Under Hannah's order, Zero-One, filled with a violent aura, walked towards Nissen and the boy in white.

Seeing this scene, the boy in white grabbed Nissen's shoulder.

"Hey you idiot! Do you have the courage to live in symbiosis with the devil?"


Nissen looked at the boy in white in confusion.

The boy in white opened the box, and the memory and bilateral drive appeared inside.

"Come on, let's fight together!"

Looking at the monster walking towards him, Nissen picked up the bilateral starter.

While the drive bound Nissen, a similar drive appeared on the waist of the boy in white.

The boy in white took out a memory.

"Come on my partner, my name is, Richard!"

"Richard? My name is Nissen, come on my partner, for the teacher!"

Nissen's eyes changed from sadness and anger to perseverance, and a man always grows up in an instant.



"Hen shin!" x2

"Cyclone! Joker!"

A gust of wind roared past, and extreme power soared into the sky.

The scarlet eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the boundless night, and the two-colored body was like a god born from heaven and earth.

Mu En, who was fighting fiercely with Brother Xiao Ming, also felt the aura.

"This power? Bilateral drive activated!"

Brother Xiao Ming also looked in the direction of Nissen and the others.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, it looks like another interesting guy has been born. Ah! As a villain, should I be angry, sad or annoyed before I say yes to you?"

Feeling the change in his own power, Nissen felt a little weird.

"Richard, this is us!"

"Ah! The two of us become one, partners."

"Encircled as one?"

"Yes, from now on, we are two Kamen Riders in one. We will talk about the rest later. Let's deal with this guy first!"

The giant ghost beast was unconscious and would not stop because of the changes in the two of them. It moved its huge body towards them.

Neeson and Richard took a deep breath.

"We are of one mind!"

He raised his hand sideways and pointed at the ferocious beast.

"さあ, お前の无码えろ! (Sa! Count your sins in detail!)"

Chapter 302: Brother Xiao Ming VS Mu En, who is the passing Kamen Rider?

On top of the incomplete fortress, two figures flashed and intertwined, and every collision would erupt with an astonishing impact.

Mu En gritted his teeth and fought back with all his strength while thinking of countermeasures.

"No, if we continue to fight like this, we will really suffer a loss. The power of the Drive system has never been the swordsmanship, but the diverse and feature-rich shifting chariot system."

After fighting for a while, he found that fighting him like this was undoubtedly using his own shortcomings to hit the opponent's best thing, and it would be too much of a disadvantage to continue like this.

"We have to find a way to distance ourselves!"

Just as Mu En was thinking about countermeasures, Brother Xiao Ming caught the moment when Mu En's reaction was slow.

"You can't clone yourself during battle, Kamen Rider!"

Brother Xiao Ming laughed and slashed hard with his sword.


With a crisp sound, the steering wheel sword in Mu En's hand was knocked away.



There was a flash of sword light, and then another heavy sword strike hit Mu En's breastplate.


In an instant, fire burst out, and Mu En was directly slashed away by a sword.

However, just when Brother Xiao Ming was about to launch a pursuit, a truck horn sounded, and a blue tractor-trailer rushed over along the road that appeared out of thin air.


Brother Xiao Ming raised his sword to block and easily avoided it. However, the original purpose of the tractor-trailer was not him.


The tractor-trailer fell directly into Mu En's hands, stretched and deformed, and instantly switched to a trailer running.

"watch out!"

Mu En quickly inserted the shift tank into the slot of the trailer cannon.

Lock on target and pull the trigger.


Blue light bullets spurted out from the muzzle and hit Brother Xiao Ming directly.

"Heh, it's interesting, but it's not enough!"

The blade flashed, and the light bullet was split into two by the sword.

"If it's not enough, then I will satisfy you!"

Mu En directly charged the trailer to full capacity.

“Full Full Formula—HOU!!!”


Pulling the trigger, the huge recoil directly pushed Mu En back a step.

The moment the light ejected from the chamber, it turned directly into a barrage that filled the sky and covered Brother Xiao Ming.

"This is interesting, then let me..."


The barrage fell, and a large hole was once again blown open by Mu En in the already partially damaged fortress.

"There's a strange person!"

However, Mu En was surprised to find that the guy was missing.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?"

Suddenly a voice sounded from behind Mu En. Without thinking, Mu En turned around and fired.

But before Mu En could pull the trigger.


Brother Xiao Ming hit Mu En's wrist with the hilt of his sword, and the trailer gun was kicked away.


Another sword fell and sparks flew out, and Mu En was chopped to the ground.

"Mu En, let's replace Dark Kiva. Equation's ability is no match for him."

Seeing that Mu En had been beaten for so long, Kurim couldn't sit still. This was the first time he proposed to replace Dark Kiva with Mu En.

"But, Mr. Belt!"

"No need to say more, I know what you are thinking."

Kurim directly interrupted Mu En.

"I know that you have been worried about neglecting me after getting kivat, but it doesn't matter, Mu En. Because I have to admit that kivat's ability is indeed stronger than mine. Now, what you need is stronger power, and then defeat This guy."

"I understand Mr. Belt."

Mu En is no longer hesitant, but he is not stupid enough to take off his mask in front of the enemy.


Raising his hand and punching, Mu En punched directly through the top of the fortress, causing a puff of smoke and dust.

"Oh? Did you run away? This is not like the style of Kamen Rider."

Brother Xiao Ming swayed step by step and walked towards the hole made by Mu En with extremely arrogant steps.

The moment he got closer, a pair of green compound eyes appeared in Heidan's hole.


With a flash of blade light, Mu En, wearing Dark Kiva armor and holding the Demon Emperor Sword, rushed out of the dark hole.


Brother Xiao Ming blocked it with his sword in time, and used his domineering strength to force him back a few steps.

Wearing scarlet armor, Mu En stood on top of the fortress, pointing the sword in his hand at the opponent.

"Come on, let's start the second round of the battle."

Brother Xiao Ming was a little surprised when he saw Mu En put on the Dark Kiva armor. I thought to myself.

"Sure enough, you also use different knight powers, so does that mean..."

Thinking of this, he suddenly laughed.

"Come on, let me see how much strength you can show wearing this armor."

Through the Demon King's compound eyes, Mu En saw that his power was actually growing.

"Is there any backup plan? No, in other words, this guy didn't show his full strength from the beginning."

After understanding this, Mu En became a little nervous.

"No matter what other methods he has, I will definitely defeat you this time!"

The Demon King's power on his body began to react.

"Stop talking nonsense and look at the sword!"

Brother Xiao Ming was seen rushing towards Mu En like a ghost. If it weren't for his strong life energy, it would be extremely difficult for Mu En to see his movements clearly.

"Then come on!"

Mu En waved the sharp blade in his hand and slashed it down.


The two sword blades collided together, causing a sudden impact.

Two different auras collided, and domineering power shot straight into the sky.

Nissen and Richard, who were fighting the giant ghost beast, also looked this way.

"What a powerful force, what is that? Why haven't I seen it in the memory of the earth?"

"It's Mr. Dean. He is fighting something. But what is the memory of the earth you are talking about?"

During the exchange of consciousness between the two, the battle in their hands still did not stop.

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