even though it felt familiar when I arrived, I still didn't think of it."

"Haha, don't worry. In addition to meeting my old comrades, I just want to see if I can remind you of anything. If possible, I will ask my old comrades Please help me and see if I can find some clues related to your identity."

"Thank you Mr. Chavez."

"You're welcome, that's what I deserve."

The car drove straight towards the Veterans Service Center.

On the other side, after a simple assembly and handover, Mu En's class was assigned to the area responsible for its community service.

"Okay students, we are in charge of the Veterans Service Center this time. We are still some distance away from reaching our destination. Everyone, think about what you can do for those veterans."

Soon everyone in the carriage began to communicate.

Mu En looked out the window and thought to himself.

"If I remember correctly, Falcon, one of the future Avengers members, works here."

Soon the car arrived at its destination.

Under the organization of teachers and service center leaders, students began community service.

"Okay, students, there will be a veteran's party here today. Your job is to help them hold this party. Is everyone clear?"


The teacher nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, then let the party leader Sam assign tasks to everyone."

A tall black administrator came out, clapped his hands and introduced himself to everyone.

"Hello, fellow students, my name is Sam Wilson. I am one of the administrators here and also a retired soldier. I am very happy to meet you all here."

Mu En's mouth twitched.

"Good guy, I was wondering if I would meet a falcon before, but I met him right after I got off the car."

Under Sam's command, the community service was carried out in an orderly manner, and the veterans attending the veterans' gathering also arrived one after another.

Mark got off the car and stood next to the car, looking at the service center with slightly squinted eyes. With his keen sense of smell, he smelled a very special smell. This smell deeply stimulated his nerves and stimulated his taste buds.

He has never been so eager to eat something or someone!

Chavez Sr. patted Mark on the shoulder.

"What's wrong Mark?"

Mark shook his head and restrained the most primitive desire to eat deep in his heart.

"I'm fine, I just think this place is special."

"Haha, it's just a veterans service center. What's special about it? Let's go. I think all my old comrades should be here."

Old Chavez laughed and led Mark to the service center.

After entering the service center, Mr. Chavez saw the busy students.

"Hoho, there are so many little guys here today."

A person in charge explained with a smile.

"Mr. Chavez, today the school students are studying to participate in community service. They are also helping to organize this veterans gathering. Please forgive me."

Old Chavez, smiled.

"It's okay, it's okay. I like energetic young people best. Let's go, Mark."

After saying that, he greeted Mark and walked towards the venue.

Just as Mark walked into the venue, Shepherd and Peter walked out of the venue carrying stools.

At that moment, Peter and Mark's eyes intertwined.

In an instant, Peter trembled all over and his hair stood on end, while Mark seemed to have seen a big walking steak, resisting his inner impulse and not making any weird moves.

At that moment, Mu En also saw it. He saw that Peter's life energy actually increased a bit at that moment.

And, he saw Mark. Mark's life energy was as strong as a weirdo's. The level of life energy even exceeded that of Connors.

"Things seem to be starting to take a wonderful turn."

Chapter 385: Stage play, Peter being tricked

"What's wrong, Mark, do you know this kid?"

Old Chavez noticed Mark's strangeness and asked.

Mark held his right hand with his left hand and shook his head repeatedly.

"I don't know. Sorry sir, I want to go to the bathroom."

"Are you feeling okay? Well, come with me. Goodbye little guys."

Old Chavez smiled, waved to Mu En and Peter, and led Mark towards the toilet.

"Peter are you okay?"

Mu En put down the stool in his hand and patted Peter who was frozen in place.

"Ah! I'm fine."

Peter seemed to have just woken up from a nightmare, his eyes were blurred, and it took him a long time to react.

"I'm fine, Mu En. I just don't know what to ask and think that the person just now was a bit scary. Maybe it was my misunderstanding. Let's go. It's time for instructor Sam to find us."

Saying that, Peter hugged the stool and left quickly. Mu En looked at Peter's back and fell into deep thought.

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