Mu En scratched his head in embarrassment. He really didn't pay attention to this.

"Izzy, why didn't you tell me that Danny sent me money?"

Izzy's voice sounded in the castle.

"Master, you told me before that this kind of repeated information should not be reported. So Izzy blocked Mr. Danny's payment information for you. Of course, every payment will be transferred according to your previous settings. This is the fixed account of the welfare home, and this is Mr. Danny’s payment slip and transfer directory.”

Bills were projected in front of Mu En's eyes.

Mu En quickly shut it down. Money, money, money is so tacky. He never cares about money, yes, he doesn’t like money.

Seeing Mu En's reaction, Danny also smiled knowingly. He knew that Mu En was a busy man, and not only did he hold shares in the Rand Group, but he was also a shareholder of Stark Industries. It was normal for him to forget these little things.

"As for the reason why I continue to practice here, is it because I see a new development direction of the power of the Iron Fist here?"

"Oh? A new development direction for the power of Iron Fist? What is that?"

Mu En asked curiously, under his influence, shouldn't Iron Fist rely on a pair of glowing fists and then fall to the ground? In the final analysis, he is a reckless hero who relies on his fists, so in the original world, Tekken's popularity was not high.

"Since Mr. Dean is curious, let me demonstrate it for you. I call it Qi and Arms."

As he spoke, Danny held up his hands and backed away, and then a strong aura erupted from his body, which looked very much like a Super Saiyan.

"The power of the iron fist, the air and the weapon."

A burst of golden light suddenly appeared, and a fanatical atmosphere set off a hurricane.

Mu En was surprised to see that starting from Danny's fists, the power of the golden iron fist actually materialized, turning into a pair of dragon claws covering Danny's hands.

The power spread upwards along the arms, and finally a scene that stunned Mu En occurred. A golden tights enveloped Danny's whole body, with a Yinglong tattoo branded on his chest, and a golden dragon-shaped helmet protected Danny. Ni's head.


After completing the transformation, Danny shouted loudly and assumed an extremely middle-aged pose.

Seeing Danny's outfit, Mu En felt extremely embarrassed. He even thought that he had traveled through time again. Damn, isn't this a Super Sentai outfit? Where did you get it from?

And what the hell is the line you shout when you transform? You think you are the Beast Fist Team!

Mu En no longer knows where to start complaining, what universe am I in, Marvel? It’s still Toei’s Tokusatsu Universe!

"Wow! So handsome!"

But Richard didn't know that Mu En was already complaining crazily in his heart. When he saw Danny's transformation, he just thought it was so handsome, so cool, how could he do it.

"Mr. Dean, look at the new abilities I have learned. I condensed this armor according to the shape of the armor you use."

"No, no, no, no, the armor we use is not like this. You must have run into the wrong theater. Sorry, Super Sentai, turn left when you go out."

Although Mu En's heart seemed to have a hundred thousand grass and mud horses galloping, these words must not be uttered.

"Haha, it's not bad, he's quite handsome. Your Mo Yang must be very expensive, so let's undo it first."

"The knight is okay, the consumption is not particularly large. Judging from my current ability, the armed form can last for about fifteen minutes, and as my strength improves, can it last longer? This is why I choose to continue to practice here. reasons."

"So handsome. Mr. Iron Fist, I also want to learn. Can you teach me?"

Richard asked with some excitement.

"Well, I'm sorry, little brother, I can't teach you at the moment, because the power of my weapon is the power of the Iron Fist. Unless you also become the Iron Fist, I can't teach you."

"That's right. That's really a pity."

Looking at Richard's regretful look, Danny said again.

"But maybe it will be okay after I study for a while, because I found that there is a power called Qi in each of our bodies. This power can be enhanced through practice. As long as you find the right method, maybe you You can also..."

"Stop it! Hahahaha, okay, let's not disturb Danny's practice. How about we go somewhere else to see it? There are many interesting places in this castle."

Mu En quickly interrupted Danny. If he continued talking, it would really be a joke. Richard was a Kamen Rider. If he really wanted to be led astray by this guy and become a Super Sentai, then that would be okay.

Without any explanation, Mu En took Richard away directly. He couldn't be allowed to stay with Danny anymore, but Mu En had to admire Danny for being able to figure out such outrageous things by himself.

"Mr. Dean, Mr. Iron Fist's abilities are obviously so interesting. Why don't you let me get to know him better?"

Richard said with some dissatisfaction.

"Ahaha, that knight is not interesting. It's not much different from your transformation using Gaia's memory. I'll take you to see something more interesting. How about a big sword that can transform?"

As Mu En waved, the Great Sword of Hatred flew over from the castle and fell into Mu En's hands in response to the call.

Seeing the new stuff, Richard was immediately attracted to it.

Mu En flicked his hand and threw the hateful sword into the air. The sword quickly changed and returned to the hateful giant.

Hatred knelt down on one knee and bowed.

"Meet the master."

Mu En looked at the hatred in front of him that had been completely tamed by the Demon King's power, and said coldly.

"Richard wants to see your power, come with me."

"Yes Master."

Mu En casually opened a space door leading to the wilderness, and left the castle with the young and old.

Chapter 408: Go be a detective, young man

After taking Abomination and Richard for a walk in the wilderness and letting Abomination flex his muscles, Shepherd brought Richard back to the base.

Having entered the base, Richard turned into a curious baby. He looked around and chased Bashar and Kulim, asking questions about this and that. When he asked Banner where he was, he almost turned Green The giant was annoyed, which meant that fortunately Banner was no longer the same Banner as before. His endurance had improved a lot and he was barely able to stabilize.

He patiently explained various things to Richard.

"Master, the information retrieval is over."

Izzy's voice suddenly sounded in Mu En's ears.

"Oh, is it over? How is it? Have you found any clues related to Richard?"

"Sorry sir, I searched and matched the information database of the entire United States, but no relevant information was found.

Neither iris recognition nor fingerprint matching found convincing information. "

"Don't you have any clues? It's impossible for this person to appear out of thin air, right?"

Mu En looked at Richard who was immersed in researching materials and fell into deep thought.

"As long as a person has existed in this world, it is impossible not to leave the slightest clue, unless someone deliberately conceals this information."

After thinking about it, Mu En felt that this was the only explanation that was closest to the truth.

But if someone really wants to deliberately hide Richard's information, then who is it? With the ability to erase all traces of a person's existence, it is impossible for such a person to be like an ordinary person.

"So, Richard, who are you and where do you come from?"

Looking at Richard's back, Mu En narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Master, Nissen is back."

"Oh, I get it. Forget it, let's not worry about who Richard is. Let's arrange Frank's precious student first. After all, acting requires a complete performance."

Saying that, Mu En turned and walked towards the exit.

At the entrance of the orphanage, Mu En saw Nissen who was in a state of despair. It seemed that Frank's performance was very good and he hit this guy hard.

But as the saying goes, only in this way can a person grow up quickly.

Mu En brewed a feeling and then walked towards Nissen.

"Nissen, have you seen your teacher for the last time?"

"Mr. Dean!"

Nissen looked at Mu En, and finally his suppressed emotions could no longer be suppressed. He hugged Mu En and burst into tears.

"Ah! Mr. Dean, Teacher! Teacher, he really left us!"

When Mu En saw Nissen crying and bursting into tears, he immediately rushed over and felt helpless. You know, Nissen was actually two years older than him.

But if the memory of the past life is taken into account, Nissen is indeed a younger brother in his eyes.

"Okay Nissen, cheer up. Do you think your teacher will be happy to see you like this in the Kingdom of Heaven? You must know that your teacher is a super tough guy like no other. As a tough guy's student, he will cry. What does it look like?”

I have to say that using this set of words to coax Neeson, a super fan of Frank, is really accurate.

"Mr. Dean is right. I am the teacher's student. I want to be a super tough guy like the teacher. I can't be like this."

Nissen fought back the emotions on his back and wiped the tears from his face.

Looking at Nissen like this, Mu En nodded.

"Yes, that's right. This is for you. It's the last thing left by your teacher. He asked me to hand it over to you. You ran out before I could give it to you in a hurry, but I'll give it to you the same way now. "

Mu En took out the envelope he had prepared in advance from his pocket, but this letter was indeed left by Frank to Nissen. As for what was written in it, Mu En did not know.

But basically you can guess what is going on, it is nothing more than some words of encouragement from the teacher to the students.

But it was still hard for Mu En to imagine what kind of words the once murderous punisher would write to encourage his students.

After taking the envelope, Nissen opened it tremblingly. When he saw Frank's handwritten letter, he almost stopped.

However, as he read word by word, the sadness on Nissen's face faded a lot, and his eyes were replaced by a determined look.

Finally, he put away the letters and envelopes and put them into the lining pocket of his clothes.

"finish watching?"

Neeson nodded.

"Yes, Mr. Dean, thank you for forwarding this letter to me."

"Nothing, it should be, so what are you going to do in the future?"

Mu En looked curiously at Nissen, who was deeply saddened and extremely determined. Whether Frank would make sense in this situation with him would depend on his future choices.

Neeson said seriously.

"Before he left, the teacher had been fighting against the evil forces that were destroying the world, so that he finally fell into the hands of organizations like the Evolution Museum.

As a teacher's student, I decided to inherit the teacher's will. "

As he spoke, Nissen's eyes became more determined.

"I will continue the work that the teacher failed to complete, and continue to fight against those who harm this city and its citizens, until the day when this city and this world no longer needs a guardian."

Hearing this answer, Mu En was very satisfied.

"Yes, I think Frank would be pleased to hear your answer."

With an encouragement, Mu Enyou continued.

"But fighting against evil forces is not a simple matter. Take the Museum of Evolution as an example. This organization is so hidden and so powerful that even your teacher has suffered a loss at their hands. Now if you just run away Going out and saying you want to challenge them is the same as risking death, so I suggest you hone your skills and abilities before doing so."

Neeson nodded.

"Mr. Dean is right. I know very well that I only have a few pounds, so I won't act rashly. But Mr. Dean, how should I temper myself?"

"Um, well..."

Muen was a little confused for a while. He really had no idea about how to train Nissen Muen, and Frank didn't say anything about it either.

But this is not a difficult task. In the original work, Shotaro and Philip are not private detectives, so we might as well let them become private detectives. Anyway, there is no need to be less elegant in the chaos in New York.

"Neeson, what do you think about becoming a private detective?"

"Private detective? Well, Mr. Dean, does this have anything to do with training yourself?"

Mu En said seriously.

"How could it not be related? Think about it, in the city of New York, there are many dark corners hidden that the sun cannot shine on. As a private detective, what you have to do is to walk between black and white, so If you do this, you will be able to come into contact with many things that you have never been exposed to before, and see a lot of darkness that you have never seen before. As you increase your knowledge, you will also be tempered, right?

Perhaps, during a certain commission, you will be able to come into contact with some clues related to the Museum of Evolution. "

After hearing what Mu En said, Nissen nodded.

"Mr. Dean, I think what you said makes sense."

Chapter 409, Legal Counsel, Stark fights Ivan again

Seeing Nissen unified, Mu En also nodded.

"Okay, since you agree, let me arrange the rest. You go home and rest for two days to take good care of yourself. When everything is arranged, I will call you to inform you."

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