Just when the man was about to fire a warning shot, a figure flashed outside the window, and a shield flew directly over, instantly breaking through the glass of the window and hitting him directly on the head.

Meanwhile, Steve flies in through the broken window.

"It's over, your plan ends here!"

Bartok ignored Steve and turned around to escape. As long as he escaped to the kitchen, even Captain America couldn't do anything to him if there were hostages.

When Steve saw the man running away without looking back, he picked up the shield on the ground and chased after him. However, Bartok managed to get rid of Steve because he was not familiar with the actual situation of the ship.

At the same time, on the other side, Rumlow led a commando team to successfully raid the kitchen and rescued all the hostages.

"Captain, the rescue mission is completed and all hostages were successfully rescued. However, Agent Natasha did not make peace. It may be that the enemy is still resisting."

Steve nodded.

"I know, I encountered a situation here. Bartok Jean escaped, but I will catch up with him. Natasha received the signal and immediately joined Rumlow."

As Steve was talking, he saw a figure appearing at the corner ahead, and he immediately cut off the communication.

"Target found, contact is suspended."

Steve picked up the shield and touched it. After finding the right angle, he lowered the shield and hit Bartok in the back of the head.

"it's over!"

However, Steve saw a horrifying scene. A green monster with a company commander who looked like a bug pierced Bartok's chest with his arm, and Bartok was already dead.


Steve was startled and immediately distanced himself from the weirdo.

"Gurgling and coughing!"

The weirdo uttered a strange musical scale from his mouth, and then rushed towards Steve.

His claws are as sharp as razors and can easily pierce a person's body. Fortunately, Steve has a shield to protect him.

"Attention everyone, I seem to have found the murderer who killed the mercenaries in the engine room. The other party is in trouble!"

After saying that, Steve found an opportunity, swung out a shield with his backhand, and hit the weirdo's head hard.

Hearing Bang's sound, the weirdo took several steps back. If it were an ordinary human being, he would have died long ago.

Steve moved his neck, remembering the strange people who had appeared in New York during this time.

"Dopant, Amazon, modified human beings? No, it doesn't seem to be the case. Why is there an inexplicable monster appearing again?"

Chapter 495, Steve VS Daphne Grunge

Steve held a shield and fought with the green monster that suddenly appeared. After several fights, no one was able to get much benefit from the other's hands.

The height of Daphnia Gurungi is not much higher, and his body has been modified by Hydra. Now he has only one order, which is to get rid of everyone on this ship.

"Gurgling and coughing!"

Daphnia Grunki screamed and charged towards Steve again.

Thousands!";.Xun;Free"',,charge?:;.small",said!'.?,skirt.,""2.5;.,5!!5;:9!5?'3?,0 !.0  He jumped up and kicked Steve in the chest. Steve hurriedly defended himself with a giant shield.


A muffled sound directly kicked Steve several meters away.

"What a brute force."

If the shield in his hand hadn't been made of vibranium, it would have deflated at this moment, but Steve was no longer a vegetarian.

While steadying his body, he turned around and threw the shield out. Daphnia Gurungi turned his head to avoid it, and the shield flew past his head.

At the same time, Steve on his shoulder lost his shield for self-defense and rushed over directly.

However, Steve's shield bounced back and forth several times on the ship's various equipment, and then hit Daphne Gurungi directly on the back of the head. ,


The unsuspecting Daphne Grungki was knocked to the ground. Steve took the opportunity to catch the shield, rushed up and slapped Daphne Grungki on the head.

The shield hit the water flea Gurungi's head, and Gurungi's head hit the deck of the ship. A burst of attacks made a thumping sound across the entire deck.

If it were an ordinary person who was his opponent, Steve wouldn't be so harsh. However, during this period of time, he has experienced too many strange events and seen too many weirdos.

He understands that these guys have strange vitality. If you don't fight with all your strength and the consciousness of killing, then you will most likely die in your own mercy.

Moreover, there is no need for mercy towards weirdo Steve. He has his own principles, but he is not a holy lady who is kind to all monsters.


A heavy blow fell, and the entire head of Daphnia Grunge was pushed into the steel casting deck.

"do you died?"

In order to confirm the other party's status, Steve raised the shield and hit it on the head of Daphne Grunge.

However, how could Gurungi die so easily? Taking advantage of the moment Steve raised his shield, he suddenly got up.

The sharp claws went straight to Steve's face.

When Steve saw this, he hurriedly wanted to raise his head.

The sharp claws directly grazed Steve's mask, and the blue mask instantly shattered.

Taking advantage of Daphnia Gurungi's body to stiffen, Steve quickly retreated and opened a safe distance.

"Well, I don't really like this mask in the first place, so he doesn't have to carry these."

With that said, Steve took off the still damaged mask and moved his neck.

"Come on, let's start round two and show me that I can last all day in a fight like this!"

As Steve took the initiative to attack, he had already discovered that although this guy was extremely powerful and had a set of extremely sharp claws, his brain seemed to be not working very well. After every attack, There is significant stiffness.

After discovering the opponent's weakness, Steve launched an offensive, deliberately exposing flaws to lure the opponent to attack, and then seized the opportunity to use his shield to block the opponent's attack. At the same time, a shield hit Grunki's head.

The two were fighting while shifting the battlefield. Steve kept moving Grunge to places with more walls. With the help of walls and corners, Steve's shield kept ejecting, and then hit Grunge from unexpected angles. .

After a series of pulling attacks, Steve found that the opponent's reaction was obviously getting slower and slower.

"Are you about to lose your hold? Then take my last move."

Steve threw the shield in his hand horizontally, and then charged towards Grunge alone.

The moment he approached Grunge, the deadly claws also stabbed towards Steve's heart.

However, the next moment.


The shield ejected from the other side hit the arm of Daphne Grunge hard, and then Steve punched it hard on the face, and at the same time hit the wall and bounced again. Hui's shield fell into Steve's hands again, and he slapped Grunge's thigh horizontally. Grunge instantly lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Steve held the shield with both hands, and then struck Grunge with a heavy blow in the face.


This heavy blow directly shattered the control chip deeply embedded in Gurungi's brain. The broken chip directly triggered the emergency program set by Hydra in advance.


The Daphnia Grunge exploded immediately, and although Steve raised his shield in time to defend, his whole body was also thrown away.


Steve, who was thrown away, crashed through a door, but Natasha was in the room copying the information Nick Fury needed.

"Really, the weirdos that appear these days always explode."

Steve dusted himself off, then looked at Natasha and asked.

"So what are you doing?"

Natasha didn't think there was anything generous to answer.

"Backing up the data, of course."

"It's a good habit to make backups, but can you first explain why you didn't go to support Rumlow and instead backed up data here?"

As Steve walked to the computer, he saw the content on the computer. Although he didn't understand computers, he could see that what Natasha was backing up was some of SHIELD's plan data. This was very strange. Suspicious, these plan data can obviously be obtained directly at the headquarters, and Nick Fury asked Natasha to make backups here.

After adding some information that Mu En had shown him, Steve had some guesses in his mind.

However, he did not show it directly, but said angrily.

"Our mission is to rescue the hostages, not to rescue data. Why are you uneasy about planning an operation?"

After the data was saved, Natasha pulled out the USB flash drive and patted Steve's chest muscles and said.

"That was your mission, well done."


S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters, Tri-Wing.

Steve stormed into Nick Fury's office.

"Do you only tell lies Nick Fury?"

Facing the menacing Steve, Nick Fury looked extremely calm.

"I didn't lie. After all, I never said that Nomanov's mission was the same as yours."

"Shouldn't you tell me this before the mission starts? Do you know what information sharing is?"

Steve came to Nick Fury, slapped the table and asked.

"If everyone in the team I lead is looking down on me, how can I lead such a team? You want me to continue working for SHIELD, but you don't even give me information sharing and complete command rights. Yes What's the meaning?

Do you know what kind of monster appeared on that ship this time? The hostages may die at any time! "

However, Nick Fury raised his eyebrows and then said.

"So, I sent the best soldiers, and you completed the mission brilliantly, didn't you?"

Steve felt that he was extremely angry now. This guy never told him the complete information from the beginning to the end, and it was like he was using him like a monkey.

"The soldier you mentioned should have retired seventy years ago. Nick Fury, I have no obligation to do anything for you."

Chapter 496, Insight Plan?

Steve was already dissatisfied with what SHIELD had done, especially since he knew that SHIELD had done too many dirty things.

"Nick Fury, you know, I feel like you have never trusted me. I'm afraid all of us are just pawns in your eyes to help you achieve your goals. Am I right?"

In fact, everyone knows some things very well, and there is only a layer of window paper between them to reveal the truth.

However, the actions of Nick Fury and those politicians have made Steve's patience reach a certain limit. He simply broke through the window paper and spoke clearly.

Seeing that Steve could no longer tolerate it, Nick Fury also put away his original casual expression, stood up and stared at Steve with his remaining eye and said seriously.

"Trust? Do you know what happened the last time I trusted someone? I lost an eye."

Instead he continued.

"Steve, I understand that Professor Erkins chose you because you have an upright heart, but integrity alone is not enough to enjoy protecting this world. Sometimes some dark means are needed.

I hate to ask you to do anything you don't want to do, but Agent Norman Love is just like the rest of us, and there's nothing we can't do. "

Although Nick Fury's words sounded better than his singing, Steve still argued.

"If everyone under me is doing their own thing, how do you want me to lead this team?"

"This is called differentiated management. No one knows all the secrets, so no one will leak them."

Steve smiled.

"Haha, no one will know all the secrets, but except you, right? Do you know what you are like? A dictatorial emperor."

Nick Fury frowned, stood up straight and said to Steve.

"Captain! You misjudged me. I know what sharing is, and I will share it with you. After all, I am so friendly."

As he spoke, he walked towards the door and waved to Steve, gesturing for him to follow.

Under the leadership of Nick Fury, Steve passed through the corridors one after another, and then entered an elevator.

While entering the elevator, an electronic mechanical sound sounded.

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