Chapter 413: Angry Stark, fortune teller Mu En

Tony, who came back from the bar, received a very bad news. Happy, his friend and driver, suffered an explosion and was sent to the hospital. His life or death is unknown.

Tony rushed to the hospital immediately. Fortunately, after some rescue efforts, he successfully passed the critical period, but he didn't know when he would wake up from the coma.

Looking at Happy, who was lying on the hospital bed and relying on medical equipment to survive, Tony looked solemn.

He didn't understand why he couldn't even protect his friends at this time when he had already become a superhero and protected the entire New York during the war with aliens.

What was playing on the TV was the latest news report, which was about this bombing attack, and all of it was done by the same guy.

That is, the guy who calls himself Mandarin.

Tony used the remote control to switch the channel to Happy's favorite show.

"I'm sorry, buddy, for hurting you, but I have recorded this grudge. I will go to him to settle the score. After all, I am a very narrow-minded person."

Maybe he said this to Happy, or maybe he said it to himself. After that, Tony walked out of the ward.

The news media have gathered at the entrance of the hospital, and they are all waiting for Tony to appear. After all, the injured person in the hospital this time is one of Tony Stark's people, so they will naturally not let go of this opportunity for an interview.

"We are waiting for Tony Stark to show up and hope he can give us some answers about the attack that just occurred."

Soon Stark's figure appeared in everyone's sight, and he walked out of the hospital wearing a pair of sunglasses.

"Mr. Stark!"

"Mr. Stark!"

"Can we interview you?"

"What do you think of this incident?"


Tony was in a very bad mood, and he didn't want to answer their stupid questions.

Until someone asked a pointed question.

"Mr. Stark, when will someone kill this guy who is causing attacks everywhere and trying to cause chaos in the world?"

Upon hearing this question, Stark's face froze, and he slowly turned around to face the cameras of all reporters.

He said as he looked at the guy who was holding a cell phone video asking questions to him.

"You guys are just listening to this?"

Everyone fell silent for a moment. It was obvious that this was what the anxious media wanted to hear.

This question seems simple, but there are hidden traps everywhere.

If Tony chooses to answer, he will wait for the official to solve it, and wait for the army to arrest and sanction the guy through the right channels and using the right means.

Then reporters may report on the news that the so-called Iron Man superhero is just a coward, and he doesn't dare to fight back when his own people are attacked.

If Tony chooses the extreme answer, then they will say something else.

The so-called superhero, the super rich man, is a willful butcher who cares little about human life. Today he can kill a criminal without obeying the law, but tomorrow he can kill a civilian at will.

Such a report seems to be nonsense, very unreasonable, and even taken out of context.

But who cares? What the reporters and editors of these news media want is spectacle and conflict, so that they can attract the public's attention and make a lot of money.

As for the rest, who cares as long as the money is in his pocket?

As a super genius, how could Tony, who had been standing in front of the media spotlight since his teens and twenties, fail to see their calculations? It only took him a moment to sort out his rhetoric.

"I wanted to send a little holiday greeting to that guy called the Mandarin, and I just figured out the wording.

My name is Tony Stark, and I am a one-of-a-kind super genius. I will not be afraid of a stupid guy like you, because I know that you are just a coward who only hides in the dark.

I will find you, and when the time comes, I will go to you personally to settle the grievances between us.

It has nothing to do with so-called politics, just a simple and old-fashioned revenge drama, and the target of revenge is you. I will let you know what price the person who touched me will pay.

If you are not convinced, remember my home address, No. 10880, Malibu Port. My door is always open, waiting for your arrival. That is, if you dare. "

After that, he snatched the mobile phone facing his face.

"You want this to make a fortune, right? OK, I'll give it to you."

After that, amidst the exclamations of everyone, he fell directly onto the wall beside him and was smashed to pieces.

"I will compensate you. Go to the front desk of Stark Tower and ask for it. I will ask them to prepare a million dollars for you."

After that, he got in the car and left directly.

In the Valentin Orphanage, the bishop rarely stayed in the church. Instead, he sat in the hall and watched TV, and happened to see Stark making a declaration.

Seeing Stark's willful speech, even he couldn't help but sigh.

"His Royal Highness King is really clever. He even predicted this."

As he said that, he was about to get up and go to Stark's residence. As early as when Mu En discovered Killian, Mu En called the bishop and asked him to take care of Stark.

I just didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen just one morning later.

Without thinking much, the bishop turned off the TV and walked towards the outside of the orphanage.


Back in his villa, Stark asked Jarvis to call up all the intelligence he could collect, including special intelligence from SHIELD, the FBI and the CIA, but there was still no useful information.

"Jarvis, do a crime scene reconstruction."

"Crime scene reconstruction is ongoing."

A three-dimensional projection expanded across the lab, and Jarvis simulated the entire crime scene.

"Then let me see if there are any valuable clues now."

Stark soon noticed that before Happy passed out, his hands and eyes seemed to be pointing to a certain corner.

Based on his calculations, he quickly found the item Happy was looking at.

It was actually a nameplate, and it was a nameplate that only people who had been in the army would have.

The Tony authorities investigated the influence of this nameplate, began to analyze it repeatedly, and finally saw clearly the name engraved on it.

"Jarvis, are any soldiers injured at the scene?"

"Sir, no corresponding records were found."

"Is there no corresponding record?"

Stark seemed to have thought of something, and immediately unfolded the virtual operation interface and started operating.

After some screening, I finally found a piece of information. More than a year ago, a very similar explosion case occurred in Tennessee, and the person who caused the case was also a soldier.

"Found it, Jarvis, have you been to Tennessee?"

As Tony's old butler, Jarvis understood what Tony meant.

"Sir, we are preparing your plane to Tennessee."

Chapter 414, Attack, Bombed Stark Villa

"Ding dong~!"

"Sir, we have a visitor."

Tony was stunned.

"Guest? Aren't we under martial law now? I just threatened the leader of a terrorist organization. Why would anyone choose to visit at this time?"

Confused Tony looked at the surveillance screen and saw a tall, long-haired beauty.

Maya came to the door of Tony's villa and knocked on the door, but found that no one responded, as if there was no one in such a huge villa.

However, she believed that Tony must be inside, so she prepared to knock on the door again.

At this moment, the door opened automatically.

Tony walked out of the villa wearing a battle armor and gave an order in a cold voice.

"Stand there and don't move. I think you are not the Mandarin. After all, no matter how stupid he is, he will not come here to find me alone."

As he spoke, Tony opened his visor and looked at the person in front of him with some confusion. Why did he feel that he looked familiar?

Maya looked at Tony and smiled.

"It seems like you don't remember me, right? But I'm not surprised by your reaction."

Tony said carelessly.

"I'm sorry, but I really can't remember a lot of things, like I can't even remember what I had for breakfast."

Jarvis reminded him at the right moment.

"It's Mr. Gluten-Free Waffle Pancake."

"Shut up Jarvis, no one will treat you as mute if you don't speak."

Hannah didn't want to waste time and took the initiative to speak.

"Tony, I have something I want to talk to you about alone, but it's best not to talk about it here. It's a very important matter."

Tony hesitated for a moment and finally said.

"In the past, normally I would not refuse to be alone with a beautiful woman, but not now. I already have a girlfriend. However, please come in."

Speaking, Tony politely invited the other party to come in.

Before he had taken two steps, two luggage bags were thrown down from the stairs and fell to the floor beside Tony.

Tony released the transformation, scratched his head and said.

"That's her."

Pepper's voice came from upstairs.

"Tony, are there guests?"

Tony answered honestly.

"Uh, yes, her name is Maya Hansen, a botanist friend, but we don't know each other that well."

With that said, he quickly took Maya aside and asked in a low voice.

"Don't tell me that there is a twelve-year-old child waiting for me outside now. I am no longer wandering around the world."

"Correction, he is thirteen years old."

Tony's expression immediately changed. Seeing Tony's expression change, Maya immediately said with a smile.

"Don't get excited, I'm just kidding, there are no children. Okay, no kidding, I'm here to help you."

Tony stroked his beard.

"What did you say? Who are you helping? Me? Did I hear you correctly?"

With four question marks in a row, it was written all over his face that he was joking.

Hansen didn't pay attention to Tony's expression and just said.

"I read the newspaper and found out what happened to you, but to be honest, I thought you might not survive more than a week, so I'm here to help you."

"Can't survive a week? Don't be kidding me, I'm Tony Stark."

Seeing the two of them chatting quietly, Little Pepper was a little dissatisfied and counted loudly.

"Oh, sorry, since Happy was hospitalized, I thought we wouldn't have visitors anymore? Is she your friend?"

With that said, he walked up to Tony and declared his status.

Stark explained quickly.

"In fact, we can't be considered friends."

"Oh, what is that? An old lover?"

Hannah didn't take this trick and said directly.

"Well, it was a one-night stand to be precise."

Little Pepper was also a little surprised. She didn't expect this woman to be so decisive.

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