"No, I have to, I have to... move!"

However, his body was severely damaged, and it was extremely difficult for him to even move a finger.


Plit raised his hand and struck Murphy on the head with a cannonball iron fist.


The black goggles were shattered into pieces, and Murphy was thrown away.

However, Plit would not let him go so easily. He dodged and jumped over Murphy, raising his fist again.

"I said, I will let you die in extreme pain!"

Now it's a punch.


The ground trembled, and even the cement pier collapsed in front of the huge force, and Murphy's entire body sank into the ground.

"Tch, are you dead? I haven't had enough fun yet!"

Plit moved his neck, and the metal joints made a crisp sound.


However, Murphy in the pit let out a stubborn groan, as if it was a provocation.

"Haha, it is indeed the proud work of old Norton. It is really strong."

With that said, Plit reached out and fished Murphy out of the pit.

"That's just right, let me see how strong you are."

He pinched Murphy's neck with one hand, grabbed his thigh with the other, and then stretched his whole body upright.

"Not bad, so can you still hold on tight now?"

Strength increases again.

"Click~! Click!"

A series of metal cracking sounds sounded. In the face of absolute power, even the crystallization of technology could not hold up.

"The farce ends here."

A low male voice sounded, and a sudden figure appeared in the chaotic battlefield.


Plit looked back disdainfully and saw a man wearing a black suit with a cigar in his mouth standing on the battlefield.

"Who are you? Did you come here to die?"

Carmine touched the ash on the cigar, blew out a puff of thick smoke and said.

"I have protected this person."

Pritt laughed as if he had heard a big joke.

"Hahahahaha~! What are you talking about? Did you protect this person? Who gave you the courage to talk to me like this."

"Who gave me the courage? Our king."

As soon as he finished speaking, the burning cigar fell to the ground, splashing a series of sparks.


A burst of strange rays of light appeared, and Carmine revealed Fangire's true appearance.

Knight Carmine, Centaur Fangire.

I saw a colorful steel shield in his hand, a sharp blade, and a dangerous aura all over his body.

Plit suddenly became interested and threw Murphy away like trash.

"It turns out you are a monster too."

"Monster? You are not allowed to insult the great Fangire clan!"

The sound of horse hooves sounded, and Carmine rushed straight towards Pritt...

In the laboratory, Mu En looked at Murphy, who was lying on the experimental table and almost expired.

"So, you brought him back?"

Carmine nodded.

"Yes, Your Majesty King, you asked me to take care of him before, but he was secretly plotted under our noses, so this time I decided to bring him back without permission, but I don't know whether he is dead now." Still alive."

Mu En did not respond, just looked at Murphy and muttered to himself.

"Murphy, RoboCop Murphy, it turns out it's you. It sounds like fate, so I'll give you another chance."

After that, Izzy started, and the robotic arms stretched out from the laboratory.

Chapter 487: A nightmare?

He didn't know how long he had been sleeping, but Murphy repeatedly felt an electric current passing through his body. His whole body was numb, but it was this burst of electric current that woke him up from his dormancy.

Opening his eyes, Murphy found that he actually appeared in the rental house where he lived, and he was really lying on the familiar bed.

"Why am I at home?"

Murphy rubbed his eyes, and suddenly he was surprised to find that his hand had recovered.

It is no longer a pair of cold mechanical prosthetics, but a pair of real palms.

"My hand has recovered! What on earth happened?"

Suddenly sleepless, Murphy quickly checked his body. It was as complete as before, as if time had returned to before the explosion.

Everything that happened before was like a nightmare. Is the nightmare finally over now?

"Am I still dreaming? But do transformed people also dream? Or is it that what I experienced before is just like a nightmare."

Murphy felt that the best explanation was that he had a very long nightmare, and in the dream, he was beaten to death by Plit. Because of his death, he woke up now.

"How long are you going to keep talking to yourself like that?"

A somewhat familiar voice sounded, and Murphy realized that there was another person in the room.

"It's you!"

And Murphy also recognized that the person who appeared in his home was actually the student he saw outside the orphanage that day, but why did he appear in his home?

Mu En didn't know how many reasons Murphy had in his mind right now, so he just asked.

"How do you feel? Is there any discomfort in your body?"


Murphy felt it carefully, and there seemed to be nothing wrong. Instead, he felt that he was full of strength now.

"I feel great about myself and there is nothing uncomfortable about me, but it's you, why are you in my house?"

Mu En pulled up a chair and sat down, explaining.

"Okay, let me introduce myself first. My name is Mu En, the director of Valentine Welfare Home. I think you should have heard of me."

"Mu'en? The director of Valentine's Welfare Home?"

Murphy suddenly remembered that his director seemed to have mentioned such a person.

"But, what does this have to do with you appearing in my house?"

"Indeed, this has nothing to do with my appearance in your home, but before that, I have another identity, that is, as your attending physician."

"My primary care physician?"

Mu En crossed his legs and smiled.

"Yes, but judging from your reaction, my treatment was quite successful."

Murphy suddenly realized that he was probably not dreaming, but the young man in front of him made everything look like a dream.

"So, it's all nothing, I'm still the reformed person, right?"

Mu En nodded.

"Congratulations on your correct answer. When you showed up in my laboratory, you were basically not far away from death. I cured you because of our close relationship. By the way, your previous appearance was too ugly. I By the way, I’ll help you level up.”

Murphy looked at his appearance, which was the same as that of ordinary people. He felt a little incredible. This touch and texture were not original to him?

"How? I can't even tell if it's my own body or not."

"It's not difficult. It just uses a bit of technology that my teacher used badly."

After saying that, Mu En pressed the bracelet, and a holographic projection unfolded in front of Murphy.

"Let's not talk about anything else. Take a look at this first."

In the projection, the New York Police Department was caught in a sea of ​​fire, and a large number of police officers were injured.

"What the hell is going on? Someone actually dares to attack the police station. Who is so brave!"

After saying this, Murphy reacted suddenly.

"It's them! It's OmniCorp, right?"

Mu En nodded.

"Yes, just when I was repairing you, the group of biochemically modified people attacked the New York Police Department. Fortunately, the Kamen Rider took action in time to prevent the disaster from further expanding. So, what are your plans next?"

Murphy fell into thought.

Looking at the silent Murphy, Mu En swiped his hand, and the image in the projection turned into a biochemically modified man. Even though he only had one head left, he still spoke in that threatening tone. .

"New York police, listen, I give you three days to hand over Murphy and his accomplices, otherwise we will bulldoze the entire city. Don't expect your heroes to save you. They will always have no scruples. When it arrives, consider this attack a warning to you!”

After the recording was played, his head exploded, leaving a deep pit on the ground.

"Okay, I have already conveyed what needs to be conveyed. As for what you want to do, I won't ask. As long as you don't take the initiative to expose it, no one will discover your identity as a transformed person. If you want to return to a peaceful life, Then leave this city. As for medical expenses..."

As he spoke, Mu En looked around at the room where Murphy lived. It was extremely shabby. As an elite police officer of the police headquarters, as long as he received some benefits, he would not be like this.

"Forget it, just think of it as a good deed. I'm not short of money anyway. Goodbye."

After saying that, Mu En turned around and left Murphy's residence.

A luxurious Lincoln limousine was parked on the street. Seeing Mu En walking out of Murphy's residence, Carmine quickly got out of the car and opened the door for Mu En.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"Serving His Highness the King is what a subordinate should do."

After Mu En got in the car, Carmine closed the door and quickly returned to the driver's seat and started the car.

Sitting on the comfortable back seat, Mu En was a little uncomfortable for a while.

"I can do this kind of thing by myself. You don't actually need to follow me."

"No, no, no, what happened to Officer Murphy today is mainly due to his subordinate's dereliction of duty, and Bishop also said that as a subordinate, he should share your worries."

Mu En rubbed his eyebrows, okay, I should have thought of it a long time ago. Following the bishop will sooner or later become the next bishop.

Carmine drove the car slowly towards the orphanage. After being silent for a long time, Carmine still couldn't help but ask.

"Your Highness King, there is something I don't understand."

"What's the matter? Tell me."

"Why are you so comfortable letting Officer Murphy leave? What if, I mean what if, it's not that you don't believe in His Highness's decision, but what if Officer Murphy chooses to leave the city?"

Mu En said calmly.

"If he chooses to leave, then let him leave. I have left restrictions on him. As long as he chooses to survive peacefully, the power in his body will be blocked forever. In this case, he will just He is just an ordinary person who is healthier than ordinary people. As for those biochemically modified people, they cannot make much of a splash."

"Then His Highness King, what if he chooses to stay?"

"Choose to stay?"

The corners of Mu En's mouth raised slightly.

"Then let's prepare to witness the birth of a brand new hero."

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