A crisp prompt sounded, and Comfort Murphy's brace loosened.

Finally, a picture finally appeared in front of Murphy's eyes, and the laboratory was in a mess.

The ferocious-looking Plitt took a pistol and shot wildly at Dr. Norton, who had died.


Murphy roared angrily and rushed towards Pritt.

Before Plit could even react, Murphy's fist hit him directly on the chest.

The whole person flew out like a sandbag and hit the wall of the laboratory with a muffled sound.

"So strong!"

Looking at the powerful Murphy, Plit passed out.

Murphy ignored him and looked at Dr. Norton who was lying in front of the experimental table.

"Thank you for not erasing my mind."

After that, he raised his hand and punched the computer in the laboratory. He wanted to destroy everything here, and he would never allow a tragedy like his second to be born.

"Didi didi di~!"

Shrill sirens echoed throughout OmniCorp's base.

"what happened?"

Raymond heard the siren and asked loudly.

"Sir, Dr. Norton has defected. Product No. 1 injured Mr. Plit and defected!"


An angry Raymond slapped the table.

"Notify the execution team immediately! Send me the previous test product, and be sure to bring me the No. 1 product!"

"Yes, sir!"

At the bottom of the laboratory, the thick steel door of the warehouse slowly opened, revealing jar-like containers.

"Sir, you have an order to activate all experimental products to hunt down the defective product No. 1!"


The glass container slowly unfolded, and biochemically modified humans with distorted faces walked out of the laboratory.

Chapter 483: Another spider monster?

There was a rush of footsteps in the dim underground base.

Murphy scanned the structural diagram of the entire underground fortress through his mechanical eyes, looking for a way to leave the cage.

"Found it! Behind this wall."

Murphy stopped in front of a thick high wall. Looking at the blue-grey wall in front of him, Murphy became extremely excited.

"Behind this wall is freedom!"

He stretched out his hand to touch the high wall leading to freedom. However, when he saw his palms that had been transformed into mechanical bionic prosthetics, he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Me! Will I still be able to go?"

Suddenly realizing that he was no longer an ordinary human being, Murphy's whole body trembled uncontrollably.

Yes, I am no longer a human being, but a transformed weirdo. Even if I escape from here, can human society still accept me?

At this time, he hesitated, and suddenly he felt that it might be the best choice for him to die in the explosion.

"Target found! Target found!"

However, there was no time for Murphy to think about the future. A biochemically modified monster had already discovered Murphy's location.

"Target found, target found, Hydra program started!"

The transformed monster's eyes flashed with red light, and the twisted figure changed again. The originally thin figure instantly expanded and turned into a spider monster with six arms.

"Product No. 1, stop resisting and come back with me now. This will save you from the pain of being dismantled!"

Looking at the ferocious spider cyborg in front of him, Murphy felt his back numb.

But when he thought that they were just like him, they were once ordinary people, but they were deceived or forcibly captured by OmniCorp and transformed. For a while, Murphy's sense of responsibility as a police officer came to his mind again.

"Go back? No! Absolutely impossible. You are also victims who were captured and reformed by them. Join me in resisting OmniCorp!"

"Resist OmniCorp?"

Suddenly the spider monster laughed.

"All reformed warriors must always be loyal to OmniCorp and Hydra!"

As the laughter fell, the spider monster rushed straight towards Murphy.

"Wake up! Stop being brainwashed by OmniCorp!"

Murphy was still trying to awaken the consciousness of the spider-modified man. Facing the spider monster's attack, Murphy kept dodging, but had no idea of ​​fighting back.

In his current view, they were just victims as sad as himself.

"Stop resisting Product No. 1, the transformation warriors must always be loyal!"

The Spider Cyborg shouted slogans of allegiance and punched out several times.

Murphy hurriedly dodged, and the weirdo's fist hit the thick high wall.

A large hole was directly punched out of the seemingly solid high wall, and what lay beyond the high wall turned out to be New York City's intricate sewer system.

"Stop resisting, surrender immediately, stop resisting!"

"Wake up! Stop being brainwashed!"

Murphy dodged while shouting at the spider cyborg, trying to awaken his controlled mind.

However, the Spider-Cyber, whose personal consciousness has been completely wiped out, has long been reduced to a weapon of OmniCorp. How could he be easily awakened by Murphy?

"Damn it, isn't there any other way? No! Maybe there is still a chance."

In desperation, Murphy decided to leave here first. He wanted to expose OmniCorp's affairs.

In this way, we might be able to save those transformed people like ourselves.

Murphy dove into New York's complex sewer system.

Qian?!,?!Xun:'';Free;:!Fee:small"'said?skirt;':''2.!5?"!5'!,?5'9;.':5.3:; ,0'0 "Product No. 1, you can't escape!"

After the Spider Cyborg uploaded his coordinates to the system, he chased Murphy in the direction where he escaped.


This complex sewer system already existed when the city was founded. As the city developed over time, this intricate sewer system was expanded again and again.

In today's sewer system, even experienced pipes are admittedly unable to say that they can easily find the correct exit without the help of a map.

However, all this is no problem at all for Murphy.

Through scanning, the three-dimensional structural diagram of the sewer system was presented directly in front of him. According to this map, Murphy quickly found the exit.

On the street, a little girl was holding a lollipop in her hand. Suddenly she seemed to hear some noise, looked at the manhole cover on the ground and slowly squatted down.

Suddenly, the manhole cover that had been covered with dust for a long time was pushed open, and a black mechanical arm poked out from the sewer.

Murphy poked his head out of the sewer and bumped into the little girl head-on.

"Hey kids, what neighborhood is this?"

However, when the little girl saw the Cyborg Murphy emerging from the sewer, her lollipop was so frightened that she dropped it to the ground.

"Ah——! Mom! Mom's weird uncle crawled out of the ground!"

The little girl screamed and ran away.


Murphy was a little helpless. He knew that he was a little scary like this, but there was nothing he could do.

When no one was around, he quickly rushed into the alley.

He dug out some shabby clothes from the trash can and put them on to cover up his mechanical body.

After confirming his location, Murphy decided to go to the police station first, because he knew that appearing in front of ordinary people would only cause panic.

Only by going to the police station, finding Director George, and explaining everything about OmniCorp to him can we save those modified people like ourselves.


However, just as Murphy was about to leave, he heard a commotion coming from outside the alley.

"Ah——! Monster!"

"Help! The monster is killing someone!"

"Child! My child!"

"The child was caught by a monster! Someone come and save the child!"


"what happened?"

Murphy frowned and hesitated for a moment, but finally decided to go and see the situation.

I saw that on the street where he just climbed out of the sewer, a huge spider web blocked the intersection. Several innocent passers-by were wrapped into giant cocoons and hung upside down on the spider web. One of them It was the little girl Murphy had bumped into before.

The Spider Cyborg stood on top of the spider web and shouted to the chaotic crowd.

"No. 1, I know you are here. If you don't want anything to happen to them, just show up! Otherwise I will kill them all!"

"Asshole! This guy actually dares to use innocent passers-by as hostages!"

Murphy was furious. Although he knew that this was a trap for him, he could not leave these ordinary people alone.

In the end, Murphy tore off the simple disguise on his body, unfolded his black goggles and walked out of the corner.

"Asshole, your target is me, please turn innocent passers-by away."

"Hahaha, No. 1, I knew you would come out. Your so-called sense of justice will never let you leave them alone."

The Spider Cyborg stood on top of the web and laughed.

"Just surrender yourself, you can't resist us!"

At the same time, a group of biochemically modified soldiers emerged from the sewers and surrounded Murphy.

"The boss! Then tear him into pieces!"

Suddenly all the biochemical soldiers swarmed forward and rushed towards Murphy.

"Warning, danger detected, combat mode activated."


A red line lit up above Murphy's dark goggles, and Murphy's whole aura became fierce.

Chapter 484: Spider sacrifices to heaven again, Xiao Ming and Wang

The chaotic fighting on the streets soon attracted the attention of the police, and Director George dispatched the technology team immediately.

"what is happening?"

"I don't know, Director! A lot of biochemically modified people suddenly appeared on the street, as well as a spider monster, and a black guy fighting them."

After the technology team surrounded the scene, Director George arrived belatedly.

"Damn, where did these guys come from?"

Director George cursed lowly and looked at the hostage bound by the spider web.

"No matter what, let's save the innocent first!"

"Yes, Director George! Technology team, follow me!"

At the call of Director George, members of the science and technology team launched a rescue operation. Seeing that someone wanted to save people, the biochemically modified people immediately surrounded them.

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