"Tch! Are you still being stubborn at this point? Okay, then I will accept your provocation and let you see how big the gap between us is!"

With that said, Ivan raised his hand and whipped out again.


On the whip cord, the cracking electric light flashed, filled with a dangerous atmosphere.

Stark was undaunted in the face of danger, with a calm expression on his face, and calculated the best angle to grasp the reality.


He punched out directly, the drill rotated, and the whip cord flew out.

"Good speed and accuracy, but it's all useless!"


Ivan waved his arms again, and the two whip cords launched a violent storm of attacks like spiritual snakes.

“Whether it’s useful or not, let’s let your actions speak for itself!”

Stark's brain was like a computer with increased precision, and with the help of Jarvis, he quickly calculated all counterattack points.


"Pah pah pah pah~!"

The fist and whip rope collided together, each blow was precise, and the seemingly impeccable attack details were blocked by Tony.

And, seizing an excellent opening, Stark found Ivan Vanke's omission, crouched forward, and punched out.



The high-speed rotating drill scraped the side of Ivan Vanke's helmet, leaving an eye-catching scratch on his helmet.

"This guy!"

Ivan quickly stepped back and pulled away. If he hadn't reacted in time just now, Stark's punch would have hit him right in the face, and he would be dead or injured.

"It's really interesting. You can actually hold back your attack and counterattack at the same time. But how are you going to defend against this next move!"

Ivan yelled and reached out to slap his belt.


A burst of Russian-style music suddenly sounded, and a dazzling golden light bloomed on Ivan's armor.

"What kind of move is this?!"

This strong golden light temporarily blocked Stark's vision.

"Take the move! Stark!"

A low mechanical sound came from the direction of Ivan Vanke.

"Whiplash Burst impact! (Whiplash Burst impact!)"

In the golden light, countless whip cords were seen attacking Stark, but the seemingly countless attacks were actually phantoms produced by the high-speed movement of the same whip cord.

Seeing this, Stark immediately made a judgment and chose defense. He crouched down and combined his hands, forming a shield with his thick drill arm armor.

"Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah!"

The raindrop-like attack hit Stark's arms and knocked him back several meters.

"Wei~! Hahahahaha! Stark, you have been fooled. What I want is for you to show this attitude and take the move. The real killer!"


Ivan leaped high and kicked towards Stark.

"Take the move, Rider kick!"

The moment Ivan flew out and kicked out, Stark underneath the mask showed a smile of success.

"What a coincidence Ivan, this is the moment I've been waiting for!"

As he said that, Stark clicked his belt behind him.

Jarvis's mechanical voice sounded.

“One, two, three!

Stark Spiral crushing! (Stark Spiral Crush)"

All the thrusters on Stark's armor were activated, his hands merged and turned into a huge drill, and he rushed straight towards Ivan.




The two people collided together, causing a huge impact, but they were stalemate in mid-air for a while, and no one had the upper hand.

"I am the victor!"

Ivan Vanke pressed the belt frantically, and the output power of the reaction core increased sharply.

"Stop joking, you have already lost from the beginning!"


But I saw that a drill bit was missing from Stark's arm.

Suddenly, warning prompts popped out crazily in front of Ivan's eyes.

Another drill bit appeared, and the silver drill bit fell from the sky, forming a trap with Stark.

"It's over! Double smash!"


There was an explosion, and two figures flew in different directions.


Stark fell heavily to the ground, but fortunately he had a armor to cushion him.

But Ivan disappeared into the vast desert.

Looking at Ivan disappearing, Stark did not feel the joy of a winner, but felt that something was missing.

"This guy, if he hadn't gone astray, would be quite talented. Jarvis, let's go home!"

It started to push west and turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.

As for Ivan, who fell into the next door, his armor had already disintegrated and his belt fell to the side.

"Damn Tony Stark, you win this time!"

Before Ivan passed out, he saw a black figure walking towards him and picking up his belt.

Chapter 411: Postwar Anxiety Disorder

Back at Stark Tower, Tony walked directly into the laboratory, took off his belt and threw it on the maintenance bench. Robotic arms protruded from the wall and began maintenance inspections.

However, Tony felt a little uneasy after leaving the belt, and finally walked to the safe. Through iris recognition, the safe slowly opened, and there were actually several belts of different models stored inside.

Stark picked up a spare belt and buckled it around his waist, and touched the belt reassuringly.

"Okay, I feel much more comfortable now."

With that said, he walked towards the computer and started preparing to upgrade his armor. He thought that he was already a genius enough. After researching for a short time, he had already created a new model of conveniently switching armor, but Through this "final battle" with Ivan.

He understood that no matter how talented he is, he cannot be too complacent, because there are still people chasing his back behind him. Although Ivan Vanke fell, who knows when another Ivan Vanke will appear. Fan Vanke, or Ivan Yike.

But no matter how many people appear, Tony Stark will not worry, because he is the best one.

"Let me think about how to come up with a new upgrade idea."

Just when Tony was about to draw a new blueprint, he felt that his eyes were a little blurry.

"Si~, what's wrong? Did you injure your optic nerve during the battle?"

As he spoke, Tony rubbed his eyes, as if this would make him feel better.

Jarvis's voice sounded at the right time. As a smart butler, he was still very good.

"Sir, according to my scan, your visual nervous system is not damaged, but it is caused by you not resting for too long and going through a long battle. I suggest you take a rest first, so that you can be better Your body helps.”

"Hey Jarvis, what do you mean I haven't rested for too long? I just haven't slept for three nights, which is not a big deal for my genius Tony Stark."

With that said, Tony stood up, not caring whether he was tired or not, but he was a little hungry.

However, his vision suddenly went dark and he almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Jarvis stretched out his robotic arm in time and pushed the chair to catch him.

"Sir, I suggest you take a rest. It's best to find someone to take care of you. We are contacting Miss Pepper Potts for you."

"Stop, stop! Stop it, don't tell Pepper."

Stark quickly stopped Jarvis. He didn't want Pepper to see him like this.

"I understand. Let's put the armor upgrade thing aside for now. It's time for me to take a break. This can be regarded as a holiday for myself after I defeated that Russian guy."

With that said, Stark walked towards the outside of the laboratory.

Back in his room, Stark lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

Countless images flashed through his mind, the Chitauri army, the ruined city, the disaster-stricken citizens...


Stark woke up suddenly from the bed and subconsciously pressed his belt.

The armor was integrated in an instant.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! What's wrong with me?"

Only then did Stark realize that this was his room, and there was no war or disaster happening.

Jarvis's voice sounded again.

"Sir, based on your performance and body index, you have a severe anxiety disorder."

"I have anxiety, how is it possible? I am a genius, who can make me feel anxious? The Russian guy I defeated? Or those alien whales? Please, they are all defeated by me."

Stark laughed and canceled the transformation, but in fact, he knew exactly what his situation was.

Postwar anxiety disorder.

"Jarvis, how long have I been asleep?"

"Sir, you have only been in light sleep for fifteen minutes, which is far from the level of rest your body needs."

"Really? But I feel like I'm very energetic now and don't feel sleepy at all. How about I watch TV for a while? Maybe there will be some shady news to cheer me up."

As he spoke, he walked to the living room and turned on the TV.

I flipped through a few channels at random to see what those glib and sensational guys on TV were talking about. After listening carefully, I found that these guys seemed to be talking about the same thing.

This caught his attention, and he looked over to see what was going on.

After listening carefully, I realized that in the three days since he and Ivan Vanke were competing, three bombing attacks had occurred, and the leader of a terrorist organization had admitted that they had done it, and had spoken to the White House. We need to launch a West-East campaign against the United States.

These remarks aroused the opinions of the people and demanded a response from the White House.

Then those politicians also gave official responses, saying that they would launch military operations against this organization and send Iron Patriots to the battle.

"Iron Patriot?"

I saw the war machine that had been given a new coat of paint, and my old friend Rhodes who had been promoted again.

Tony, who had nothing to do, directly called and made an appointment with his good friend.


In the luxurious bar, Tony couldn't help laughing when he saw Rhodes.

"Wow, who is this? Isn't this Iron Patriot?"

Rhodes looked embarrassed.

"Okay Tony, stop laughing at me. The name War Machine is too violent. The people above didn't like it, so they changed my name to another one. Originally I refused to change the color, but you also understand that sometimes I I can’t help myself either.”

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