A disc-shaped shell came out of the barrel instantly and flew towards the bottom of the car.


With an explosion, Nick Fury's entire car flew up, and then fell heavily to the ground upside down.

The mysterious assassin swaggered towards Nick Fury, grabbed the car door with one hand, and then tore the door off directly.

It's a pity that Nick Fury is also an old fox who has experienced many battles. There was no one in the overturned car, except for a cut hole, which was connected to the sewer, but he still allowed him to escape.


As night fell, after meeting his aging lover, Steve went to the Veterans Service Center. After chatting with Sam for a while, he felt a little more comfortable.

He rode his motorcycle back to his temporary apartment, chatted with the neighbor girl for a while and then walked to his room.

However, he was vigilant and discovered something unusual. Someone had entered his house!

Steve immediately became alert. Instead of entering through the front door, he went around to the back and opened the window.

After confirming that there was no one behind him, he carefully climbed into his home.

Suddenly, he seemed to hear music coming from his room, playing his favorite vinyl record. He picked up a chair and walked cautiously towards the room.

But when he saw who was lying in his room listening to music, he put down his chair again.

That person was Nick Fury, who had just escaped death.

"I don't think I gave you the key to my house, right?"

However, Nick Fury asked rhetorically.

"But it seems like you didn't go through the main entrance when you came back just now, right?"

Chapter 501: Nick dies and Mu En returns to plan.

Looking at the embarrassed Nick Fury, Steve was a little confused as to what made him, an old fox hiding behind, look like this.

"Why did you come to my house?"

Then Nick Fury suddenly said something.

"I was kicked out by my wife."

Steve was stunned. You, a bald braised egg with a grimace, still have a wife?

"I didn't even know you had a wife."

Nick Fury smiled.

"There's a lot you don't know about Steve."

Steve raised his eyebrows, something strange. This old fox usually calls his captain and rarely calls himself by his first name. There must be something wrong with this.

"Yeah Nick, there's a lot I don't know, and that's where our problem lies."

With that said, Steve stepped forward and turned on the light in the room.

However, Nick Fury made a gesture of not moving, then turned off the lights in the room, then took out his mobile phone and quickly typed a line of words on it.

[There are monitors everywhere here. 】

Steve frowned. Although he knew that he was being monitored by SHIELD, he didn't expect that even his own room had a monitor installed.

However, Nick Fury continued to talk about the topic he just talked about.

"I'm sorry that I came here without your permission, but I really have nowhere to go."

As he spoke, he entered another paragraph of characters on his phone.

[There is a traitor in S.H.I.E.L.D.]

However, Steve, who had already received Mu En's reminder, was not too surprised and just asked.

"Who else knew you were kicked out?"

"Just my friends."

friend? You, a black braised egg that anyone can use, have friends. What kind of people are your friends there?

A certain knight who was hunting vampires in Europe suddenly sneezed.

"Then are we still friends?"

Nick Fury was silent for a moment.

"That's up to you. Maybe we can still be friends, right?"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a gunshot was heard.

A bullet pierced Nick Fury's chest and hit the wall.


Steve searched and locked the sniper's position. In order to prevent him from taking another shot, he directly dragged Nick Fury to the blind spot of his vision, and then prepared to catch the sniper.

However, Nick Fury grabbed Steve and took out a USB flash drive.

"Do not trust anyone!"

After saying that, he fainted, and the female agent responsible for monitoring him outside rushed in immediately.

"Captain! Captain Rogers, I am Agent 13 of SHIELD's special service team. I am here to protect you."

"Protect me? Who sent you!"

Agent Kate walked into the room with a gun raised, and was stunned when she saw Nick Fury lying on the ground.

"It's him."

Steve glanced at the back of the guy outside.

"You watch him, I'll chase him!"

He left a word and rushed out directly.

A quick step jumped up from the balcony, and then landed smoothly on the building opposite.

The killer was a little surprised to see someone chasing him, but he turned and left without doing anything more.

"Don't even think about leaving!"

He broke through a glass window and rushed to the rooftop of the tall building opposite, then picked up the iron sheet on the side and threw it towards the man.

The iron sheet made a cracking sound in the air, as if a handle was flying.

However, the man directly raised a silver mechanical arm, and then directly grabbed the speeding Ironhide.

The killer with smoky make-up looked at Steve coldly, and then directly threw Ironhide back.

Steve instinctively dodged, but by the time he recovered, the mysterious killer had already disappeared under the building.


Steve had no choice but to hammer the wall and create a deep pit, but he did not intend to continue the pursuit and had to go back to check on Nick Fury's condition.


After returning from Kama Taj, Mu En felt a lot more relaxed. Out-of-body experience was a very strange experience, but he didn't want to experience it a second time.

However, when he walked into the base, his steps stopped.

"What's wrong with you?"

I saw Stark, Banner, Pasha and Kurim all gathered in the hall.

When Stark saw Mu En finally back, he grabbed Mu En's shoulders anxiously and said.

"Mu En, where did you go and didn't understand the phone call? Something big happened, do you know? The captain called just now. Nick Fury is dead!"


Mu En's first reaction was that he heard wrongly. Will that old fox Black Braised Egg die? Even if you lose Stark, he will live a good life.

But he quickly realized that the story of Steve, Nick Fury, and Captain America 2 has begun!

"Calm down, sit down and explain the situation clearly."

"Here's how it goes."

Just before Shepherd returned, Steve gave Stark a call. Nick Fury was assassinated where he lived in Washington, and was declared dead after the rescue efforts failed.

And he felt that these things were too strange, so he called Stark.

Dr. Banner added.

"Captain, he said that he saw the killer. That person had strength beyond ordinary people and a mechanical arm."

Stark continued.

"He hoped that I could find out something from this robotic arm, but I was also at a loss and didn't have many clues, so I wanted to come here to see if anyone had any news or ideas."

Mu En quickly integrated what the two of them said, and then calculated the progress of the development of the matter. A super human, coupled with a robotic arm, basically means Bucky, the Winter Soldier, doesn’t have to run.

The Winter Soldier appears, and Nick Fury also fakes his death, which means that Project Insight is about to begin, and Snake and Shield will reveal his true face.

This point in time can be said to be very critical, as it is related to the subsequent development of the Avengers. The destruction of Snake and Shield has a great relationship with the true independence of the Avengers.

At the same time, when looking at Stark, Mu En also remembered that the person who killed Stark's parents was Steve's good friend Bucky the Winter Soldier.

Although he was brainwashed and controlled by Hydra at that time, some things could not be passed so easily, and in the future this would become an important factor in Stark and Steve falling out and triggering a civil war.

Maybe I should try my best to ease the contradiction in this matter as much as possible, so that it won't be as big as the Superhero Registration Act.

But regarding this point, Mu En has not thought of a solution for the time being, and it is not the time to think about it now. He can only honestly say that he will wait for a while.

"I understand, don't panic, did Steve say where he is now?"

"When he talked to us on the phone before, he was still in the hospital. We don't know where he is now."

"Thanks Tony, I guess I'd better give him a call."

After that, Mu En asked Izzy to answer Steve's phone.

Steve, who had just cooperated with Agent Hill to complete the secret transfer of Nick Fury's body, answered the phone.

"Hey, Steve, it's me, Shepherd."

Steve was also stunned.

"Mu En, it seems that Stark has told you the situation. Have you discussed any plans? This time the situation may be a bit serious."

Although he is not very optimistic about SHIELD, after all, Nick Fury is the director of SHIELD, and the director has been assassinated, who knows what will happen next.

"I understand the situation. I think you should have your own plans now."

Mu En knew that Steve was not a person with brains and muscles. You must know that the super soldier serum strengthened more than just his body.

"Yes, but in order to avoid a bigger mess, that's why I called Stark."

Although Nick Fury told him not to trust anyone before he died, he still chose to believe in Stark and Shepherd.

Because he knows that if Mu En or Stark want to destroy the peace of this world, there is no need to use this method at all.

"Okay, then next, you may need to work hard to put on a good show. Maybe this time we can teach those rats who like to hide in corners an impressive lesson."

Chapter 502: Old Fox Pierce’s conspiracy, Steve enters the game

As someone who has read the script, Mu En naturally knows that the so-called SHIELD has actually been Snake Shield for a long time. This is why he has never had a good attitude towards SHIELD. However, What's more, Mu En doesn't really like black braised eggs and those self-righteous agents.

But now that he has come to this world, he will naturally not let Hydra live so easily. Those remnants evolved from NZ are no worse than others in their ability to stir up a hornet's nest.

During the phone call, Muen told Steve a few things and reminded him to be careful of SHIELD's top brass and some rats hiding in the corner, and then hung up the phone.

"Okay, everything has been explained clearly."

Stark raised his eyebrows, touched his mustache and looked at Mu En and said.

"So what do we need to do next?"

"do what?"

Mu En stretched and smiled.

"Of course I'll have a good night's rest and then prepare for the big battle ahead."

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